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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 decade ago

I'm a really good looking guy but cant get any girls?

ok so Im a really good looking guy, I've been told so many times by a lot of women of all ages and races and even by men like family members, friends, etc not in a homosexual way though, girls stare at me wherever I go and all of that, I'm also very smart i do really well in school, anyway my good looks do not even help me at all because when it comes to getting a girlfriend I fail miserably, the only girls I could go out with are really unattractive and It would never work out for me because I simply cant go out with a girl Im not attracted to , being good looking backfires on me and i get nothing not even a decent normal girl and it surprisingly started to affect my self-esteem now because i never had a girlfriend and I'm about to turn 20, also I've seen so many disgusting looking guys get really hot girls or a lot of girlfriends i've also seen the biggest losers and assholes get nice cute girls and i get nothing and it makes me feel like biggest failure and i feel so humiliated because how can a smart good looking guy get no girls but an ugly *** guy can?? It's being good looking a curse and not a good thing?? im not the best when it comes to talking to girls but im not bad either, im also a comic and very funny guy always love to make everybody laugh, that's one of my best qualities besides the good looks, I make girls laugh a lot but I still fall short, im also aware that there are other guys out there that really know how to talk to girls but they are usually so ugly! but however they get girls! how can just that one thing work for them??? Im really really confused! any help would be much appreciated thanks!

94 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, it sounds like you just need to meet the right girl. I know that's what everyone says, but in this case it's true. You sound like a great guy, but don't be sad about not having a girlfriend. You shouldn't want a girlfriend just to have a girlfriend or because you think you're growing up. You should have a girlfriend when you meet the girl that makes you smile and be yourself. And don't worry about the "ugly" guys who get girls. Those relationship don't last a lot of the time anyways. Just wait, I'm sure you'll find a girl soon. But be sure not to talk like you did in the question, girls don't like guys who sound full of themselves. Don't give up hope! :) Hope this helps!

    Source(s): Me :)
  • 5 years ago

    If you are wanting to get a lover or you're somebody who problems to have any longer than the dating zone then this eBook will soon be really helpful to you.

    The Tao of Badass is a personal growth class focused on creating you more attractive. Joshua Pellicer (the author of this excellent book) operates at increasing your internal you, and how it is simple to turn into a more appealing person who gets all of the girls.

    The Tao of Badass is a great guide, it's not really a psychological bs, its really fun to learn and there's valuable information. You're getting anything that is just plain frequent sense. You are finding great techniques and then you know once you start to pick up on these specific things, whenever you see in your everyday life only with all the people who you talk with you realize, you truly start to appreciate that that is actually gone work. The truth is that you may never see persons the exact same way when you read this book.


    The 5 week Body Language Mastery Program – 9 hours' worth of webinars are stuffed into this 5 week intensive course. You'll understand how to read gestures like a professional so you can pinpoint the exact time and energy to escalate your attraction with a lady and not get rejected.

  • 6 years ago

    You're a comic so you're analytical and smart most likely. Just based on the way you answered you're a little neurotic about this. Why are you concerned about other people's relationships and ugly guys getting hot girls? That has nothing to do with you, and just goes to show they're better at talking to girls :) or rich...

    You're only 20 man, you have a lot of time. Learn to be cool and confident, because if you're a good looking guy and can play that role and develop those desirable traits, you'll be golden. Finding the right person isn't easy, so take your damn time.

  • 7 years ago

    Dude I know exactly what you are going through!... sort of. I'm 22 but for most of my life I guess I've always been in the shadow of my younger brother cause he got the good looks. I used to hear it all the time "Omg! Your brother is so hot, sexy, good looking, blah blah blah."And I after a while it can make another person feel insecure. I've had 2 gf's for over a year who were pretty but not the hottest girls around. Anyways right around my last breakup when I was like 20 all of the sudden in about half a year I started getting flirted with a lot by girls I would consider WAY the **** out of my league, but since I've never been used to this I end up not realizing they are flirting with me and blow it and everyone in my family keeps saying "Since when was he the stud of the family" and **** like that. Now I've become pretty confident and I've also been told I'm really funny and I make pretty decent money for my age (not that it matters, just saying I'm ambitious). Girls flirt with me a lot and I'm cluing in a lot more than I used to, but still nothing ever comes of it. I keep asking myself what is that I'm missing here.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I've been a shadow to girls all of my life and I'm 18, I've been told countless of times I'm handsome and attractive and flirting and crappie by hot girls but I never see any action, these days girls r stuck up, and want the assholes,and Jerks rather than double handsome and nice guys, girls can be so stupid it just bothers me so, I'm really thinking about being a bad guy see if they freaking like that

  • 6 years ago

    I'm a girl, I had a guy, who I thought was very good looking pursuing me for a month. He would say and do many things to get my attention and show he wanted to date me. But my answer was always a clear no. He was very good looking and smart, but the reason I never agreed to date him is because I felt like I was an object to him, another notch on his belt. This is not how he behaved toward me, but what I saw in him when he spoke to his friends ( and he didn't realize I was listening). Also saw how he spoke about other people, his behavior toward me and others, his views about relationships, I asked him for something and saw him brag to his friend how he was getting me--- the last part where I asked him for something was a test to see his sincerity---seeing how he spoke about me to his friends, he clearly didn't have any. My point here is looks aren't everything, while they may be a starting point, they don't mean you would have a lasting relationship. Treat the person you are interested in the way you would want to be treated. Do you want someone who just dates u cause you're only good looking, and does not value anything else you have to offer? If not, why are you only looking for what you consider "hot girls"?

  • 5 years ago

    Use to be exactly like you the problem is here in Canada or usa except some states roughly 4 or 2 don't remember girls have a very wiered mentality specially in Canada anyways there all selfish they only stick in there group of circle and they become boyfriends with that specific guy for attention most of them do but most don't. But they only date guys or become boyfriends only those people that are in there group of circle of friends you may Call it if your the new guy they will look at you wiered and say eww I don't know you get away. Anyways I live in Canada I solved this problem very simple FORGET ABOUT THESE ******* CANADAIN OR AMERICAN girls that are born there you just look for a foreign girl that just moved in the country these girls won't say no because there not selfish they don't date the guy because he drives a corvet or a convertible bmw z3 just be nice and talk to them be your self with these foreign or immigrants that moved in and trust me you will get a girlfriend

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Here are tips on How to Get A Girlfriend Whether in high school, college, or out of college, when you know what to say and how to say it and how to act to make girls interested in dating you, life becomes a lot easier. It's not even about your looks either. I've seen attractive guys have a hard time getting a girl while an average guy gets a bunch of girls. You just got to know the tricks. Have fun.

    Best way to eat out a girl

  • 6 years ago

    All you need to do is wait. Patience you haven't found the right girl. Love comes naturally because I am a girl and I have had loads of crushes on boys in school. People in my family or people in school have told me I am a pretty girl. When I want to talk to guys they don't sound interested in me and it hurts me a lot. When I see my crush likes other girls photos I feel like he hates me. I do good in school and some days I have had enough.

    Just think positive and believe in yourself. 'Good things happen to those who wait' what my mom always says to me. But I always notice couples in my school don't have long relationships, it's just puppy love (they haven't matured. When you get a girl who loves you, then you would be more grateful because you have waited.

    Get yourself out there. Go travelling and talk to new people

    Source(s): Me Mom
  • 7 years ago

    I'm a very good looking woman, so I've been told many times. Here's my perspective. Women want good looking men, but if she feels you might not be interested in her, she will not give you a second look. Women judge, like men do. They look at your appearance and demeanor. If you look stuck up or you have a style they perceive as pretentious, they will pass you by. A guy in a ball cap and a pair of shorts will get a girl's attention cause that's a down to earth guy in our eyes and we know we are better put together than him and feel we should be as women. But if the guy had perfect hair, wears a scarf and is more fashionable than a woman, she may pas him by. He may look good, but women want to look better than their man. If your looks compete with her, it's a problem......However, u can get a pass no matter how good looking and stylish you are by making steady eye contact and smiling at her. Even better if you approach. Cause she won't

    Source(s): What's your Source (Optional)
  • 7 years ago

    Honestly I got the same problem, when I go out I always get stared out by most girls even when they're with their boyfriends, trust me Its not a good thing coz sometime the dude looks at me like he going to kill me or something... but its weird coz girls never talk about me or like say or he's hot etc.. so why do they JUST girls always stare at me without fail when I'm out. I've never had a committed relationship like but I don't know what to call it but friends with benefits but not as much on the benefit as I liked it to (get mi ;)) this happened to about 2 years ago for a couple months... so technically I've never had a girl to call my girlfriend but sometimes you've gotta just forget about women coz they aren't everything, some of them play stupid games which **** with your head, trust me, what us men think it means they mean something different, they are very complex creatures... if your girl reading this, don't HYPE! its true!!

    Sports and friends stuff like that can keep you occupied... I want to travel around the world that my ambition with a girlfriend that wont be possible, if I could get one, me and my best mate have been single forever and its pretty fun just messing about doing what we want coz we have the freedom to do so... trust me relationships are overrated (evidently not talking from experience) you can go out pull a girl and **** no questions asked, no worries FREEEEEDOM dude.... before I had to look good whenever I go out now I'm not bothered, cuz i don't have no1 to impress, I'm done with women... BUT you will meet the right girl TRUST ME!

    if not we can be together

    NO HOMO.. :P that's a JOKE

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