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Why do Republicans believe that tax-cuts for the wealthy create jobs when evidence says "Not true"?

Even David Stockman, who was the Reagan father of "trickle-Down" Economics say it doesn't work.

Update 2:

Hopefully you can understand charts and where all the money really goes. It doesn't create jobs as Bush lost all 3 Million he created in 8 years. The wealthier have made more money, they sit on it and provide no jobs or they outsource. They create no jobs and pay very little, if any taxes. I pay more taxes than Exxon, Bank of America and GE combined. They pay $00.00.

Update 4:

C'mon people. Please use your brain and answer the question. Look at the facts, not ideology.

Trickle down didn't work under Bush or Reagan as large corps have been losing jobs. Ninety percent of America earns 31.200 a year while they just gave the wealthy another $5,000 of their income. 400 people have more wealth than 155 MILLION Americans, yet you, who are NOT in the top10%, or 1%, and never will be, continually want to give your money to people who tell you to bend over. I realize the American educational system has been dumbed down. I just didn't realize how dumbed down it really is. Use your brain, not a sound bite.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because they are brainwashed by Fox News and don't give a fig about "evidence" or "facts."

  • 10 years ago

    It isn't that trickle down economics is so fantastic and will produce jobs for everyone. It just is a better alternative than giving and increasing entitlements. Trickle down economics is flawed because it takes a lot of tax cuts to create a relatively small amount of jobs. Additionally these jobs are created slowly over years as the money flows through the corporate system. "Trickle up" economics through stimulus, government "job creation" and entitlement programs produces no sustainable jobs. They increase national debt and serve to increase the number of people dependent on the government for subsistence. The welfare system of the 1930s was designed to be a short term program to help people through the depression. 80 years later it is bigger than ever. Even in the best economic times the welfare rolls are full.

  • 4 years ago

    So the position are the roles now! 0bama had more suitable than a three hundred and sixty 5 days to set regulations to create jobs, they have majority rule, no longer like the in simple terms precise 3 years of the Bush administration. See the version you liberal douchcebag! The very last 3YEARS Bush had to wrestle you Democrats, and all you probably did became ruin the economy so that you lemmings might want to vote for inspite of the truth that candidate they threw at you, god you voted for an american hating muslim with out adventure (or start certificate) to regulate! You adult males had 4 YEARS to make it precise yet all of us understand you cant so that you in simple terms pass on and on the RANT practice spouting BS you recognize isn't authentic. Yeah i understand you may get you quota in, you may brainwash the different lemmings to believe 0.5 the crap you're saying for the subsequent election. won't be able to threat having human beings awaken and easily imagine.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because we saw the stong results in our economies when Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, and Bush all adopted low tax rates.

    The taxers were Johnson, Carter, HW Bush, and Obama. Now which periods you would you prefer to be job hunting?

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Polls going down

    Bin Laden body gets dumped out to sea mafia style

    Polls still going down

    with-drawl troops from Afghanistan

    I like transparency and Obama said I would have transparency

    Dumping a body out to sea is not transparency

    obama lost this independents vote

    I believe Obama passed the everything Bush Jr passed Liar

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You are ignorant the tax cuts were for Business owners some are wealthy some own candle shops. They create jobs cause the business then can grow. This is a fact.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    By taxing the rich you discourage innovation and invention, you punish the bright and ambitious, you smother any incentive to create wealth and spreading the wealth through spending, investing, and job creating.

    Taxes only make everyone poor and mediocre together.

  • 10 years ago

    They were x-ray glasses, turned inside-out. The corporations are sitting on trillions and not hiring or creating jobs (except overseas) and they don't see it. They are, after all , the children left behind.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Odd. Bush's tax cuts took us out of Clinton's recession. What has Obama's massive spending and lack of tax cuts done to get us out of Bush's recession??

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Go ahead and raise the taxes on the rich. See how many more send the jobs to India and China.

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