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How do I request a crosswalk?

We are moving to a new house next month that is right across the street from our children's school. The only crosswalk is 100 yards down the road and there is no sidewalk to get to it, just the street and a ditch. The family that lives there now will either jaywalk or drive the kids 50 yards to school.

I live in unincorporated Sacramento county. Who do I petition to have a cross walk added?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You would have to petition the country for this and then they would send some one out to see if it really is as bad as you claim.

    You would also be wise to have others join this action so that there is more weight to it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd work with the school on this problem, as I'm sure they would welcome a crosswalk directly out front. Trust me, they'd know all the right numbers and email addresses for you to contact.

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