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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicTelevisionTalk Shows · 1 decade ago

How can i start a internet talk show?

How can i start a internet talk show and make it successful on youtube?.

Im 13 and want to be an actor when im older i want a internet talk show to start of with.

my inspirations are:The oprah winfrey show,Caroline rheah show and Fondue for 2,I carly, What can i atcually do on this show who shall i interview and what will make people watch it?

p.s i cant interview celebs im not famous or that rich


what subjects should i talk about on this?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I suggest you start here

    go to that link and you can sign up for paltalk, it will take you at most a day to set up, once you get your username This is very important this is how you will be Know and it cannot be changed so make it relevant to the gist of your show, then go to the one of the help rooms and ask them how to make your own room

    then: make yourself a room, Name it appropriately ( with this you can actually change your room name, try a few diffrent names to see which bring you the most visitors) your post a topic of discussion for the day , and the time ( give your self one hour) list the time of show I.E. 4:00 est-5:00 of your show. on the banner of your room, do like the big guys do and ask for volunteers to be interviewed for your next show?

    for instance lets say your first talk show will be on overweight teens, and the show for tomorrow will be on cyber bulling, ask for volunteers for the cyber bullying on your room banner, have a link to your email where they can go and send you an email with there experience. once your done with your show, you can email or chat with those volunteers or do your research for tomorrows show

    do this for about 3 months until you have a at least three " Good shows, Then put them on youtube.

    this site I gave you has free Video- audio- and text

    if you don't have one,I strongly recommend getting a wireless headset with mic. and of course a video cam, your show may be only an hour long but the pre interviews and what not will have you at your puter for at least 4 hours per show. a wireless headset with mic, will be a big help

    only put your best videos on youtube.

    I suggest having others vote on which shows are best

    As for topics, start off with topics that are interesting to you. Topics that your familiar with topics that are age appropriate for you, your a 13 year old female, what are 13 year olds interested in? Keep your ears open around your own house or school. I.E. is make up appropriate for a 13 year old, is 13 to young to start thinking about college or your future ?

    Interview your fellow students, ( a sure way to gain popularity for your talk show )

    Tip, Never ever go negative. all positive, all good, always start and end with a positive. remember, people will be tuning in to hear what your quest speakers have to say, so Let them do the talking :) ask questions that will Promote them ( If you cannot promote them or cannot find anything good to say about them, don't have them on your show)

    you absolutely cannot do all of this alone, you will need help. find yourself someone who wants to be a producer, they will pre-enterview your guess ex, let them know that you will be trying out lets say 10 producers for your first 10 shows, and the winner will stay on? )

    Good luck,

    ps. let me know when you do this, I'd like to see your show

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You defiently SHOULDNT kill your self! Pull by using existence, as a chuffed theory! Plus, you may withstand those bullies! i've got been bullied beforehand, yet i'm purely 14, so I dont understand plenty! HAHA! experience greater acceptable approximately your self, communicate on your mom approximately it, It fairly facilitates me, when I communicate over along with her, approximately my problems! P.S. - PLEASE do not KILL your self! experience greater acceptable approximately your self greater! wish I helped! BYE! :D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    googel it

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