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Lv 7
pip asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Would you support legislation that set the debt limit?

Something along the lines of, we temporarily agree to raise the limit now, but only in conjunction with legislation that steps the debt ceiling down to a hard cap of 50% of the GPD over the next 10 years. That would cut the debt limit in half in 10 years, while giving the government room to get out of the bind it is in at this moment. It would be something neither side would love, but both sides could live with.

The 50% and 10 years are flexible... I'm just bored and brainstorming. If this is in no way acceptable, what do you suggest? And remember, this is in the spirit of compromise, not of toting a party line.


P.S. 50% of the GPD would just about cut our current debt ceiling in half.

Update 2:

PFO, my thought was, the number will fluctuate with the economy if you have it based at a %. And no doubt, if it is something people want to be permanent, then they would have to include legislation that had some teeth.

Update 3:

bobemac, we have such legislation in my State. We use a tier system. While it works well here, I'd have to see a plan ahead of time before I'd be comfortable with it on a scale as large as the entire nations.

10 Answers

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's a good idea, but that is what the debt ceiling is / was supposed to be. Congress could always pass another law later, repealing any law that set a firm limit, and raise it again, which is kind of what it does when it raises the debt limit.

    With the way our monetary system works, ever increasing spending, ever increasing debt, and debt ceiling increases are just par for the course. It is designed to work like this, and it is working as intended.

    If you want to get away from this system, you have to end the Fed and fiat money. It only encourages that things be managed like this.

  • gains
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    @ mopar're incorrect, he did not have an exquisite majority. and there at the prompt are not 2 "houses of congress". there is the domicile and the senate. you're a f@cking retard. you and all the different so talked about as "conservative" idiots on the following couldnt argue your way out of a moist paper bag. you fools are f@cking pathetic This stood out to me in "The Lies of Mitt Romney III": "we bear in options the president’s personal party had an exquisite majority in both houses for his first 2 years" i'm not certain how Romney defines an exquisite majority, yet my recollection grow to be that the Dems in basic terms had a filibuster-evidence majority (which incorporates 2 independents) from the time that Al Franken grow to be finally seated (July 7, 2009) till the point that Teddy Kennedy handed on to the great beyond (August 25, 2009). that is in basic terms seven weeks, not 2 years.

  • 10 years ago

    Anything that caps the debt limit is good. *G*That would be a lot better than what we have going on now.

    How about an amendment to the US Constitution requiring a balanced budget!

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No. There are extreme times and the Government should be able to function will anything they think will improve the US.

    For those of you using personal finance when talking about the US Government, If someone is willing to lend you money at less than the rate of inflation, you should take it.

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    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    If you reached the limit on your credit card, would you plead with the credit card company to raise your limit, knowing your spending habits are only going to max out that limit increase as well, or do you start making the necessary cuts now to avoid paying more in the future?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It's been done many times and broken just as many.

    You can't stop new politicians from undoing sensible things by previous admins - everybody wants their State pork because that's how they get reelected.

    Source(s): We need a Constitutional Amendment, period, no excuses ever. If we have a war the public gets to vote on a tax for it - end of needless spending and needless wars. Ditto if they want to cut taxes - it has to be paid for with spending cuts.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Yes I do. I like to see an adjustable rate tax system. The less we spend the less we pay. In that model everybody, whether they are left, right, or center, would push for less debt.

  • 10 years ago

    I would support an Amendment to the Constitution that requires we have and maintain a balanced budget....

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    yes, my family has $0 debt. Why not 0bama

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    most definitely

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