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Gamerpc asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

What the hell does this mean. Have been targeted by Chinese anti westerners ?

If you prefer to side with the Chinese 50 centers, I will have no other option but to harmonize (river crab) your answer CCP style.

* Chinese 50 center = paid web commentators on Yahoo answers

* Harmonize CCP style = Report and delete your answer

I'd like to know what this is all about please

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you had cared to read the links there would be no need to ask a question here.

    Chinese 50 center or the 50 cent party are the paid web commentators employed by the Chinese Communist Party to post pro-CCP anti-west comments on the Internet Forums. They pretend as if they are genuine and normal users but in fact they are paid by the CCP to write and say what they do. Their online posts are critical of those who are against the authoritarian policies of the Chinese Communist Party.

    Originally these 50 centers were paid equivalent to 50 Chinese cents for each post that they made and hence the name 50 center.

    As for the harmonized thing, the Chinese Communist Party says that it wants to promote and maintain harmony in China. Any person who disagrees with the policies of CCP is jailed for disturbing "harmony". Chinese have invented the pun that this person is harmonized.

    Similarly the Internet Police in China use thousands of people to monitor all blog posts websites and microblog. Anything that has a content critical of CCP is removed (censored). Chinese Internet users say that the web content is harmonized.

    CCP commits many crimes in the name of maintaining "harmony". Imprisoning people, suppression of free speech etc are just few examples.

    Chinese character for harmony sounds similar to the character of "river crab" and hence the pun with river crab.

    Want to learn more? Listen to the song of Grass Mud Horse and Read the wiki article.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's Chinese anti Chinese.

    50 center means the people who make a speech without considering the truth.In 1912, some people hand out the lies leaflets and asked payment for 50 centers RMB.So we call the people as "50 Centers Party". Today,it's preferring the people who speaks for bureaucrats and getting kickbacks.

    In Chinese,harmonize became a pun word and irony.Last year the goverment said : We should build a harmonize society. If dissatisfied comments online are deleted, the people will say :It's harmonized.(That's a good idea to make a perfect world).

    和谐(harmonize)sounds the same with 河蟹(Crab)

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