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Why did Obama say a debt ceiling deal is urgent but then turn down McConnell's invite to talk with Republicans?

McConnell invites Obama to talk to republican Senators and says what he [Obama] is proposing won't pass but would like to discuss what they can agree on:

Obama turns down meeting with McConnell and republicans:

If it's so urgent, why is he meeting with democrats but not republicans?

Why won't Obama make deals with republicans like Clinton did? Clinton understood that when America spoke, they meant it. Last November America spoke and Obama is still refusing to be bipartisan and compromise.


I know Mckenzie, I was really trying to see what excuses liberals and Obama supporters would come up with to try and rationalize why he snubbed them. Obama is a socialist and his goal is to destroy the monetary system of the United States, but I am still trying to figure out of his supporters are just ignorant or if they want the same thing too.

Obama endorsed by New Party (Socialists):

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You don't get it, and most of you wont'.

    We have several hundred government workers who are members of the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America). Pelosi and Frank are both members as are almost a hundred other congressmen and congresswomen. President Obama was part of the New Party, a branch of the DSA.

    Their goal IS to collapse the economy so it can be replaced. This is an active attempt to do so and you are all still playing softball, while they're playing with much sharper instruments.

    Wake up, folks, before they force us into a corner with no way out but their way.

  • 5 years ago

    some data for you, in no specific order: The Senate and abode chop up legislative extensive-unfold jobs, jointly as the President indicators expenses. there'll be no 2d Reagan Revolution with the Democratic occasion controlling 2 of those 3 components. Compromise isn't a bad subject. It happens each and all the time in politics. The Republicans had a guess to call Obama out on his promise to make a extensive deal, one which would desire to have had a three to one million ratio of spending cuts to tax hikes. They surpassed on it. Oh nicely, an risk misplaced. circumstances substitute. A balanced budget substitute may be prevented each and each time mandatory each and each time it struck the whim of the Congress on the 2d. it would ought to have some variety of clause that would desire to contain a suspension of the guideline for the period of a nationwide emergency. yet what's that? something Congress says that's. bear in concepts, that's their activity to assert that issues are in a disaster and that we desire on the spot action. in any different case, what do Congressmen do? bear in concepts in 2008, while the economic equipment tanked? All you heard approximately became jobs, jobs, jobs. it is how the stimulus invoice surpassed. It of course had an consequence on unemployment -- no be counted how intense it, it would be worse without, no be counted what some think of -- so now the deficit is the story of the day. the two factors have a terrible song checklist in this subject, yet threatening to no longer carry the debt ceiling is particularly irresponsible. that's often been a bookkeeping degree interior the previous, and to fool with the prospect of default is insanity. I rejoice with your activity and concerns, and that i share lots of them. yet there are a number of the type to a greater advantageous us of a, no longer in undemanding terms one.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    None of the answers you got is close. Here's the deal. None of us knows all there is to know to assess anything about this situation. Not to reduce this to a game, but this is about a power struggle, and yesterday's press conference was a chess move. It was about sending a message. It is possible that Obama ignoring McConnell, the guy who said the GOP's top priority was make him a one-term president, is a message Obama is sending: "you and your side has been playing games. Now everyone knows about you from my press conference. We don't need to talk. Do your job, and raise the debt ceiling which you know has to be done." But, this is pure speculation like every other answer because we are not in Washington, and we do not have full information.

  • Bug
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Why did the Republicans walk out of the "Biden" talks to begin with?

    Seems to me it's Republicans who are not taking this issue seriously. Any plan on debt reduction has to include cuts AND a tax increase, or else it's just a sham.

    And it's about time Obama stood up to Republicans. It was their policies that led to this debt crisis to begin with. Why should he entertain even more of those policies as a way to fix the very problem they created? Makes no sense to me.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    McConnell and the GOP know what is needed. They created this mess. Now McConnell wants to "talk." He and the GOP need to shut up and do theri jobs. They don't need more "talks."

    More to the point,, the GOP has refuesed to approach this problem in a bipartisan way for months. Instead we've heard nothing but BS from them. Now they what to make noise about being bipartisan?

    As far as I'm concerend, too little, too late. Obama should refuese to say word one to any Republican until they cut the crap and lift the debt ceiling. I just hope he sticks to hs guns and doesn't let the GOP blackmail him with threats abotu lettting the government defalut. If they do -- call their bluff.

  • 10 years ago

    Because Obama has a hard time dealing with reality.

    Maybe he can just invite Bono or Paul McCartney back to the WH for a party or two.

  • TAT
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    He has two options

    1. Work with congress

    2. Talk down to them and then go hide.

    What did you expect him to do?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    isn't the house the main problem?

    maybe that's why?

    he could come up with 100 plans senate pubs would pass, and the house wouldn't touch any of them...

  • rusty
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    He can't let them interfere with his golf games and fund raising !

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because his objective is to do what he wants, answer to know one and blame the opposition when his vapid ideas go wrong.

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