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How much do you have to pay a thief to get him to stop stealing from you?

The big banks and global financial institutions crashed the U.S. and, to a lesser extent, the global economies in '08.

We were then told that we couldn't allow them to crash because they were too big to fail. U.S. taxpayers, willingly or unwillingly gave them billions in bailout money.

The individuals most responsible for the crash, instead of being imprisoned, were left in positions of power on the rationale that the only people who could fix the economy were the ones who wrecked it.

Imho, that's allot like hiring the guy who burglarized your home as a caretaker.

The solution the big banks have come up with is, surprise, that they need more money from the growing impoverished class, the battered and beaten working class and the disappearing middle class.

How much more do you think we'll have to give to the richest of the rich before they stop asking for more?

New feudal age, anyone?


yep: I'm not seeing Fannie or Freddie on this list, maybe you can find them.

5 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think 38 more cents is about as much as I would be willing to pay...but taxes come out of my paycheck automatically so I don't really have a choice there do I?

    I don't know how "Yep" says you are wrong. Who do you think loans the money to buy a house - the pizza store? the hot dog vendor? Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac are banks...they are lenders!! I am not an idoitic liberal, I am not a moron conservative. Everyone's to blame for this: the people who took the mortgage they couldn't afford, the banks who knew they couldn't count on them to pay the loans, and both the left and the right wings of the government who pretended to turn a blind eye while it was happening (not necessarily a bad thing) but then bailed out the CEOs and leadership of these companies while they raped the working class. You think the people who were never late on a rent payment aren't hurting after their landlords got the house forclosed? Bush signed TARP-1 and Obama signed TARP-2 after he saw how miserably the first stimulus package failed. Where did that money go? Straight to offshore bank accounts in switzerland, the bahamas etc... Oh and that is while they were paying themselves huge bonuses and taking extended vacations. Way to go Team!!! you voted for these yahoos and allowed this to happen. You still allow these CEOs and other Executives to get away with this. LOCK THEM UP!!!

  • Mutt
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    i see a lot of ranting here, but nothing to back up your claims. What proof do you have that it was the banks that caused it? How do you know it wasn't politicians that created the mess by forcing banks to lend money to people to buy homes they couldn't afford? Yes, the housing market boomed, and everyone was happy. But, as what happened with the tech industry in the 90's, the bubble was doomed to burst at some point. You can only blow up a balloon so much before it bursts. And that's what happened to the housing market. And when that happened, all these banks were left holding mortgages that was worth about as much as used toilet paper.

  • 10 years ago

    Psychopaths have no sense of proportion and grandiose expectations of entitlement. The answer to the question is never. Should they successfully disintegrate all of civilization, their solution will always only be yet another profit scheme even as they starve to death alone in the wilderness.

  • Yep
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    "The big banks and global financial institutions crashed the U.S. and, to a lesser extent, the global economies in '08."


    Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and liberal idiocy crashed the housing industry and started the domino effert.

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  • 10 years ago

    As an ex-thieve, jacker, pirate, You should not pay a thief. Someone payed me not to steal from them and I continued to steal from them lmao. Best 200 dollars I'd ever spent on kfc and mickey dees. Oh yeah and a small amount payed for my spinners. -lol jk

    Source(s): lol you no im jk
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