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High School Help Please?

I'm going to be a freshman in high school this fall and I'm a little nervous about it. Any important tips to know that could help?

-I'm taking a lot of advanced classes that will have upperclassmen in them

-I already have a few sophomore friends

-I've heard that a few of my teachers can be very mean

-I only have friends in a couple of my classes

-I have been a straight A/ 4.0 GPA student my whole life

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Im going to be a senior in high school this fall, it's really not as bad as what people will tell you. If you stay out of people's way, you shouldn't get picked on, just try to make small talk to the people in your classes and it might lead on to something else later. Have your sophomore friends help introduce you to a few of their friends, that should help you too (: And for the teacher thing, they wont be mean to you if you dont piss them off, plus your a good student so you have nothing to worry about. Good luck!

  • 10 years ago

    I'm going to be a sophmore this year, and this is what I've learned from my freshman year:

    1. Confidence is the key to practically everything.

    2. A lot more people than you think will not initiate conversation, but initiating conversation with new people really isn't so scary. Ask their name, where they're from, how they're doing, if they're in any clubs or sports or music dept., etc. Just remind yourself, you have a million topics in the world you can talk about!

    3. Join clubs!! I regret not doing so my freshman year, I thought band would literally give me no time for anything else, but I was wrong, and I'm definitely joining at least 2 this year. It will also help you make new friends.

    4. TAKE GOOD NOTES. I cannot stress this enough! I've made the mistake PLENTY of times this past year alone of not taking notes and thinking I'll remember it anyways, it didn't work, and I did poorly on many tests. You said you're a straight A student though, so you probably know this.

    5. STUDY EVERY NIGHT. Whether it's reading over your notes from class that day, reading another chapter in your textbook, getting ahead on math homework, every bit helps so much, and freshmen usually fall back on bad habits and don't study because it's uncool and they could be on facebook instead. Just do it, it'll benefit you in the long run.

    6. Upperclassmen aren't as scary as they seem. Yes, they will be intimidating at first, but they were at where you are now at some point, so they understand what you're going through. However, upperclassmen will generally see you as: a) another annoying freshman b) another classmate c) a cool freshman. So just wait for them to talk to you, cause believe me, it'll probably happen at some point.

    7. Be incredibly polite to your teachers. Saying goodbye to them specifically, looking at them while they're talking, saying good morning/afternoon to them. This has saved me from multiple detentions, just because I was already on their good side.

    8. Don't be scared! It's really not as bad as you think it will be. When I started off, on my first day, it didn't even feel like school. It felt like more of an experience. And still does. Drama will come, people will spread rumors about you at some point, but there will be so many good things happening at the same time as well. So don't worry about it.

    I hope I helped (: Good luck!

    Source(s): personal experience
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I was a freshman last year so I can help you.

    1: Use this to your advantage just sit beside someone you don't know (upperclassmen) and talk to them, when they realize your cool and not an annoying little kid they can be a great source of new friends and parties.

    2: Same as above :)

    3: Well everyone always has a mean teacher no matter what grade so just deal and get threw the semester..if you have friends in the class it won't be that bad.

    4: That's ok! Make new friends in each class.

    5: Keep it up..don't get into dugs and DON'T SKIP!! Once you start it's hard to stop trust me I learned the hard way.

    Source(s): Straight A student :)
  • 10 years ago

    if you've been a straight A student your whole life then i don't have to tell you to do your homework, which is good. Don't be afraid or intimidated by the upperclassmen. They may be intimidated by you at first because you are a freshman in a class that took them as long as it did to get into, but if you are confident in yourself and in your abilities in those classes, then pretty soon those upperclassmen will respect you and maybe even ask for your help. and since you have sophomore friends, rely on them for information on teachers and tasks that happen throughout the school. use your resources.

    For the teachers that can be very mean, ignore them. They can't do anything to you or else they will be in serious trouble, always remember that. Just ignore them when they are mean and pay attention in class and do your work. If you do all your work and you do it well, then they will have no reason to be mean to you. don't give them one.

    Don't worry about not having a lot of friends in your classes. I guarantee you will make friends with your classmates. I almost never had friends in any of my high school classes or any of my college courses. In fact, i only ever had one friend from high school in any of my college classes. but I made friends and i promise you will to. so don't worry about that. just be personable. That's pretty much all there is to high school. do all of your homework and study hard and you won't fail.

  • Be yourself, and relax! Making friends is easy if you just do those two things. Make sure you are on time to class, teachers hate it when your late. Try to develop relationships with your teachers. That helps later on when you need help with something or need a favor like letters of recommendation for stuff. Most importantly, have fun!

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