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Good semi-cheap games to play?

I have an xbox 360 and play it almost every day, I have about 16000 gamerscore which isn't that much but I think that it's more than average. Anyway, one of the things that I do is not buy games right away unless they are really good but wait half a year to two years until a good game is cheaper and play it from a couple of weeks. Any good ideas on some games that I could do that with in the near future, buy or rent for a while?

A few of the games that i've been looking at are Army of Two, Prototype, Borderlands, and Fallout. Also, which Fallout: 3 or New Vegas?

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I recommend Prototype for a cool sandbox experience with crazy and unusual combat. Borderlands the graphics are to weird in my view. Fallout 3 I heard is better than New Vegas. My friend is a huge fallout fan and still plays 3 over Vegas. In my opinion though I think you should get Mass Effect 2 for $20. It is the greatest action RPG I have ever played. More action than RPG though. You really don't have to play the first one to know what is happening...

    Source(s): Experience
  • 9 years ago

    I work at gamestop, and the best bang for your buck senerios are the fallout series, halo 3, and modern warfare 2. Battlefield 3 goes on sell from time to time, and thats a good one to pick up. Army of two blows, prototype is fun for a few hours, and borderlands depends on the person. Ide pick up oblivion GOTY edition or even spend a little on skyrim. They will give you anywhere from 200-300 hours a peice.

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