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? asked in Food & DrinkOther - Food & Drink · 10 years ago

Which of these brands of gum is your favorite?

Stride, 5 gum, Trident, and Orbit. Also, what are your favorite flavors from each brand?

Please include your gender and age too, this is for a survey.

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    of the choices provided I would choose Trident. The flavors I choose are usually dependent on my mood and cravings. In high school i was usually chewing on a spearmint gum, i forget the name but it had a bright greenish yellow wrapper. I am a 30 year old male.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I prefer Extra because it is a long piece and I find long pieces more satisfying and lasting than others such as orbit, trident, & stride. I'll chew any gum by Extra, but most often: mint, watermelon, sweet tropical, key lime pie, & apple pie. Yum! I'm a mint girl though so spearmint is my favorite. From what you've provided I would say 5 gum in spearmint because I like mint and this brand comes in long strips too.~15 y.o. F

  • elsner
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    5 gum is the ultimate, in my opinion. Fave flavors of 5 gum might want to be React 2 fruit style, Flare, and Elixir. i do not truly bite those different kinds of gum, so I truly haven't any fave between them. i'm 15 and woman.

  • 10 years ago

    5 gum the spearment one with the green wrapper.............16 female

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