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Windows 7 won't boot at all?

OK, try this one...

Turn on Computer and

windows failed to start. a recent hardware or software change might be the cause

launch startup repair

start windows normally

if i start windows normally it will just send me back to this screen. if i launch start up repair it will do something and end up on a bluish 'windows' screen with a cursor and wont do anything.

i have left this on all night so a good 10 hours. it is not an impatience problem

recovery cd will take me as far as a screen which says 'please wait a moment' and then nothing. i have also done this over night

alt plus f10 will create the same result

f8 does not respond - i can not get to safe mode

in short i am out of options. i can not think of anything else aside from taking it to the shop or buying a mac. any last ditch ideas are warmly welcomed!


I have already tried to use my recovery cd. this does nothing.

as for the make and model number, it is an acer aspire 7741g

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did you try using the windows recovery DVD?

    If your computer's system is severely damaged and you can't access the System Recovery Options menu on your computer, you can access it using the Windows 7 installation disc

    To use this method, you need to restart (boot) your computer using the disc.

    Insert the Windows 7 installation disc and then shut down your computer.

    Restart your computer using the computer's power button.

    When prompted, press any key, and then follow the instructions that appear.

    On the Install Windows page, or on the System Recovery Options page, choose your language and other preferences, and then click Next.

    If neither the Install Windows page nor the System Recovery Options page appear, and you're not asked to press any key, you might need to change some system settings. To learn how to do this, see Start your computer from a Windows 7 installation disc .

    If you are using the Windows installation disc click Repair your computer.

    Select the Windows installation you want to repair, and then click Next.

    On the System Recovery Options menu, click a tool to open it.

  • 1 decade ago

    And are we to guess at the brand and model number of the lap top ?

    Insert recovery disc one into CD/DVD drive turn off and then power it back on the install should load and start, connect it using the power adapter before doing a reinstall of the operating system.

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