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Those Christians gifted in The Lord to interpret dreams, what do you think about this dream?

Okay, I will try to keep this dream as short as possible. I will give you a little inside information. I work with a friend in their hispanic ministry, a husband and wife pastor. So this is the dream. Me, the hispanic pastor and wife and some of their members were all in the sanctuary together. However, it looked like we were digging the whole place up. There were huge mounds of sandy dirt covering the whole place. You could not see the chairs, floor, sanctuary bottom or anything. Then I stopped all of a sudden. I felt the Presence of God come on me and The Holy Spirit start to take control of my arms and legs. I raised my left arm up first, then my right. I started praying in tongues. Then I see visions or revelations start to come to me one after another. After this, the scene changed. I was laying on the floor sleeping and it was completely dark. I hear a loud knock in the dark and some said, "Is anyone going to let me in", twice. I started to move, but then I said I am not going to answer the door. Next, I heard footsteps of people running to open the door and they did. Instantly, I heard these two large men walk right past my head and stopped a few feet away. A dim light appeared over them. I looked and it was Captain America and Thor. However, they were dressed differently in some kind of battle armor. They were looking right at me and gave me a evil stare. After this, the dream switched to another scene. I appeared in a gigantic room sitting at a table with a white table clothe. The table was rectangle and appeared like it stretched for 2 miles and there were people sitting all around it. What was weird about this part was there were men and women at this table. You could see our upper chest, but nobody had breasts or nipples, including myself. I was sitting at the very end and the guy next to me said angrily, "Didn't anyone ever teach how to "dress" yoursef when you come here? I looked at his face and many of the other people there. They appeared old, with no teeth, worn, ragged, and tired. When he said this, I looked at how he was dressed and how I was dressed and we were the same. Everybody at the table was exactly alike. You could only see our upper body with no nipples or breast. The upper body was flat and smooth. Next, I looked down at my body and I could see my physical body as it naturally is with everything. But when I looked up again, it was flat and smooth. I was aware that I was the only one that could see this. I then responded to the man and said, "The power of The Holy Spirit came over me and I fell asleep. When I awoke, I was here and I had a dream from The Lord". Lastly, in the middle of the rectagle table appeared a hispanic woman with red hair. She sat down in a chair and said something about she was ready to teach. She was wearing a purplish, red dress with her hair pinned up. She looked exactly like the hispanic, woman pastor I work with. Then the dream ended. Sorry so long, but I wanted to be detailed. Please only serious answers only. I felt The Presence of God come on me, before I had this dream. I knew I was going to have a dream last night. Some of it I understand, but I am praying to The Lord for more insight. Okay, thank you and God bless you!!!!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well the first thing that came to me was that u was doing your work in the ministry and I believe that u have some kind of idols u kind of look up too or more interested in then u ought too. And I believe that u don't look or dress the part of your role to where the Lord is taking you and some people might be hindered by that. Patrick I think the Lord is telling you that u need a make over or something. Just as he is telling me I did to change the way I dress and be more casusl looking instead of being a mechanic which my health won't allow me to do no more...

  • I always find it interesting when people refuse to put in paragraphs, especially when they are dream interpreters themselves. I think that is very telling.

    Digging up the sanctuary as a dream symbol indicates to me that you, the pastor and his wife are not laying a solid foundation of spiritual harmony. Otherwise you would be building something. Instead, in the dream, you are tearing it down. In some ways, you may THINK you are digging for the truth but do not mind creating some disorganization in the sanctuary to do so as you were "digging the whole place up".

    Dirt is not a good symbol to have in a place of worship. It means that things are dirty and earthy and not of Spirit. Perhaps on a subconscious level you know this and are sick of this and this is why you are searching for Spirit to get you out of there. but be careful......

    Speaking in tongues has nothing to do with Spirit as a dream symbol and everything to do with being on this planet and being overtaken by forces you do not understand. Some people misunderstand that aspect. If it were spirit, you would have seen a light around you in the dream.

    You are dressed like everyone else. That should give you a clue about the meaning in this dream. I know you seek higher spiritual awareness in some respects in your life, but I feel that the path you are on is not giving you that from the meaning of this dream. Eating at the same table indicates a certain amount of sameness - like family.

    Why did superheroes Captain America and Thor come to you? Why not WonderWoman? SpiderMan? Superman? Because Captain American and Thor have some kind of negative meanings in your subconscious. How do you feel about this country?

    I think you see the Hispanic female pastor as spiritual and this is why she is wearing a purple robe = as purple is a higher order spiritual color and the color of royalty. yet remember, she was digging up the sanctuary. You may, in fact, have her up on a pedestal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure if you can answer any of these questions, but you may want to consider them yourself?

    1) How to you view Christianity? Are you completely tolerant of it and comfortable? Do you think it may subconsciously intimidate you?

    2) These superheros you mentioned. How do you feel about them? Do they give you assurance, or past memories? Did they ever mean anything to you? Perhaps altered you beliefs? I mean besides Thor and Captain America being a movie coming out around the same time. (Thor was awesome, by the way.)

    3) Focus on your sexual impulses. Focus on your religion. How do those work together? Are you satisfied with that?

    4) Do you feel like you have control in this life? Do you need attention, or want to be acknowledge by people high in your belief?

    I advise you, if your interested, to look up Carl Yung. He believes more importantly than anything, that it is only you who can interpret your dreams. I hope these help narrow your thoughts.

  • 1 decade ago

    excuse me to reply, because its so interesting, but this also gonna hurt, but please understand that i am trying to give a clue,and not being racist.

    scene1. you were showed; that your institution( including the methodology) was unable to realize the plain truth, basic facts like chairs and things upon earth, how would you understand heaven. But with a favor from heaven authority; synergizing your body and soul, you surely would.

    scene2.these captain america and thor who represent superbeings( member of heaven authority) who could save the world and the US ( the world was very close to a nuclear war and WWIII),would like to ask you to save the world, you could be a potential person. unfortunately you were not ready, you were unable even to help your self, you re still in the domination of the darkness. you still close your self from the truth (this very answer from me), as you would think it was absurd( as absurd as comical heroes).

    scene3. you were in the spirit realm. people you saw were clone spirits of the dead (that's why they looked different and emotional).the hispanic woman, was a spirit who has been hosting her ever since, and changed her, and influences others, the man, you and the rests of the member. she loves that dress and look( also influence her to do so). that was beyond you could ever realized.

    any further questions, check my profiler, and welcome to email could save the world.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that you're trying to tell yourself that you feel guilty for bashing gays.

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