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Dignity of a Dane asked in PetsFish · 10 years ago

Reducing current made by a filter?

I recently put a male rose tail Betta in a 5 gallon tank with a large mystery snail. It's heated to 80 degrees, is moderately planted, and has a filter. The current the filter makes in the tank is too strong for my Betta and his fancy fins. He's being blown around all over the place.

Any ideas on what to do to lessen the current? I've already tried strategically placing plants and decorations in his aquarium. Should I just invest in a sponge filter or is there another (cheaper?) alternative?

1 Answer

  • Cheryl
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    a sponge on the intake would reduce the flow but i find it makes the filter work harder ... just drink a pop and with the bottle make a baffle ... i have done this in two of my betta tanks to reduce flow ... it works great and is cheap ...

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