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Three Kids enrolled in College options?

One starting summer term and two MORE we hope to enroll by the first of 2012.... this seems far too financially overwhelming and impossible. Anyone offer some really worthwhile tips, advise, encouragement or HELP with this task and goal???

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get with the college financial aid office about the options for each school. If you are poor, the Pell grant may help, and federal student loans that the students take out and then pay back after school is over, and other grants and scholarships you can find online or from the college. Also, get the students to work now to get some maturity and money into the project. If they do community college for the first 2 years, it can be a lot cheaper, and then switch to a 4-year state university after that if they aren't planning on a fancy school anyway. If they take an extra class during college, maybe they can cut the number of semesters down a bit, but they would need to take an easier class and not a hard extra one or they may get overwhelmed. They could get free tutoring at some schools and they should take that up if they need it to make things go easier. If you live in the same state as the school, you pay in-state tuition and so it's cheaper than an out-of-state school. If they can live at home, it can be cheaper too, or they may get a roommate or two and get a small place of their own to enhance their need to mature through this process. Also, and most important --


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