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Lv 2663 points

Steve Laughorn

Favorite Answers30%
  • What are some examples from classical Greece and Rome in modern culture?

    Are there any examples of classical themes from ancient Greece or Rome that you can think of in modern culture? I am mainly looking for examples from movies, tv, music, books, or misc. things.

    ex. The Atlas (book)

    The Eagle or Gladiator (movie)

    Little Caesars Pizza or The Orange Julius (misc.)

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • Good semi-cheap games to play?

    I have an xbox 360 and play it almost every day, I have about 16000 gamerscore which isn't that much but I think that it's more than average. Anyway, one of the things that I do is not buy games right away unless they are really good but wait half a year to two years until a good game is cheaper and play it from a couple of weeks. Any good ideas on some games that I could do that with in the near future, buy or rent for a while?

    A few of the games that i've been looking at are Army of Two, Prototype, Borderlands, and Fallout. Also, which Fallout: 3 or New Vegas?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Which of these brands of gum is your favorite?

    Stride, 5 gum, Trident, and Orbit. Also, what are your favorite flavors from each brand?

    Please include your gender and age too, this is for a survey.

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • Which of these brands of gum is your favorite?

    Stride, 5 gum, Trident, and Orbit. Also, what are your favorite flavors from each brand?

    Please include your gender and age too, this is for a survey.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Which of these brands of gum is your favorite?

    Stride, 5 gum, Trident, and Orbit. Also, what are your favorite flavors from each brand?

    Please include your gender and age too, this is for a survey.

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • Which of these brands of gum is your favorite?

    Stride, 5 gum, Trident, and Orbit. Also, what are your favorite flavors from each brand?

    Please include your gender and age too, this is for a survey.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What is your favorite kind of gum?

    Favorite gum out of: 5 gum, stride, dentyne, eclipse, trident, or other.

    Tell me your favorite, rank them, rate them, or whatever.

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • What is your favorite kind of gum?

    Favorite gum out of: 5 gum, stride, dentyne, eclipse, trident, or other.

    Tell me your favorite, rank them, rate them, or whatever.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What is your favorite kind of gum?

    Favorite gum out of: 5 gum, stride, dentyne, eclipse, trident, or other.

    Tell me your favorite, rank them, rate them, or whatever.

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • What is your favorite kind of gum?

    Favorite gum out of: 5 gum, stride, dentyne, eclipse, trident, or other.

    Tell me your favorite, rank them, rate them, or whatever.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • SOMEONE HELP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I just downloaded the Battlefield 3 Beta and after an hour of downloading, I started the game up. Now when I click multiplayer it says loading for like a minute and then it says 'The connection with EA Online was lost' Are the servers just full? Do I need to re-download it? Please please please help! I am freaking out right now!!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Good Movies for an English Project?

    I have to do an english project on the plot diagram or plot triangle (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) and we are supposed to choose any movie we want for the project. It cannot be rated R unless is is only rated that way because of violence or cursing (if they only do it a couple of times), no sexual interactions of any kind allowed. I like action movies and comedies the best but I'm thinking action would probably work the best for this project. I also prefer movies that are not super long and were made 2000 or since. Any ideas for movies that I could use?

    This has been reposted for new answers.

    5 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • Good Movies for an English Project?

    I have to do an english project on the plot diagram or plot triangle (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) and we are supposed to choose any movie we want for the project. It cannot be rated R unless is is only rated that way because of violence or cursing (if they only do it a couple of times), no sexual interactions of any kind allowed. I like action movies and comedies the best but I'm thinking action would probably work the best for this project. I also prefer movies that are not super long and were made 2000 or since. Any ideas for movies that I could use?

    This has been reposted for new answers.

    3 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • Good movies for english project?

    I have to do an english project on the plot diagram or plot triangle (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) and we are supposed to choose any movie we want for the project. It cannot be rated R unless is is only rated that way because of violence or cursing (if they only do it a couple of times), no sexual interactions of any kind allowed. I like action movies and comedies the best but I'm thinking action would probably work the best for this project. Any ideas for movies that I could use?

    3 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • High School Help Please?

    I'm going to be a freshman in high school this fall and I'm a little nervous about it. Any important tips to know that could help?

    -I'm taking a lot of advanced classes that will have upperclassmen in them

    -I already have a few sophomore friends

    -I've heard that a few of my teachers can be very mean

    -I only have friends in a couple of my classes

    -I have been a straight A/ 4.0 GPA student my whole life

    5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • WLAN on my laptop...?

    No matter what I do, this box wont move in the top left corner of my laptop. I turned it on one day and it was there. It is a transparent box (about1.5x1in) and it has a picture of a radio tower and underneath the tower it says WLAN. When I right click on it nothing happens and when I left click on it nothing happens.

    1) What is it?

    2) Is it bad?

    3) What does it mean?

    4) -most important- How do I get rid of it?

    Please Help.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Should I get Homefront?

    I've heard that Homefront is amazing, the trailer looks amazing and I'm really tempted to get it but I'm not sure. What are your opinions on Homefront, is it better than black ops? (i want an honest opinion, not a whole response about how CoD is way better). Also, I heard that there are designated servers, is that true? So basically, do you think I should rent first or just go ahead and buy it?

    11 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Windows Live/Xbox Gamertag Help?

    I have a windows live account and I tried to link it to my gamertag on but for some reason it made me a new gamertag and linked that instead. I've tried everything to switch to my actual Xbox Live Gamertag but can't figure out how. Please help.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago