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Bri asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 1 decade ago

Why are dairy products bad for a human diet?

I'm a vegetarian thinking of going vegan, but I need some info first.

6 Answers

  • Karina
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Milk and other milk and dairy products are completely unnatural. Human beings are the only species who drink milk from another species and the only ones who continue to drink milk after being weaned from it during infancy.

    Milk contributes to many health problems including diabetes, obesity, asthma, different cancers, the list goes on. Some doctors have also linked milk with autism in young children. Milk also contributes to osteoporosis. The calcium in milk is not meant for human consumption. Milk actually leaches the calcium from our bones contributing, causing osteoporosis (the 3 countries with the highest osteoporosis rates are the same countries with the highest dairy consumption, and USA is 3rd).

    Also, over 70% of the world's population is lactose intolerant, because most people lose the ability to break down lactose in their bodies after they are weaned off of breast milk.

    That's why its bad for a human diet. There are SO many more reasons why its bad ethically for the animals.

    Source(s): vegan :D
  • 1 decade ago

    In moderate amounts dairy foods are quite healthy. One of my rules is 'anything that has been eaten for a long time must have its healthy qualities' and we have been eating and drinking dairy products for millenia.

    Cow's milk is intended for baby cows and steers and they weigh a lot more and grow faster than we do. Milk is an intense food and is nutritionally dense.

    If you want to be vegan that's great but inclusion of a reasonable amount of dairy, for most people, will not cause health problems.

  • exsft
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Dairy products aren't bad for the human diet. Billions of people have consumed, are consuming and will consume dairy products without adverse effects You consumed dairy products long after infancy. Can you say you are sick and u healthy because of it as the vegan chicken littles are trying to scare you into believing? Vegans are going to come up with all sorts of arguments and studies because the "rules" of veganism prohibit them from consuming milk. I guarantee you if the vegan "principles" did not prohibit milk consumption, vegans would drink it. They have an *** backwards argument: milk is banned says the "founder" of veganism "so let's come up/make up studies and "facts" to support the idea"

    "We are the only species that consumes milk of other species".. Yes. We are also the only species that use complex machinery in our daily lives to our benefit. We are the only species that wear clothes. We are the only species that cooks our food etc etc etc. Being unique does not mean "unnatural". We are a natural species of this planet and anything produced or conceptualized by our natural minds/intelligence is natural.

  • 1 decade ago


    if you're buying milk you support the veal industry? so not true. although some calves are born males many are also born as females that will continue milking. also not taken away from their mothers right away

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because we can't digest it well. Our bodies can't do anything with the lactose. Which makes sense because we are not meant to.

    Source(s): GO VEG! :)
  • 1 decade ago

    Human beings are the only animals on the planet to drink another animals milk. Humans dont need milk it is not natural to keep drinking milk after we develop the ability to consume solid food, only babies need their mothers milk. If you buy milk you are supporting the veal industry, the cows have to be artificially insaminated over and over again to give milk and that results in baby cows. The baby cow is taken straight from its mother if it is male to be slaughtered for veal, if it is female it is kept for producing milk later on.

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