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Lv 4
Will asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 1 decade ago

Feminism doesn't go along with Islam & science?

This is for all Muslims (especially women) who think "feminism" is going along with Islam. Remember this: there is a difference between *women rights* and *feminism*.

You see in my opinion today's feminism goes totally against Islam and science (and the basic nature).. I accept and like that women should have their rights (like being able to vote for example).. But the feminism has became more extreme lately... the basic feminist ideology is that men and women are biologically equal and it is society that created the "man" and "woman" roles.. it is a difference between basic human rights and a man-made ideology.

Some feminists go to the extent and say that it exist only one gender and we are all exactly the same anatomically and psychologically, and the whole "family-system" that has existed since dawn of time in every society and culture: the man provides the family, the mother takes care of family, is all patriarchy (man domination).. don't you think it has something to do with biology? the way we are born?

Islam and science tells us men and women (generally) have been given different roles in society. Science tells us that men and women have different active areas in the brain which makes us better at certain things, and therefore are more fitting into certain occupations. Roughly you can say that the man provides and protects his family (the external stuff), while the mother takes care of the children and family (internal stuff).. Just look at the animals for example, the male and female species clearly have different roles.. and the fact remains that our anatomy is very equal to animals (except our morals and intelligence of course).

So men and women are better at different things. Another example according science, is that men (generally) are better at solving logical problems and maths, while women are better at solving social problems and knowledge in language. This has all to do with men and womens different hormones and different brain activity. And feminists still totally neglects that we are biologically (and hence psychologically) different, even if i's scientific fact!

So please Muslim brothers and sisters don't listen and try to follow to the "newer" growing form of feminism.. instead if you want to promote women's rights, do it with correct knowledge and intention, as Muhammad (saw) gave the women more rights during his lifetime.


@BritCaribbeanGirl: note that I said "generally", and not that applies to all men and women. but it is still scientific fact.

Update 2:

@Katy: maybe some people misunderstood me. what I mean is that -generally- men and women are gifted and -privileged- at different things, and that certain roles and actions are biologically meant for each gender. and yes, I agree with out men and women are 100 % equal in a spiritual sense, no doubt. but it would be a lie to say that we are biologically the same, which is the thing I want to point out.

Update 3:

^spelling correction: "I agree with men and women are 100 % equal in a spiritual sense"

Update 4:

here's an article that says men and women's intelligence are different:

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I'm sorry but it seems as though you know nothing about the feminist ideology. Islam was the FIRST feminist religious movement.

    Edit: "Another example according science, is that men (generally) are better at solving logical problems and maths, while women are better at solving social problems and knowledge in language."

    Complete bull. If you know how society works, then you'd know that science and maths based subjects are catered MORE to men. If you look back at textbooks, then you'd see that most of the images would be of boys etc. Only in the last few years are they changing that. Small things like this make girls feel uncomfortable and put them off from doing these male dominated subjects.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Feminism is an unnatural, artificial and abnormal product of contemporary social disintegration, which in turn is the inevitable result of the rejection of all trans­cendental, absolute moral and spiritual values.

    The student of anthropology and history can be certain of the abnormality of the Feminist movement because all human cultures that we know of throughout prehistorically and historic times make a definite clear-cut distinction between “masculinity” and “femininity” and pattern the social roles of men and women accordingly.

    The disintegration of the home and family, the loss of the authoritarian role of the father and sexual promiscuity have been directly responsible for the decline and fall of every nation which these evils become prevalent.

    Some may argue that if this is so, why is Western civilization so extraordinarily vigorous and dynamic and despite its decadence and moral corruption, still unchallenged in its world-domination?

    Never has moral corruption and social decadence menaced mankind on such a universal scale as is the case now.

    The adoption of feminist ideals degrades humans lower than the animals. For animals live by their instincts and cannot do anything opposed to their nature. Among animals, homosexuality is unknown.

    The male is only attracted to the female of its own species. The male animal never goes with lust to another male or a female to another female. Among animals, the maternal relationship is completely severed as soon as the young are able to look after themselves. In most species, the father takes no interest in its offspring.

    There is no such thing as modesty, chastity, marriage or filial ties among. beasts. These concepts are unique with human beings.

    They are found in every culture at every stage of civilization and history. The feminists wish to abolish the very characteristics, which make man human and undermine the foundation of all his relationships and social ties. The result will be suicide, not only of a single nation as in the past, but of the entire human race.

    Islam and Feminism

    Source(s): A uni-sexual society be proposed be the feminists - that is, a society which makes no cultural or social distinction between the sexes, a society without mar­riage, home and family, where modesty, chastity and motherhood are scorned, does not represent “progress” or “liberation” but degradation at its worst. The result is pure and unadulterated anarchy, confusion and chaos.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Islam does not go with science or feminism. Islam says men can beat their wives and women are worth half as men. Islam says the sun sets in a murky pool of water.

  • david
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you are going to criticise feiminism, try learning a little about it. I have never heard most of what you are talking about. My sister is a feminist and she is a wonderful stay at home mother and a wonderful wife.

    As for what subjects men and women are good at....ummm....I guess there's no need to go into that as there are tons of studies that shed light on how we raise boys and girls and how that influences their choice of studies. Men are no better at math and logic than women ....THAT IS AN INSULT TO ALL WOMEN...and I hope you change yoru attitude before you have daughters so you don't raise them to think they can't do certain things 'just because" they are girls.

    I've never heard any woman , in my entire life, say that we are the same as men biologically, that doesn't even make sense. The whole concept of feminism is that women are 100 percent EQUAL to men and men are 100 percent equal to has nothing to do with physiology.

    EDIT: men like you are the reason why feminism exists....there should never be a need for this kind of discussion, we are equal, plain and simple, you may be physically capable of doing things I can't, but I'm physically capable of doing things YOu can't do and that is where it ends. A man's mind is no better than a woman's mind.

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  • Jane
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I think this is a mis-characterisation. Women and Men are subjected to the same standards. Seduction, The use of langauge and touching people all constitute harrasment in the case of either gender. What has in fact occurred is that in western societies is that we have left "image" out of the situation i.e. the way someone dresses(burkas primary method of controlling sexuality). This is a general trend in western society of the separation of image and substance. Western society still has a more total concept of sexual relations than Islamic societies. Rather than concentrating on image as the determinant of sexual behavior and rigidly oppressing this it redistributes constraints on sexual harrassment among other factors(as mentioned above). While I do think that it could be more totalised if image was added as a restriction but not in a rigid Islamic way. This is even accounted for through social controls such as calling people sluts etc(though,granted, this is not acceptable in the workplace!). The trend of redistribution of responsibilities is matched by a rationalization of sexual knowledge, a greater freedom in choice of sexual partners, less expectations of marrying off, and alternative methods of sexual release through magazines and alternative sexual lifestyles. Sexual freedom has increases overall. People can even expirement and perform same sex etc. There is less rape and voilence for control and more sexual freedom for all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your expression "today's feminism" is meaningless. There is no unified philosophy behind feminism. Feminism has always been an arbitrary term to describe any bigoted male/female stereotyping by females.

    Whilst it is true that there are significant differences in the average and range of men and women's mental and physical capabilities, it is also true that there is a huge amount of overlapping. The average analytical ability of men and women is almost identical, but there both more male geniuses and more male idiots.

    It is also possible to be good at doing a job using different methods. For example women working for banks perform equally as well as men at making investment decisions over the long term, by adopting a lower risk strategy. In physical jobs, men's greater strength can be matched by women's stamina and males precision can be matched by females greater attention span.

    Most operations require a team of individuals that have different skills. Even the military has recognised that it is advantageous to use women in most units, particularly in observation and communication work. During the Battle of Britain most British radar scopes were operated by women as they usually outperformed the men at holding their concentration for long periods. Had Hitler mobilised German women into his factories as the Russians and Allies did, the increased production would almost certainly have won the Nazi's the war.

    For these reason's I do not accept that there is any biological reason prevent women have equal opportunities to men.

    My issue with feminists is that they they don't in fact want equality for women, they want superiority. Laws passed by the feminists in the New labour government gave women the right to join a company without informing the employer that they were pregnant, then immediately go on paid maternity leave. The woman can now hold a company to ransom for a year, not knowing if she has any intention of ever working for them. She can benefit from pay that she may never have any intention of working for, whilst depriving someone else from a job and forcing the employer to use temporary staff. Such laws are harmful to both to employers and to young women. All manager's of small and medium size businesses will be far more likely to discriminate against young female job applicants because of the increased risks.

    Feminists have forced most exclusively male organisations into excepting women and girls and into changing their names, whilst's women insist on retaining exclusivity for identical female groups. If it is legitimate for women to have sanctuary from men, then the opposite must also be true.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, actually I was listening to a man this morning complaining about feminist movement going too far in America to the point that, children come first, then women then the men's rights are last. I definately do support women's rights in that no man has a right to use physical movement against a woman and no job has the right to refuse to recruit married women because of their 'likeliness' to get pregnant. However, i sometimes view it in that, men were created differently, so jobs are actually a priority for them as opposed to a woman because women give birth to babies and are more subjected to spending and priopritising their time for their children and home. But men don't have that, yes they should priopritise their time for children but to an extent because they literally live to work hard and finance the family. For those who think that men and women are 'both' supposed to spend equal amount of time with their children that's ridiculously not true because, general knowledge, women are the one's who 'need' to spend more time with their children and who understand them more than anyone else. Hence why in Islam it is the mother that comes first, then what? the mother, then what? the mother then what? the father...there's obvious deep meaning in that. I myself, am used to my mother looking after me more than my father. Statistically, even those in so called 'feminist' countries i.e. the West, women tend to spend more time in their homes and doing chores than women. Not because they're lacking rights, but they're following a natural trend to their creation.

    Last of all though, we must never forget that there are always exceptions, some women work whilst men stay at home and look after children, I think people need to respect that way of life as much as we respect our ownselves , unfortunately though, in some cultures, people who do that are frowned upon. So it comes this way and that but i absolutely agree with you, modern feminism does not work with Islam and science.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I couldn’t get past “the basic feminist ideology is that men and women are biologically equal” as I knew it would only get more illogical and stupid from there. Clearly you have no clue what feminism is.

    It is equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women rights to bodily integrity and autonomy and reproductive rights. They have opposed domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. In economics, they have advocated for workplace rights, including equal pay and opportunities for careers and to start businesses

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Right.I leant about feminism and found it to be a BIG JOKE, there is absolutely NO logic in it.

    Girls can and do outsmart boys in mathematics, but they dont wonder in amazement, they see but dont enjoy seeing(most genarally).

    Source(s): Humanism that is.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Now that Brit Cari. corrected you, you are crying she quoted "out of context" , while you & the other known trolls have been guilty of doing what you accuse BritCari.of. You guys come here and twist Quranic verses out of context on daily basis ! but now that the shoe is on the other foot you are not happy. But I'll prove to you she did not misquote the Bible , which in fact has many verses that advocate female inferiority.

    - Women are Transgressors who should be silenced!!

    "Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)

    ( also I Cor. 11:3-12, I Cor. 14:34-36, I Peter 3:1-7, Ephesians 5:22-24, Col. 3:18-19.)

    - Women must be Stoned to death!

    "If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her;" (Deuteronomy 22:22)

    "Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you." (Deuteronomy 22:24)

    (also Deuteronomy 22:13-21)

    - Burn Non-Virgins!.

    "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." (Leviticus 21:9)

    A priest's daughter, if found to have lost her virginity without marriage, can receive the death penalty, but in the form of incineration.

    - Chop Off Womans Hand if she touched another man in self defense!

    "When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her." (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)

    -Mothers giving birth to females are twice as unclean as those who give birth to males.!!!!

    "Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean." (Leviticus 12:2)

    "But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days." (Leviticus 12:5)

    (also Psalms 51:3-5)

    - Women are to be inferior to men:

    "11Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor."(I Timothy 2:11-14 ESV)

    "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." (I Corinthians 11:3)

    "For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man." (I Corinthians 11:8-9)

    - Bible advocates male supremacy

    ( I Cor. 14:34-36, I Timothy 2:8-15, I Peter 3:1-7, Ephesians 5:22-24, Col. 3:18-19)

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