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Why aren't many people standing up to the racism against Filipinos in the boxing forum?

I asked a question about people like Haye, Mayweather, Hopkins, and Judah saying racist stuff and some people answered Filipinos in the forum do the same thing. I did not ask anything about the forum, I ask about those black boxers who usually say racist stuff. My favorite boxer of all time is Sandy Saddler and favorite athlete ever is Michael Jordan. I voted for Barack Obama as the president.

But why are these people not saying against racism against Filipinos to the point which it is even harsher. Pac Chiavelli literally post photos of Filipino prostitutes and young Filipino children beggars and mock them. Malik says Filipinos are drug users and are inferior to blacks in genes when it comes to athleticism. americasfavoritethug mocks Filipino people every time he comes here and talks about their small penis. Now you have Michael guy, Boxing Guy 360 or Filipinas love me, posting a photo in his avatar with a Filipina porn star being screwed by two black guys.

All of that to me is offending. Mayweather attack Filipinos too and many fans in the forum continue to support him. Filipinos are targeted for racism as much as blacks or any other in the forum, if not more. After all who cares, we Filipinos are Pactards right? Some of you guys think you're better. You have many contributors here that put their race in a pedestal.

18 Answers

  • Sean G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I think the problem with people in this forum (or people in general) is that the only pain we feel is our own. There are good and bad and in between in every race. No one has a right to mock anyone. As my mother use to say, "But for the grace of God there go I..." Any of us could be that person, but we've been blessed. The thing is that I posted several questions this week about forum racism from Fred C...very few people criticized this. The only Filipino brother to speak out against this use of the "N" word was Kizmahwhat. I respect him for that. The thing is that Fred C actually got 3 thumbs up from people for his racism. To me, I respect Fred's honesty...I have a bigger problem with people who hide in the shadows with their racism giving him thumbs up and no one knows who they are. I think black people should start speaking out against all racism, even against Filipinos. I think Filipinos should speak out against racism against black people. Dr. Martin Luther King said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat upon justice everywhere." I we allow people to use racism against others without checking it, we must expect it to eventually find it's way to us. It is probably what we get for our own hypocracy.

    I have been called a racist in this forum when my wife is not black. I love fighters (Ali, Mayweather, Ward) white fighters (Malinaggi, Litzau, Mancini) Puerto Ricans (Benitez, Camacho, Trinidad) Mexicans (Barrera, Marquez) Asians (John, Donaire)...and many others. I have had my acct copied and my facebook pic used here.

    There are black people in the same situations unfortunately. There are black prostitutes, beggars, porn stars, drug users etc...

    I am a Mayweather fan. I understand him. I have said many times before there are worst things than what Mayweather said against him on-line...KFC, coward, Gayweather, P*ssy Boy Fraud...the way athletes are on twitter and facebook...I'm sure he sees it...and he is human like you and I and I am sure offended. We are all hit by racism. None of us are in the ring...I think all fighters should be respected for what they do. People will always have pride in what their countrymen do...I do. But to love a Filipino fighter (if you're Filipino) does not mean you have to hate black fighters...and visa versa.

    I vow to be more vocal against black users who use racism here against others. If I am not...then I am a hypocrite.

    @Jose, great book! One of my all time favorites.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree. I reported that account of boxingguy with the porn avatar who's probably the same as Pac Chiavelli. It's stuff like that which makes me not want to check the boxing section much these days. Lots of racism against Filipinos and Asians gets unnoticed, like how some here say americasfavoritethug is "funny". He's no more funny than Fred C is. Judah tweeting "I'm not racist I love everybody" is identical to what americasfavoritethug says - maybe he's really thug in disguise? Lol. Certainly there is racism against blacks too, like how Sean G apologized to Fred C despite him saying n**ger. He shouldn't have to apologize to a racist.

    What makes no sense to me is how some suggest racism from Mayweather, Hopkins, etc. is justified by racism from fans on the Web. On YA there's at least equal racism the other way around, and it's completely different when boxers themselves make these comments. For whatever reason, Hopkins/Mayweather/Judah/Haye have made racist comments but I can't think of any Asian boxer who has done the same, or anyone who has made comments against blacks in the last 20 years. Correct me if I'm wrong. Blacks were once wrongly denied from title fights at one point, but that was almost a century ago, and it was from white Americans, not Filipinos, Pakistanis, Mexicans, or eastern Europeans. In recent times, black boxers have caused the most racism, but that's not to say most are racist or there aren't humble ones like Andre Ward.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have seen a lot of racist Pactards but at the same time I won't lie that I have seen many people target Filipinos too and use racist stereotypes. Floyd Mayweather Jr. is a bad example as a human being and his racism has even made it worst in the forum. Even though the Pactards have said the N word and the SHITSKIN stuff which is horrible, some Mayweather fans have done as worst by posting Filipino prostitutes, beggars, and also the person you said who posted a Filipino porn star having sex with two black guys. All of that are way out of line and is one of the worst I have ever seen in here. Of the Pactards I know that said racist stuff, you have Fred C, jhnplezz pachater killer, kapre kapre, and it used to be NickdaQuick. For the Flomos, I have seen Pac Chiavelli, Malik, Boxung Guy 360, BJ Penn, and americasfavoritethug said racist stuff. So both sides are to blame.

    I do agree Filipinos have also been victims of racism that does not get a lot of attention int he forum because most people think only their group can suffer from racism. It's been proven that people like Haye, Mayweather, Hopkins, and Judah are ignorant and everyone in here should condemn all of them that protect them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I remember those posts from Chiavelli. Over the years I've grown cold to these attempts to insult my people. After so much time I just see them for what they are. These are people who often are not treated well themselves and the only way they can feel better is to spread the hate around. Hate begets hate. Just like its opposite, its a gift... or rather a curse, that keeps on cursing.

    I invoke my inner Gandhi on this. In that I don't retialate. I remain peaceful. And in doing so, the world sees who the oppressors are. And they know who they must defend.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I applaud the other people in here who have delivered such great answers. If we be pragmatic and realistic here, racism occurred both ways but I must say that Filipinos are also victimized of racism as much as anyone in here and I do feel that racism against Filipinos have been ignored in many cases.

    Every race has had their share of racist people. No race is an exception. We all have our flaws. We cannot simply just target and stereotype one race as the aggressor while the other is the victim. I have seen almost every race in the forum be attacked. I have seen Europeans, Latinos, Asians, White Americans, and African Americans are target of racism in this forum. Nevertheless, we represent ourselves, our families, and our self identities. However, we are humans with emotions, and we are affected by these numerous false statements and racist stereotypes.

    There is no need for the blame game. There is no need to target one particular group for wrongdoing. We need to top these stereotypes and focus specifically on the people that have used racism. But to focus on your specific question, I definitely do agree that some of these racial statements against Filipinos have been overtly exaggerated and unjustifiably erroneous. It is offensive, hateful, and truly unbearable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Killa

    I don't know why you think i defend Mayweather's racism because i don't condone any racism.I have only ever asked if Mayweather will ever be forgiven for what he said!! Here's the question i asked and take a close look at the answer that i completely agreed with.I only asked if people would forgive Mayweather like they have forgiven other fighters from the past that have done a lot worse.;_ylt=Apqy7...

    Let's get one thing straight.You don't know me and you have never met me.My best friend at uni is from Kenya and my girlfriend is a muslim but i still condone racism lol!! Your are always quick to post a question when a black person says something wrong but you are very blind to the fact that African/American people get racially abused on here daily.That's all i was pointing out on your question i answered earlier.The abuse comes from all races and not just 1 and i don't and never will condone any of it!!

    OH! i also gave pac chiavelli thumbs down!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't encourage racism against Filipinos! if there are any Blacks who are racist against Filipinos then I will confront them. But there are also racist Filipinos against blacks especially Kapre Kapre, Fred C, and the nipples pac killer hater guy. Knight De La Barra is the biggest racist in here with his multiple accounts. As long as yahoo does not suspend him permanently there will always be racism in here! I will never like that guy!

  • Alex L
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i agree that the racism needs to stop on all levels, trolls lie pac chiavelli need to be abolished, but at the same time, you cannot let it get to you.,.. people are quick to answer a racist statement, or question on this forum and not quick to answer questions about boxing, c'mon guys, how hard is it to just ignore it? why feed the trolls? wheres your discipline? you know the sh!t they say is not true and they just want attention and they always win cuz you answer the question by losing your cool, i understand that for the filipinos, its tough cuz you have guys like boxing guy 360, pac chiavelli, always posting racist things against filipinos now but what can we do besides ignore?

  • 1 decade ago

    hey your right no form of racism should exist at all let alone on a forum that has nothing to do with race. how about we all get together and ban racists like boxingguy or fred c and ignore their questions this way the real boxing fans can talk boxing.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Start reporting those guys. Simply click the "report abuse" link. Their account must be suspended. They can make another account and the moment they do the same racist things, report them again till they get tired.

    No amount of complaint and pleadings will change their bad attitude.That bad attitude is already imbedded in their mind and culture. They could be victims of harsh treatment in life like child abuse, slavery,tortures, etc.

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