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how many of you here hate / dislike JUSTIN BIEBER?

well, certain of his fans are really annoying me! " he's gonna be the next king of pop..."

what??!!!!!!!!!!!! are you kidding me? hello, that 'the king of pop' was being given from elizabeth taylor to michael jackson. so MICAHEL JACKSON IS FOREVER THE KING OF POP, you got me haters??

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Im a hugh MJ fan, I remember when Elizabeth Taylor first introduced MJ as the king of pop. I don't hate Justin Bieber, but I can't stand him, or his music. Im sick of his fans thinking he even comes close to MJ, they don't have a clue of how hugh MJ is. Justin Bieber hasn't been around long, and he doesn't have it in him to be around much longer. When it comes to talent, he couldn't touch Michael with a ten foot pole.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Michael Jackson will ALWAYS be the King of Pop, but Justin is amazing too. He'll stay famous his whole life just like MJ did. He has 9Million fans, do you really think that all the Bieber Mania is gonna calm down in a few years? Nuh-uh, his fanbase is growing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love all kinds of music and I really enjoy watching talented musicians perform, but to see someone with little talent being promoted everywhere so that big profits can be raked in annoys the crap out of me, so no, I don't like Beaver.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i do no longer worry with it from now on than I care approximately what the subsequent vast element in any container is, he's purely the subsequent teenie bopper sensation meaning no longer something to me from now on than a Jonas Brother or a woman GaGa or regardless of the subsequent Tokyo lodge or pointless cellular telephone perhaps.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a boy and if i got to hang out with him we could be best friends but most guys dont like him cuz he gets all the girls even the ones over 20.

  • I don't have the energy to hate him. It's easy to listen to a different radio station or just phase out of the topic. Going out of one's way to completely hate a celebrity that's already going downhill is useless.

    Source(s): Wisdom.
  • 1 decade ago

    I like Justin Bieber and Micheal Jackson.There should be no comparison with those two:)

  • 1 decade ago

    I just don't like his music it's not my taste but he must be some cool person seeing as he has 12 year olds and up fainting and screaming his name

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think he's so bad like everybody (mostly guys) think he is. Then again, I'm not screaming and crying over him. He's alright I guess. Some of his songs are good ;p But, he's not that great. Lol


  • meee!!! well specifically his music and stupid fans,i swear i hate his fans more then him, they are so stupid and obnoxious. I totally agree, if Justin Bieber were to be the king of anything, he would be King of talentless douche bags.

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