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Lv 7
pip asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

A SERIOUS question for once on this sight?

Should the Constitution be amended to say that any person running for the office of president should be required to drop all party affiliations and run non-partisan (like justices do)? Pro's and Con's?


While the US Justices are appointed, the Justices here in my state have to run.. they have to run non-partisan.. and it is truly amazing how many people just absolutely can not tell you what party they came from before hand. Also, psychologically speaking, it is much easier for a person, any person, to objectively look at an issue if they don't have a social group behind them that they belong to pressuring them to jump in the line.

It would be a good move for the nation. But really, I was just curious what other people thought... I didn't post this to debate it here.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree, then many people would have to actually research the policies that the candidate is running on rather than just figuring out whether or not the candidate is a democrat or republican and making their minds up that way.

    I don't see any cons in this. We need more educated informed voters in this nation.

    Source(s): <3 Aubs
  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Justices don't campaign, and aren't voted into office.

    So, I say no.

    I mean, if Obama runs and says "OK, I dropped my party, I'm not a Democrat anymore"... who is going to buy that? People won't call him the Democratic candidate? Come on...

    People are not going to research more, if that's what you're hoping. They are not going to give up their addiction to tabloid politics and pundits.

    Most people have this false idea that the political elites created political parties to be cartels, but that's not how it originally happened. It was the people labeling ideas and grouping and stereotyping political platforms that drove the elites to label themselves. For some voters, all you had to be was a member of the right group to get support (not a whole lot different than today) and so politicians would pick the group that works best for them.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    the two maximum severe issues for precise shooting are (a million) perfect sight photograph, and (2) perfect set off administration. attempt focusing on the front sight of the gun. merely be sure you will discover it of course. interior the history you may desire to have the skill to be certain your objective, whether it heavily isn't in concentration. do not project some sharp objective photograph. leaf via your rear sight and concentration on the front sight. If it quite is sparkling, and it covers the objective, you're maximum probable going to hit it. set off administration is likewise significant. attempt unloading the gun, and visit a room without ammunition in it. Then prepare getting a sturdy sight photograph. objective at something (in a secure direction), and get ready pulling the set off. As you pull the set off, attempt to maintain the front sight protecting a fixed factor--do not permit it flow. as quickly as you have have been given the two those skills honed, you're waiting to flow to the variety and attempt with stay ammo. If, on the initiating of each shot, you persist with the 1st 2 steps, you are going to do large. confident, there is going to be some draw back. confident, you may desire to beat a sprint bit flinching. All this suggests is which you're unlikely to have the skill to make rapid persist with-up photographs. After each around, initiate the approach yet returned: Sight photograph, then shoot. Sight photograph, then shoot. sturdy success qualifying.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think they should always debate behind a screen, so you couldn't see their face as well.

    They can be a member of a party, but it should not be shown on the ballet.

    Interestingly, a few years back, members in one state wanted to change ballots to be printed in random order, so that when the liberals bus people to the polls and tell them to just check box 2, that would not work. It would require the people in the voting booth to actually know the candidate's names - the bare minimum. Even this was blocked.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Like that would ever happen. Politics is the #1 money making career. If you can't make it there then it is plastic surgery. Remember in our last prez election both candidates agreed on election money which is about as close to impartial as we will see, and then Obama decided not to honor that promise? And after his bringing pay for play out into the open with no one seriously objecting (no one who counts at any rate) no one is going to cut off any money avenue just to pretend to be non-partisan.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It would be interesting to know how many Independents, etc. voted for Obama. He gave really good speeches, had the unions and community organizers working for his election campaign, he's charismatic. That is what got him elected. Nobody questioned what he meant when he said, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming America." We are now seeing what he meant by that. If people would have questioned, and gotten answers, I wonder what the outcome would have been.

  • 1 decade ago

    No because the U.S. Constitution does not say you have to belong to a party to run for President so there is no need to amend it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Party affiliations don't win elections money wins elections. Who gives the most and who has the most to gain from whichever public official is elected.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wouldn't work,mentally they'd still have a bias.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I don't think pretending that you're not a democrat or republican anymore would help.

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