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Lv 7
LeAnne asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

More fear mongering from the left?

Harry Reid just stated that people wouldn't get cancer screening if the republicans succeed in de-funding Planned Parenthood abortions.

Cancer screening? At a Planned Parenthood clinic?

He went on to talk about his grandkids loosing their ability to get health care.

Do you believe they're getting their health care at government funded clinics?

To be blunt, he's lying....plain and simple!

How can democrats support such fear mongering when it's clearly riddled with lies?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Democrats can't win with logical arguments, so they go for emotional ones. This is nothing new. Reid's one of the worst, but his statement is as bad as Rep. Slaughter (D-NY), who said Republicans went to Congress specifically "to kill women": "In ’94 people were elected simply to come here to kill the National Endowment for the Arts. Now they’re here to kill women."

    Other recent "fun" rhetoric from the Left:

    - Republicans are carrying out "the functional equivalent of bombing citizens" ... "these Republicans are saying you don't count as American citizens"

    - Republicans want senior citizens to starve (Pelosi,et al)

    - The Tea Party has an "extreme" agenda (polls say a plurality of the public support it, so what's that say about the Dems' assessment of what is "extreme" and where THEIR agenda sits?)

    - Spending cuts will force kids to not go to school and then inevitably become criminals (Debbie Wasserman Schultz)

    - And of course, the classic: Conservatives are racist

    (There's more, but I don't have the time to grab it all now.)

    The gutless intellectual cowards posting "answers" claiming the Right are the real fearmongerers simply hand-wave this away because they can't contend with it: "Believe me, not your lying eyes!" Some Republicans have done a bit of exaggeration and I condemn that but not like big-name Democrats do on a regular basis; most supposed "fearmongering" from big-names on the Right is completely legitimate, as evidenced by the fact that pointing out facts such as our spending is unsustainable is called "fearmongering" by Leftists.

    Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill, not a legitimate health service. It's well-documented that they recommend abortion over other options regardless of circumstances (generally not even mentioning), that they have hidden statutory rape from authorities, they make the vast majority of their money doing abortions, etc. NOTHING non-abortion-related that PP does isn't already done by other already-existing non-controversial groups.

    Whether you think women have the right to choose abortion, or you think abortion is murder and murder is NOT a right nor is the unborn simply part of the woman's body, or you don't know for sure when human life starts but would simply prefer to err on the side of NOT possibly murdering an innocent, federal funding of abortion is an abomination and any organization that pushes abortion or offers it.

    "To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."

    - Thomas Jefferson

  • PAUL P
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hi, LeAnne

    Me being an outsider (canadian) I see that the States are going to have a hard time with health care.

    We have it down pat and then again the government use little changes to justify their jobs. There is going to be a lot of lies and deceit because they don`t know what they are talking about.

    Here if a person makes over a certain amount we pay 300$ more on tax day than others. (23000)

    Take care Paul

    Source(s): old age
  • 1 decade ago

    Darn right the LEFT is afraid! And rightfully so - The working public is sick and tired of being tapped to support the Welfare non-producers! And it is time to kick them off the government purse strings and let them live on their own ability!

    A) PP clinics DO NOT perform PAP smear testing for cancer.

    B) The purpose of the federal government is simple and clearly outlined in the constitution and Bill of Rights - It exists solely for the purposes of protecting the citizens of these United States from Armed Aggression from without and within. And to mediate disputes between the many states. PERIOD!

    Where on God's Green Earth did the concept of the "government" "country" what ever, being responsible for the health and welfare of it's citizens ( beyond protection from said armed aggression ) come from ?????

    It is time to KILL the Sacred Welfare Cow and phase out ALL forms of government support for ANYONE! The government is a necessary drain on society but there is absolutely no basis for "Those who can" being responsible for " those who won't"! and have figured out it is easy to live on a government welfare check as long as they keep popping out fatherless squalling brats with just enough IQ to figure out how to get pregnant and get their own checks!

    NO MORE DA_MIT!!!!

    IT is TIME to Kick the Blasted NEW DEAL Democrats AND the Activist Judges OUT!


    "No democracy can long survive the point when the voting public realizes that they can vote for themselves cake and circuses" Robert Heinlein

    Source(s): One who understands that a parasite is a parasite and that humans can can and will become the biggest parasites of all given any opportunity to latch onto a host!
  • 1 decade ago

    De-funding abortions has nothing to do with cancer screenings.

    Obama care is overreaching the bounds and scope of government.

    If you take an honest look at the Mass. state health care plan,it is exactly what Obama care is.

    People who cannot afford health insurance get fined (taxed) which makes insurance even harder to get.

    Employers dumped their health care plans as fast as they could because of increased costs in premiums.

    That forced people onto the government insurance plan if they could not get private insurance at affordable prices.

    Medical costs to the state went up and the people complain of long waits of days just to see a doctor for the first time (or any time).

    Health care reform is needed,but not with the government in charge,I saw a news report not long ago that said the UK was planning on doing away with their national plan because of out of control costs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Dems are SO AFRAID of a federal govt shutdown, because they KNOW that the sky will NOT fall, in fact, it would be a good thing. We would finally see what is essential,a nd what is not, and most of the big govt they have created is non-essential. They are so afraid that if a shutdown occurs, it will reveal that fact, for all to see. So they scream the "SKY WILL FALL" "GRAMMA WILL DIE!" ANN "CHILDREN WILL STARVE" if big govt is not controlling evetrything from cradle to grave for one week or one day or one month.

    I think the SNEAKIEST move was Obama holding our troops hostage over it, by overturning the OMB Reagan had in place, (and that Clinton adhered to in the 1995 shutdown) that would keep the troops paid. Of course, he wants to hurt our military, anyway he can, and this is the opportunity he chose!

    And he says the GOP is playing POILITCS????

    Obama plays nothing but politics in EVERYTHING HE DOES!

    I say, shut her down! And cut off HIS paycheck, until that 10 Trillion he spent in the last yr is paid off!

    Source(s): The "Book of Liz" is my source!
  • 5 years ago

    while people who've little education and/or low IQ, they lack any variety of intense thinking or analytic ability, so that they waiting to have faith the Media hoax.:"...easily the Media & Gov are so vast and so spectacular...they won't be incorrect or deceitful.." it is the final line of thinking of the customary public, and count number on the political trend of the interior sight, the dumb public could swallow finished those stupid propaganda. If the Political trend of the interior sight is "Cannibalism is ethical", then each and every of the fools will prosecute the non cannibalists . so because of the fact the present hoax of the so-called "epidermic" of all men as pedo and all women are Godess who love babies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're clearly ignorant of what a pap smear is... a screening for cervical cancer. A smart woman has it done once a year, with her regular pelvic exam. Do you really not know this?

    I can say with 100% confidence that, if Planned Parenthood is defunded, a vast number of women will simply not get their annual pelvic exams, which is part of regular health care. So uh... hopefully you just misunderstood what Reid was saying, and you're not really this... uninformed.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Left's ideological platform is built on lies and fear.

  • 1 decade ago

    plane and simple those bas$%&&** WILL SAY ANYTHING TO BE REELECTED

    we in canada are in the middle of a mud sling.

    take care

  • 1 decade ago

    That's the only way they know how to win since their followers believe everything they say.

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