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Can a person go from being gay to bisexual?

The reason I am asking is because a young friend of mine..when I first met him said he was gay...he made it pretty clear he liked guys and such..but now he is kinda confused because he is starting to kinda like girls and even dated one ( online) for a little bit. he is only 19. Could this just be a phase with him...or could he have been bisexual all along? I am not exactly sure how to help him out or even what to say...and it is kinda stressing him out too because he is really confused.


Thank you so much everyone.. i wish I could give you all best answer :(

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    since society tells us that we have to "pick a side" some people who are truly bisexual but have feelings for a gender a little bit more often go to a certain side, denying who they truly are! this can happen with straight people as well as gay people. i don't believe you can be totally gay then wow i'm bisexual, i believe he probably was bisexual to begin with but had pressure to fit into a box because its easier to do that then saying your bisexual, because you usually have to explain what the hell that truly is. very few people are 100% straight or 100% gay if you believe in the kinsly scale. which goes from 0-6 if you are a 0 then you are 100% straight if you are a 6 you are 100% gay, if you are a 2 then you are mostly straight but have a few feelings for the same sex, but not really bi, same for the other side, if you are a 5 you are mostly gay with a few attractions to the opposite gender, if you are a 3 or 4 you are exclusively bisexual! if you want to be a good friend just be there for him, don't tell him he's wrong and that he needs to pick a side, this can be counter productive and make him even more confused. you are not a mind reader, you do not know how he truly feels so the only thing you can do is just be there and be a friend!

    might help you out a little bit more!

    also would like to add that you are born gay straight, bi or asexual, you can not change this, it is who you are. your brain chemistry is what makes you up, you can not flip flop around, that is not what bisexuality is. just because i end up with a man does not mean my attractions for women go away, same with me being with a woman my attractions do not go away. its not greedy its being a human being. straight people still have attractions to the opposite sex so do gay people to the same sex. being bi means that gender does not matter to you its all about the person! we can not choose who we are any more than a straight or gay person!

    Source(s): monogamous bisexual woman!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course he can... he could even end up being straight! sexuality is not set in stone, and although in general a person will know which sex they are attracted too - male female or both - getting to that point can be hard and confusing, and even when you thought you've reached that point you may realise you have been wrong.

    Possibly he is being effected by other factors as well, is he being bullied, has he lost friends because of his sexuality, how have his family reacted? maybe environmental factors like these could have made him want to fit in more even if it is not necessarily what he wants, so if he has a girlfriend the family/friends/ bullying pressures might ease up

    But like I said above sexuality is not set in stone

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't believe so, i believe that people are generally born with their orientation but they may be confused at some point and finally realize it. however i don't doubt that it is possible for it to alter slightly over time, however that would be a case of years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I should think that he was bi all along, and is/has expressed an emotion that someone bisexual would normally be inclined toward.

  • 1 decade ago

    He could be bisexual, But it could also just be a phase. I would say he has always been bi, he just didn't know it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's totally normal. A lot of people explore their sexuality, and can go from gay, to bi, to straight.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yeah defiantly! you can be whoever you want to be

    here is a good gay marriage psa to relize whats going on it the world

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why does it matter? If you feel the need to help him out, simply tell him to like/be attracted to whomever he feels attracted to.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes they can.

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