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How many people who feel its wrong to have an abortion, feel its OK to have sex outside of marriage?

isn't that a bit hypocritical?


OK, so both are a moral judgement, but sex is OK, so long as you use Birth control, but having an abortion or using plan b, which is not allowing an already fertilized egg or unferilized egg from attaching to the uterus, is not OK? I really dont see how people think having sex b4 marriage is OK so u can hang onto a BF or have your jollies and take the chance of pregnancy, even with BC, so if in fact pregnancy happens,( just look at all the "OMG i think im pregnant" questions), then abortion is wrong, and keeping the baby may totally screw up 3 lives if not more. When married, atleast the kid has a honest begining, and hopefully parents that are both committed. I feel if u dont want to get knocked up, dont have sex. Not all BC is safe or practical or effective. Are we picking and choosing our moral dilemas because we have sex b4 marriage? like a double standard?

I am pro choice,and beleive that a fertilized egg is nothing more than a clump od cells for the 1st 8 weeks or so, there is n

8 Answers

  • Anna
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, it's not hypocritical at all. It would be hypocritical if someone was against birth control AND abortion, but encouraged people who don't want children to have sex.

  • Daver
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    <<How many people <snip> a bit hypocritical?>>

    BOTH sex outside of wedlock AND abortion are morally wrong - for different reasons, which is why 'hypocrisy' really isn't part of this particular equation.

    <<OK, so both <snip> is not OK?>>

    The use of ALL forms of artificial birth control, abortion including plan b, are immoral.

    <<I really dont <snip> a double standard?>>

    It's people doing what they want instead of what they're supposed to do - and then not wanting to suffer the consequenses.

    People doing what they want - that's why we have couples having sex in all manner outside of wedlock.

    People not wanting accountability for doing what they WANTED TO DO - that's why we have rampant use of artificial birth control and abortion.

    It's all bad.

    <<I am pro <snip> there is n>>


    There are no circumstances in which abortion can be considered the morally proper alternative. Reason being, life begins at conception, not birth nor some aribtrary point in between. Therefore, EVERY abortion consitutes the MURDER of an unborn human being.

    That "clump of cells" is a HUMAN BEING.

    Obviously, physical appearance isn't a defining quality in determining what a human life is.

  • 10 years ago

    That's not hypocritical at all. Sex before marriage does not equal abortion. There are plenty of contraceptive options that can be used to minimize your chances of pregnancy, especially when more than one method is used (i.e., condom and birth control pills).

    That being said, I have always felt that if you're adult enough to decide to have sex, then you have to be adult enough to accept the potential consequences -- disease, pregnancy, etc. Having an abortion is not accepting the consequences.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Sex outside of marriage to me is a religious thing, I'm not religious so the thought of sex and not being married means nothing. Not even a passing thought.

    Abortions can be prevented with contraception - don't want a baby and don't believe in abortion - use it.

    Source(s): My opinion.
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  • 10 years ago

    Not that I feel this way but how is it hypocritical? Sex before marriage does not mean you have an abortion.

  • Sara
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    How the h*ll is that hypocritical? It is in no way whatsoever.

    I'm sure there are people who have sex before marriage and get abortions, and I'm sure there are people who ARE married and have sex and get abortions...

  • 10 years ago

    having sex outside of a marriage isnt killing a baby..I know where you are going with this and most people do not disagree with abortion because it is a sin..they just feel it's wrong to murder someone...IMO

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Call me old fashioned, but I think both are wrong.

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