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Science can prove religion wrong, but religion cannot prove science wrong?

Without religion, science would still exist. But without science, would you still be able to say religion exists? Religion is a state of mind. Psychology, which is science. So without religion, science is still available. How can the opposite be true? Explain...


Think Tanker... I never said the FIRST example of science is religion, try again friend.

Update 2:

Paul C... You can take all the things religion has changed during it's course (ie the earth is the centre of the universe) and change it accordingly. It doesn't suddenly make religion true. Science shaped religion. Even the Vatican admits how wrong they got it when science came along. Try again.

Update 3:

Deja Vu... Thanks for proving my point (unwittingly). You, sir, should be handed the "If it wasn't for my hand I'd be slapping my forehead with a golf club" award every year. Without doubt.

Update 4:

TZ... I'd say go read my question again, but really... go read your own answer again. It's the shorter way of doing it.

Update 5:

And to you, "Slave of God"... does your name not say anything even without needing to read your answer (which I did)?! Grow up & find some answers yourself. Why believe what somebody else told you? Just to suit your idiotic way of mind?! Learn & achieve, would you?!

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Science can't prove religion wrong, that is a stupid argument made by atheist who can't really come up with evidence against God.

  • 10 years ago

    At which point in human history did science exist without religion? If we go back as far as ancient Egypt, they had a science of building (pyramids and so forth), but it was in the service of an already established religion. Arguably, the atheist / communist countries of the 20th. century had a form of science without religion, but that was only by government fiat, not a true separation.

    And the "religion" that science proves wrong, for example, the Ptolemaic system of astronomy that called the earth the center of the universe, was, first, a science that was adopted by religion. Science is proving that the earth wasn't created in 7 days as we know the term "day", but that claim is held by only the most ignorant knee-jerk believers. Most Christians don't buy the literal creationism.

    I think if the ancient historical record were examined, we'd find religion did just fine long before science was a gleam in some philosopher's eye.

  • 10 years ago

    Not all science is correct ergo not all science can prove what is correct. For example in psychology there are different accepted principles that are given to the populace that came from the ramblings of dope heads and degenerates. Freud was an addict, Jung partook of psychedelic drugs etc... how can an intelligent person take the insight of addicts and depraved individuals as gospel? Many so-called scientists were/are responsible for death and dismemberment of humans and non humans, how can they be considered reliable sources for truth and true knowledge? Science is subjective, in that mankind as of the present is biased, erred and lazy, and searches for answers in which to control/destroy as opposed to evolve and uplift. With such malevolent purposes how can any intelligent being trust what man has put forth, be it religion, science or something else?

    Is it not true that every two years or so, it is proven that some scientist, doctor or diagnostic has erred and caused death, disease and destruction?

    I do not put faith in man or his science or religion, for I know that the majority of humanity is erred and does not put forth his optimum in which to without bias or malevolence to come with the correct answer.

  • 10 years ago

    You can take all the stuff that science researched in the last 10 year and put it on the self and and 10 years it will be proved mostly wrong or out of date. You can put the scriptures on the shelf for a 100 years and then take them down and they are still true and nothing will have changed. look at global warming some say we have it and some say we don't but god is in charge not science and science can agree on nothing. But God is still there and he is still in control instead of trying to prove him wrong pray to him he will tell you he is there?

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  • 10 years ago

    I'm afraid your question was a bit tangled.

    Without science religion exists, and did exist.

    Science is only the means to describe and test what we see in the real world.

    Psychology is science. Psychology deals with describing mental processes and phenomena.

    But the existence of mental phenomena and processes existed before they were described by psychology. In the same manner, Apples were dropped to the floor before anyone realized that gravity caused them to fall.

    So yes, Religion exists. Religion is the belief in and worship of superhuman controlling powers. (definition from wikipedia). People believe in and worship superhuman controlling powers. Thus, religion exists.

    Regardless, it's existence does not make it true. just as my belief in little corn men in my backyard does not make them true.

    What you can say however, is that religion, is not based on science, at all, and therefore, is not necessarily true, and furthermore, we have no reason to believe that it is true.

    Source(s): an inquisitive mind and logic
  • 10 years ago

    For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--

    his eternal power and divine nature--

    have been clearly seen,

    being understood from what has been made,

    so that people are without excuse.

    Source(s): Romans 1:20
  • 10 years ago

    There is no field of science that has to do with the authenticity of a religion.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    aliens brought life here.

    The russians already have computers to photograh the astral and etheric body

  • 10 years ago

    The most fundamental principle of science is Law of conservation of energy and matter. These principles cannot be proved and hence a religion.

    So, first principle of science is religion...! no?

  • 10 years ago

    no science can not prove religion wrong

    god has already proved modern day science wrong

    god created science

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