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I want to teach Wish to my Vaporeon?

so I have a male Togetic who knows Wish and I want to breed it with an Eevee. The thing is I want a bold Vaporeon so I keep on trying to get a female Bold Eevee, which is really tough to get because 87.5% of Eevee's are male. I'm even using the Everstone and it's still tough. What I'm wondering is, can I breed the Togetic with a female Eevee of any nature and then breed one of their female baby Eevee with a Bold male Eevee that I have right now? will the baby formed by them be a Male bold Eevee who knows wish?


never mind guys! I got a bold female Eevee, but that's not what I had to do first. I'm gonna breed a female pikachu with the togetic to get a male pikachu with wish and breed it with the female bold Eevee with everstone. thank you all...

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ima lil rusty but.

    the female must know the nature for it to be transfered (50 % )

    the male pokemon just transfers moves.

    unless you must have bold there are other good alternatives. maybe one that highs def and lowers speed or raises spec att and lowers att (modest i think)

    what i would do, is i would just breed like 30 of them. thing is eevee takes forever so this is what sucks.

    basically dont use an everstone unless the eevee is female with the nature you want.

    im assuming you dont have one.

    a better way is to go somwhere where you can catch alot of dittos fast. i had dittos of like every nature

    then get a bold one, and breed it with eevee while the ditto holds the ever stone. it will be much faster this way considering you just need to breed about 10 and should get it (statistically wise)

    even if the pokemon you breed with ditto is female, as long as ditto holds the everstone you can get that nature.

    if you want to catch a bold ditto and have a bold pokemon with syncronize for an ability, put it at the lead of the party and go battle wild dittos. the ditto will ahve a 50 chance to be the nature of the pokemon with sync.

    im not sure which game your playing so i cant really help you on where to get dittos.

    the baby pokemon will always be the same pokemon as the female (like breeding pickacu male and female evvee will get you a eevee) unless the pokemon is ditto then its whatever the other pokemon is (2 dittos cant breed) the baby will carry over 2 IVS from each parant and get 2 random ( or maybe its 1 IV) and the nature is completely random unless the female is holding the everstone which will 50 chance it to be the same.

    to hatch eggs faster bring any magmar magby or magmortar in your party to make the eggs hatch faster. (flame body abiltiy)

    sorry im giving you all unnessary info you pry know, just telling incase you dont.

    damn i wana play my game now

  • 10 years ago

    As long as the two Pokemon can breed the female Eevee that doesn't have the bold nature can breed with that Togetic to get an Eevee of either gender with the bold nature.

    Source(s): I have one of those Vaporeons.
  • 10 years ago

    yes the result would be a male (or female but not likely) eevee with wish but im not sure about the nature... i would just keep breeding the female baby eevee and the bold male eevee until u get a bold one

  • 10 years ago

    okay, you need to experiment a bit, but for it to learn wish... egg moves. moves that are inherited from the pokemon's parents. one of the pokemon you breed has to have wish in one of the correct move slots. experiment with move placement, and it doesn't have to be a ditto that you breed with. it can be any pokemon with the 'field' egg group. in fact, here is a list of all the pokemon in the field egg group, and pokemon with the field egg group, and another egg group.

    as you can see, there are a LOT.

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  • 10 years ago

    If you want a female evee mate a male evve with ditto

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