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crazy kat

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  • I've started swimming in order to get fit and lose weight, Why do I crave steak and potatoes?

    I swim 1500 yrds twice a week and then I do two aerobic exercise classes. Why do I crave baked potatoes after I swim, especially after swimming 1500 yrds? Also, is swimming a good way to lose weight and to get into shape? I have horrible knees so swimming helps with the pain and is really the only workout I can do.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • I think having lapband triggered past bulimia, if you would call it that.?

    Back in high school I would binge eat and then puke everything I ate out of guilt. I didn't do it but a few times after a binge. I got lapband four years ago and lost almost 100 pounds, then I couldn't afford to get me fills fixed and gained some of it back. I started to binge again and this caused me to want to puke and throw up. I did it almost every single day, purposefully binge so that I could throw up. I got my lapband fixed and all my fluid taken out but I recently I've started to binge and purge again on my own. I don't throw up after every meal but sometimes after I binge I will puke, not all the time but sometimes I will. Am I bulimic? I love the way puking feels or makes me feels, sometimes it scares me and I get horrible acid reflex but I can't help but throw up after a binge session! I want to tell my dietitian but I'm afraid!

    1 AnswerDiabetes8 years ago
  • I'm taking lithium for the first time. Will I gain weight?

    I'm trying to lose weight that I gained from my horrible depressed cycle (I'm bipolar type II). I've gained 40 pounds in three months!!!! I'm trying my best to lose it by eating better, cutting out soda and more exercise but I'm afraid that my meds will either keep me at a high weight or make me gain more weight. I've tried other meds in the past and they didn't work out so well. Any experience?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Is swimming enough exercise?

    I go swimming and do laps for almost 40 mins a day, three to four times a week. The pool isn't that big just a standard size.Is this good enough exercise or should I still o to the gym? I have horrible joints by the way! I also add in crunches that I do in the water and jogging that I do in the water along with different types of laps. I'm trying to lose weight and I'm also watching what I'm eating and only eating up to 1500 calories a day, sometimes 1800. I do butterfly, breast stroke, freestyle, etc.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Why do I have freckles everywhere but my face?

    I have freckles all over my shoulders and neck, but i don't really have them on my face. Why? I also have them all over my arms and sometimes even my whole back, just not on my face! If I do have freckles you can barely see them on my face.

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • can you be 300 pounds and anorexic? I've already lost weight by not eating a lot.?

    I heard that the whole starvation mode is blown out of proportion and I really wont gain weight by eating only 200-800 calories a day. I'm on a new medication that helps me stop eating ( i use to be a binge eater which is how I got to be so big). I've always been big my whole entire life and now I think if I exercise at least an hour a day and eat 800 or less a day I can lose the weight. There are many days where I seriously don't want food, I hate it! I mainly just drink protein shakes that are less than 200 calories. I eat some greens but not a lot. I've already lost 10 pounds! I was wondering if I should keep going since i'm losing weight but at the same time I feel like I'm obsessing over it and becoming anorexic! My friends are even saying something about how I need to eat but I just don't want to at all. I hate my body, I think it's the most disgusting thing on the planet! I know people say you will slowly kill yourself by starving but I'm over 300 pounds, how can I kill myself? Won't my body just use up all the fat as energy? I use to weigh a whole lot more, like almost 400 pounds and lost almost 100 with the lapband but had to stop because the lapband was making me physically ill and I didn't have health insurance to keep up with visits. Do you think I'm on the board line of being anorexic like my friends think? I don't think I can be, I'm to big!

    26 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • I have horrible periods, could I be infertile?

    I have horrible periods, I'm on birth control to help me with it and it seems to do the trick but I'm just worried that I may be infertile or that it's covering up a more serious problem. My aunt was infertile and had problems with her periods. I've wondered if I have polycsytic ovary syndrom because when I'm not on my birth control, I feel like I'm dying. I can't move, I become extremely pale and my blood flow is super heavy. I feel like I'm losing a whole bunch of blood and also that somebody is stabbing me to death and pulling my uterus out to look at it! I'm afraid I may be infertile, I'm 26 right now and though I'm not trying I would like to have kids later on down the future possibly in my 30's. I'm a lesbian so if I can't I have a back up uterus in a way (lol) but still I would love to have a baby and experience that feeling of pregnancy.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • i masturbated with a dildo without lube and now my vagina is in pain! What do I do to ease the pain!?

    It was very rough sex, I tried my hardest to come but couldn't do it because the vibrator was broken. I'm looking at getting a new sex toy. I know I should have used lube but I didn't think I was that dry! I went at it for over an hour with no results. I guess I just can't get off that way. What should I do, it feels like it stings and it hurts real bad (on a scale between 0-10 i would say it's a 5 maybe 5 1/2).

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Who helps and funds DOMA?

    when and how was DOMA funded and why?

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • In need of more help, who is the primary target for DOMA?

    Now that I know it's goals I need to find out who's it's primary target! Any help would be very much appreciated!

  • I'm in need of help. What are some of the goals of DOMA, defense of marriage act?

    I'm trying to write a paper on why it's wrong and the goals it is wanting or has set forth on our country, any resources you can help out and give me will be great! I've looked on google and couldn't really find anything per say!

  • I'm in need of help. What are some of the goals of DOMA, defense of marriage act?

    I'm trying to write a paper on why it's wrong and the goals it is wanting or has set forth on our country, any resources you can help out and give me will be great!

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • I'm wanting to lose about 2 pounds a week, am I doing it right?

    I stand at 5'8 and weigh 327. I work out five times a week burning about 400-500 calories per workout, mainly light strength training and cardio. I eat no more than 1800 calories a day, sometimes less if I don't really work out. No less than 1200 since I was told that any less than that will actually make you hold ON to fat. I'm wanting to lose 2 pounds a week or close to that. Am I doing it right? I also want to lose an inch off any place I can on my body every two weeks; my hips, my legs my arms my waist etc. So far I'm alright but I think I need to step up my game. I have bad knees, which is why I strength train, am I doing everything alright. Also, I want to lose majority of my weight in my crotch and thighs. That is my huge problem area.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is there a link between being double jointed and having chronic joint disorder?

    I'm very flexible and double jointed but I also have chronic joint pain and have been recently diagnosed with a rare joint disorder that's genetic. Are the two connected? I do strength training and yoga to help both.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • How is it I love science but can't do math?

    I love science, especially environmental science but my math skills are bad because I have dyscalculia or numlexia (basically math dyslexia). Numbers and their symbols confuse me i mix them up all the time and basic formulas make me lost. Thing is, I love science and do fairly well with it, especially if I have a friend who can help me with the math. Why is this? How can you love science but not be able to stand or do math?

    4 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • I think I may be allergic to the sun, either that or it really hates me?

    I'm pretty fair skinned, anytime I go out in direct sunlight for even 20 minutes I get burned. I've had sun poisoning almost three times in my lifetime, two of those times I wore spf 30! Even when I wear sunscreen I still manage to get burned badly, especially when I go to the beach. What is up? Also I don't have freckles on my face but I have them all over my back and shoulders and a few on my arms.

    2 AnswersAllergies8 years ago
  • Would you say my hair is strawberry blond?

    I get asked all the time what hair color I have. It's totally natural, I use to small undertones of red when I was younger, my dad said I had strawberry blond when I was a baby but then it turned blond when I turned one. I was just wondering what color my hair would be classified.

    Here's the link to the picture.

    Let me know, would love to figure out why my hair has changed color. By the way, I'm also super pale with green eyes.

    8 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Tried Lucid dreaming and some weird stuff happened, want different takes on what really was happening?

    I lied down still with my eyes closed like I'm suppose to and slowly but surely I began to drift off. When I "opened" my eyes I was laying in my bed but I couldn't move a muscle. Then I heard somebody say my name like they were trying to get my attention. This wasn't a "dream sound" this **** felt REAL! Like I could actually hear them say my name. I tried to see who it was but I was still paralyzed and couldn't turn my head. I decided that I must be in a dream state and began to imagine the movie Thor, or really Loki since I have a huge crush on Tom Hiddleston. It instently took me to what appeared to be Asgard, I was in a golden room in a golden dress and I saw Tom in his Loki outfit around this circle thing that looked like a crystal ball. He seemed to be talking about how to take over Thor and be king which he then turned to me and said I would be his queen. I was enjoying this of course when all of a sudden I was pulled instently back into my bed, unable to move again and saw a bird flying over me sitting on my bedside desk. It looked like a crow, not quite sure but it was black. I couldn't see myself really in the mirror and I somehow was able to get up (horribly and still somewhat paralyzed) and move to the corner of my bed. When I did this, I heard the voice again saying my name, but I couldn't turn around to see who it was. I kept knocking things down until I too feel back into my bed. Then a black bird/crow flew over my body and landed on my left arm. He didn't do anything but then I heard my name again, still couldn't see who it was. When I awoke for real I was just being able to move a little at a time and what seemed to be just 15 to 30 mins was actually 4 hours. My left arm feels like something burned it where the crow landed. What the hell does this mean? Mainly hearing my name as if it was seriously real and the black birds/crows.

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I tried to do lucid dreaming and some wierd **** happened! what's going on?

    I lied down still with my eyes closed like I'm suppose to and slowly but surely I began to drift off. When I "opened" my eyes I was laying in my bed but I couldn't move a muscle. Then I heard somebody say my name like they were trying to get my attention. This wasn't a "dream sound" this **** felt REAL! Like I could actually hear them say my name. I tried to see who it was but I was still paralyzed and couldn't turn my head. I decided that I must be in a dream state and began to imagine the movie Thor, or really Loki since I have a huge crush on Tom Hiddleston. It instently took me to what appeared to be Asgard, I was in a golden room in a golden dress and I saw Tom in his Loki outfit around this circle thing that looked like a crystal ball. He seemed to be talking about how to take over Thor and be king which he then turned to me and said I would be his queen. I was enjoying this of course when all of a sudden I was pulled instently back into my bed, unable to move again and saw a bird flying over me sitting on my bedside desk. It looked like a crow, not quite sure but it was black. I couldn't see myself really in the mirror and I somehow was able to get up (horribly and still somewhat paralyzed) and move to the corner of my bed. When I did this, I heard the voice again saying my name, but I couldn't turn around to see who it was. I kept knocking things down until I too feel back into my bed. Then a black bird/crow flew over my body and landed on my left arm. He didn't do anything but then I heard my name again, still couldn't see who it was. When I awoke for real I was just being able to move a little at a time and what seemed to be just 15 to 30 mins was actually 4 hours. My left arm feels like something burned it where the crow landed. What the hell does this mean? Mainly hearing my name as if it was seriously real and the black birds/crows.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • I have a chronic joint disorder that keeps me from exercising normally, how can I still lose weigh?

    I was wondering about how I can lose weight and keep it off when my mobility is very much limited. I have a chronic joint disorder that makes my knees and joints lock out of nowhere if I'm not careful. I don't have money to pay for a trainer who can help me and I have to do it all by myself. I need to lose weight so that the weight doesn't put more pressure on my joints other wise I will not be able to move at all. I very much am in need of help if you could tell me what they do for exercise.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago