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Did he need to re-lacquer/re cleartop coat...Why didnt he re-lacquer/clear top coat?

Did he need to re-lacquer/re cleartop coat...Why didnt he re-lacquer/clear top coat?

When using one of those machine polishers buffer for a car and using a a "Special" abrasive compound (Top Layer of paint and inperfections) remover. (the ones that can cause paint burns if not used with a lot of water!

Does this automatically take off the lacquer aswell? or putting it another way is it the "done thing" to relacquer after this removal of top layer or even more so a very harsh on vid

Is this normal? I havent done it yet so i dont know.

When i hear of it taking off paint as i saw from a program (inset below (2.50 to 3.50)) it showed the paint on the buffer. the paint came up beautiful. what he didnt say was if the re laquered the car or not.

lacquer is on top of the paint yes? so im guessing when i saw paint on the spounge on the machine polisher, it must have taken off laquer/clear top coat aswell? if so why didnt he spray a clear topcoat or laquer it.


1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are going to redo the clear coat then you simply sand the base coat first. Polishing or buffing the paint is to bring out the shine not get it ready to be covered again and buffed out again. BTW, we have not used laquer paint since the 60`s. Most modern paints are water based,. Stop watching utube and get some real info on how to polish a car

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