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how much land does Israel want? and what do really want?

Palestinian negotiators secretly agreed to allow Israel to annex all but one of the settlements built in occupied East Jerusalem in the most far-reaching concessions ever made over the bitterly contested city. The offer was turned down by Israel's then foreign minister as inadequate.

Palestinian Authority leaders also privately discussed giving up part of the flash point Arab neighbour hood of Sheikh Jarrah, according to leaked documents. And they proposed a joint committee to take over the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount holy sites in the Old City of Jerusalem – the highly sensitive issue that, along with refugee rights, sank the Camp David talks in 2000 and triggered the second Palestinian intifada.

The unprecedented offer on the East Jerusalem settlements, made in May 2008, is revealed in confidential Palestinian records of negotiations with Israel in the year before the Gaza war of 2008-09.

Ahmed Qureia, the lead Palestinian negotiator, proposed that Israel annex all Jewish settlements in Jerusalem except Har Homa (Jabal Abu Ghneim) – and hammered home the significance of the concession.

"This is the first time in history that we make such a proposition," he said at a meeting in the city's King David hotel. "We refused to do so in Camp David," he said, referring to the talks where the two sides had come closer than ever to an agreement.

Papers reveal how Palestinian leaders gave up fight over refugees

• Negotiators agreed just 10,000 to return

• PLO agreed Israel could be a 'Jewish state'

• US suggested Palestinians live in Latin America

The scale of the compromise secretly agreed on refugees will be controversial among Palestinians who see the flight or expulsion of refugees when Israel was created in 1948 as their catastrophe (nakba) – while most Israelis regard the Palestinian right of return as incompatible with a democratic Jewish state.

“When Mr Erekat asked Ms Livni: ‘Short of your jet fighters in my sky and your army on my territory, can I choose where I secure external defence?’. She replied: ‘No. In order to create your state you have to agree in advance with Israel – you have to choose not to have the right of choice afterwards. These are the basic pillars.’”

The Palestinians have to choose to give up choice. I think that captures the underlying basis of all the demands of Israeli governments that participated in the “peace process.”

what more must they give to make jews happy

12 Answers

  • Noah H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem is that the Arabs can't be trusted. In arabic there's no actual word for compromise as we in the west understand the meaning. Also, within the Palestinian leadership there are factions and factions within those factions. Arab societies are based on family, clan and tribe. A 'leader' outside of your tribe or even clan doesn't rate the loyalty as is common among western governments where authority comes from a written constitution. Israel could sign any number of treaties, but the treaties would apply only to those that signed the treaties....those clans or tribes that rejected the treaties would feel free to continue military operations and more than likely would attack those that did sign on to a treaty. We saw this in Gaza when Hamas defied the government in the West Bank and continued firing rockets into Israel even after Israel withdrew from Gaza. To the Israelis the palestinians are much like a chronic can be treated but it can't be cured. I suspect that the arabs feel the same way about while some factions on both sides may want 'peace' and some are willing to discuss it, the time simply isn't right. It won't be 'right' for another generation. Ehud Barak, a former Prime Minister of Israel suggested a land for peace didn't happen. Barack Obama has suggested exactly the same thing....that won't happen either. There may be another war, but no matter what, there won't be any kind of fair dealing or sustainable treaty. One side can't make peace and be secure, the other can't make peace because of their culture. History moves on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps "sort of true" but highly misleading. Allegedly, the PA "offered" the deal recently. This also means that it was an "offer" that did not include any agreement from hamas, which rules half of the PA territory and which is against any peace. The last time the PA and Israel talked about peace talks, Hamas responded by killing 2 Israeli civilian families in 2 separate terrorist incidents.

    Almost 10 years ago:

    Israel offered Arafat over 95% of all he asked for INCLUDING sharing Jerusalem as capitals of both Israel and the PA.

    Arafat rejected it.

    Actually, Arafat did more than reject it.

    Arafat walked out without a counteroffer and then the PA announced that Jews never lived in Jerusalem, there was never a Biblical Temple in Jerusalem and therefore Jerusalem was holy to Muslims and Christians but not Jews. The implication is that since Non-Muslims are banned from Muslim holy sites that Jews should be banned from Jerusalem, as they were from 1948-1967.

    More recently, Israel implemented a 9 or 10 month moratorium on settlement building to show good faith and start peace talks. Then, the PA refused to negotiate and waited until about 2 weeks before the moratorium was over and then claimed "oh...we were about to negotiate but now we can't because the moratorium is up..."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Palestinians have themselves admitted that the only reason they wants a state is to have a stronger foot hold to destroy Israel. Yasser Arafat admitted that after the failed Oslo Accords, and his chief negotiator Fiesel Huseni has admitted that on television. The one concession that the Palestinians could make is to remove from a charter that there primary aim is the total destruction of Israel. They have not done that once.

     What does  Israel want? They want to live in peace. What the Palestinians want is the question because they have said no to any offer of a state ever made. That includes in 2000 where they were even offered east Jerusalem as a capital.

    Israel is a tiny country, let it live in peace

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Israelis want all the West Bank, parts of Jordan and Lebanon and probably other parts of the arab world too. When word got out about Obama's call for a return to the pre 1967 borders there was no outrage only unconcealed mirth that the Americans are so naive as to think that Israel should take a blind bit of notice of their wishes. They regard the U.S. as a nation that does their bidding and gives them unlimited arms and money. I am an Israeli and I can say with honesty that the Palestinians are treated as less than animals.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You will never understand unless you Jewish the pain that is felt to be surrounded by countries that would kill you and your whole religion/race. Jews have felt nothing but pain and suffering for 1000s of years. They just want peace but the Middle East wont give it to them. Constant fear of rockets being fired on innocent men and women. Terrorists don't target soldier they target civilians. Take a trip to Israel and see what Israel is going threw. Israel lives in fear of attack from all sides everyday.

  • Deema
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's a zionist state, so the only reason they're fighting for it is religion, and the anti-christ or dajjal. If your not religious them you wouldn't understand. Every muslim knows this...every single one (ok most). If you don't know who the dajjal/antichrist then look it up but from the Islamic perspective, because all religions have different perspectives of him

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israel wants to push the envelope, they want the palestians to feel pressured into a war that they know they'll lose. It's just like Vietnam in the 60s and 70s, small country but is backed by a country that has influence, and is backed by the country which has 90 percent of the worlds wealth. They know they can bully anybody in the middle east for what they want due to their new found "friends"

  • Rachel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Are you seriously so ignorant as to ask this question about the Jews and not the Arabs?!

    It amazes me every time I see people so completely naive of the situation...

    How about going to tell your Arab friends to stop blowing up buses and stabbing innocent families at night in their homes, and maybe even settle their hate down a bit so that Jews wouldn't have to be so afraid to accidentally walk through Arab neighborhoods in Israel, or have to build a physical WALL to try to keep droves of suicide bombers away? Then MAYBE I'd be willing to try answering this question seriously.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Jews want Palestinians to quit hurling bombs at them,so they are willing to compromise. The truth is they are saying they want to compromise to show the rest of the world that the Palestinians aren't willing to compromise.

  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Israel left the Gaza strip and the Sinai peninsula everyone forgets/ When Israel left the Gaza strip in 2005, it got rockets back as a thanks!!!

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