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Should I get Homefront?

I've heard that Homefront is amazing, the trailer looks amazing and I'm really tempted to get it but I'm not sure. What are your opinions on Homefront, is it better than black ops? (i want an honest opinion, not a whole response about how CoD is way better). Also, I heard that there are designated servers, is that true? So basically, do you think I should rent first or just go ahead and buy it?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would rent first, the campaign is only about 4-5 hours, and while the servers are excellent in multiplayer, it doesn't have the lasting appeal or refinement that black ops does with the ranking up system. After about a week I was sick of the Homefront multiplayer. Although, if you liked the Battlefield games you may enjoy it more than I did, as the maps and gameplay reminded me more of those games than COD.

  • 1 decade ago

    I own Homefront for the PC, but I am an avid xbox player. What I enjoy most about homefront is its multiplayer. This game has been made and engineered for multiplayer. Although the campaign is 4-5 hours long, it is still one beautiful looking and fun campaign. This game (in my opinion) has the hit registry as CoD MW2 while integrating the Vehicle system of any Battlefield game, thus taking two great things and combining them. The game did in fact come out not to long ago so there is still content that can be released as well as bug fixes. Overall I enjoy playing this game for it is unlike any other shooter I have played.

    Source(s): Myself and the game.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is only 4 hours or so but I really enjoy it. I watched a trailer of it earlier today and then played it at a friends place,we rented it, but I plan on buying it. I gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

    Pretty good, if you want to check the trailer video out I will post the blog or site its on below

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I too pre-ordered Homefront from best purchase as properly because of the fact i needed the creditors version headset. once I went to %. it up right this moment, I have been given the Turtle sea coast one. I called them to work out what the difficulty became and that they suggested that the business enterprise that despatched them the video games (maximum probably THQ) made a mixup and despatched the incorrect headphones and there became not something they'd do and there may well be no refunds or exchanges. Did you assert which you certainly have been given the headphones? best purchase instructed me that no person have been given them. the two way i'm uninterested with the completed subject and could be calling THQ while they open interior the morning to objective and get the Homefront ones, i'm going to enable you already know what i discover out. If it rather is the Turtle sea coast ones you prefer i may well be greater desirable than happy to commerce with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You might consider but i personally would wait for Battlefield 3 to Release it looks way better

  • 1 decade ago

    i wouldnt reccomend it, the story is so short that its only 5 hours long. the online is good but i'd rather suggest games like killzone 3 or crysis 2. maybe you should rent the game

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh yes yes yes you need that game but just in case rent it every body has an opinion.(way better than black opps)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the multiplayer has crashed and they are re-building the servers by the second. the servers them self are buggy and you can hardly join any good matches. just wait another week or so until it becomes fixed.

    Source(s): from owing the game and dealing with the issues
  • 1 decade ago

    if you have black ops or bad company 2 or crysis i would not recommend it because all of those games are relatively the same

  • CmS
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    one answer for ya

    **** NO

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