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Lv 7
pip asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do we have an unemployment problem or an education problem?

On NPR the other day, they were talking about unemployment. It turns out that the unemployment rate is:

15% if you don't have a high school diploma.

9% (the current national average) if you do have a diploma.

5% if you have a college degree.

2.5% if you have a Masters or higher.

So, do we need to create jobs for the uneducated? Or help them become educated enough for the current job market? Since education seems to be the problem.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, we definitely have an education problem.

    College education should be FREE to every American so inclined. Investment in the future.

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When my father was in high school he got a better education than most people get with Master's degrees.

    Republicans don't want people to learn in school. They don't want psychology to be taught. The don't want to put money into anyone learning a trade & not every is a good student.

    So we have a problem with the people in this country who are afraid to help others.

    If people would all know how to run a simple business of their own they could take whatever talent they have & learn about it at the public library if it doesn't require a professional teacher.

    How many people could open their own cleaning business, handyman, organizing, coaching, flower arrainging, cake decorating, lawn cutting, but people don't know how to do this cause they go all the way from school & have no business education. That should be required. It would be nice also that everyone would have to take a notebook & at the top number 100 pages then put the books the person read on one subject. So they could teach themselved. I did this with organizing & loved it.

    Yet, I don't know how to run a business & now I have no car & out in the country I can't walk anywhere. So I am unemployed when I could be working & buying things & that would support others in business. Yet I only support t-mobile interenet & they could care less about their workers cause now they must have laid them off cause they don't answer their phones at all now.

    great thought provoking question you get a star

  • 1 decade ago

    Think about, the things you learned in high school, have you ever used those in the real world? Not including scientist or other high end jobs. I say if you train the person to the job right, they will get it right. I never took a veterinarian class, but when I got hired as a veterinarian assistant, I learned all the tools, drugs, and the animal parts just by listening and watching how things are done. If a person is interested and is proud of their line of work they should have no problem. We need to be like china, they charge tuition cheaply and they have a low on how high a college can charge that's only less than $1000. We need cheaper colleges.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Both are a problem. We don't have enough jobs and most jobs are starting to require more of an education. Educational wise kids aren't getting the same kind of education as some courses have changed to accomodate certain people. Also, I have seen more and more people that are being home schooled so not sure if that has an impact or not. Also, college is expensive and some people can't afford to go to college so they work for the county or city, and do odd end jobs. Lower the cost of the college and you will get more people to attend.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Problems- Broken prison system, mental health system, heath care system, education system, economy and I could go on and on...

    The numbers mean nothing because they don't count the unemployed who aren't drawing unemployment or other services and the ones who are just straight up on the streets.

    You can educate all you want but if there are no jobs then they will only be adding to the problems by owing all that money and not being able to pay. They need to create more jobs and stop sending them all out to other countries.

    But honestly, I hate to tell you all this but we need the economy to fall because our costs are too high and our pay is too high and as long as we want to pay lower prices we will have to decrease our pay and our way of life in order for the jobs to stay here :(

    Source(s): Radical for radical change
  • 1 decade ago

    The reason the numbers for college graduates is so much lower is because there are fewer of them. If half of everyone without a high school diploma were to get one, then the average number of unemployed high school graduates would rise.

    There's no denying that education plays a role in unemployment, but many people can't afford to get an education because they're unemployed. It's a vicious cycle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, many Americans can't afford a higher education. And many of the jobs that required only a high school education have been exported overseas, so the answer is both.

  • 1 decade ago

    So if all construction workers had a Masters degree they would all have jobs? LOL! Quit listening to NPR and look around you at the real world. It's those with Masters degrees that got us into this mess.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you deducted all the Masters Degrees that work for the government, the Masters unemployment rate would be closer to 14%

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    properly if the little ones pass to college to earnings to be anti- American they could take sensible instructions like Welding, Blue prints , Carpentry , Bricklaying and Heavy equipment . Liberal arts classification is wonderful besides the indisputable fact that it is going to persist with to real international strikes quite of pie interior the sky Utopian fantasy's .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Education is a super, vital key for future employment.

    But the insidious, Liberal brain-washing of the last 40 years

    has produced a generation of youngsters

    only slightly less stupid than a sack of rocks.

    Half of 2 year college students are as ignorant as the day they started

    higher education:

    Of these, one third AFTER FOUR FULL YEARS don't qualify to flip burgers at McDonald's.

    The cause: Liberal influence in society and education

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