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Do you feel safer by the TSA feeling every inch of your body?

Does the TSA feeling every inch of your body, children's bodies, elderly persons bodies make you feel safer knowing terrorists will do something completely different to achieve their goals like putting the explosives in body cavities or swallow the explosives? What would you tell the TSA to do different to keep us safe? And/or do you recommend profiling?

5 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I travel every week and refuse the scanner so I get the pat down every week and I find it relatively painless.

    I don't feel any safer (I would feel safer if we just went back to doing metal detectors) because I know these pat down aren't that effective and I totally could find a way to get something small into the airport I am not supposed to have and that terrorist know ways to get around it too.

    I do recommend selective screening or some type of 'safe flyer' program. Since I fly every week, I would like to submit to a background check or something that'll allow me to go through a 'reduced' security line since the secret service knows that I am not a terrorist threat. Those that didn't get the background check or weren't able to pass it should have to go through extra security.

  • 10 years ago

    No. I've been "randomly selected" for the patdown before. It's not pleasant. Although I wouldn't quite call it sexual assault, it most certainly feels like an abuse of power. The patdown does not make me feel safer. In fact, I'm scared that the TSA will steal my stuff when they take it out of my sight for several minutes, and I'm scared the US government is violating the Constitution or, at the very least, the spirit of the Consititution with these patdowns.

    Nobody can keep us 100% safe. There are risks in life. We have become a culture or whimps. Where did all those awesome big slides and merry-go-rounds go that were in every public park when we were kids? They've been taken out because some mamby pamby threatens to sue every time an accident happens. So now kids are holed up in their houses playing video games all day. Soon we will have nothing else to do because there will be no place we can travel freely without being harrassed by the TSA, VIPR, or some other bogus Homeland Security agency. THIS is what scares me most!

    "Those that didn't get the background check ............. should have to go through extra security"

    Most people will not be given the option of going through the background check. The govt. only plans to offer it to rich people who fly often and are willing to pay for the "privilege" of going through a background check (isn't this why we pay taxes???). So, I guess what you're saying is, if a family with a couple of young kids goes on vacation to Disney World once a year, those kids need to be inappropriately touched because they do not fly often enough and did not pay Big Govt. extra money to opt out of the "extra screening"?

  • Lisa B
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No, I don't feel safe, and yes, I would recommend profiling. Profiling makes sense when the persons who fit the profile are the ones most likely to be dangerous. Trying to be politically correct and harassing persons like me (an elderly women who spent most of her career as a lawyer supporting law enforcement) is just a waste of time that takes the screeners away from the real work, which is to find extremists.

  • 4 years ago

    TSA must be abolished.the government isn't able to fixing any ones issues or making people risk-free. possibly some have forgotten that the government continually became into in fee of our protection. a hundred thirty defense force bases,a grossly over financed CIA, and 9/11 nonetheless surpassed off! Giving them greater authority is a humorous tale! Why ought to they get to spend greater of our money (government would not have money it takes it from you and me) whilst they failed us first of all?! if your quite worried approximately airport or airplane protection enable the indoors maximum sector do the interest! they do no longer ruin out with failing like the government. all of us who thinks the government is going to be effective and effective in any activity they undertake is a whipped dogs.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Safer without the TSA and just banning most Middle Easterns from visiting as tourists.

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