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Who else think that AMC and OLTL will fail on Prospect Park?

It simply not gonna work. They will last for another year or so and then get cancelled for good. And in case you don't know it yet, Prospect Park is not free.

Soap opera is an institution that must be either on CBS, NBC or ABC in order to be successful. Any soap that airs on cable or the internet is deemed to failure. What happened to Passions will happen to AMC and OLTL

That selling of AMC and OLTL to Prospect Park is just a charade by Anne Sweeney and Brian Frons to get these soaps to die peacefully while avoiding ABC to take the blame for it. Let's face it, ABC do not want these soaps to live on, either on their network or elsewhere. ABC is just trying to raise back their reputation among disgruntled fans.


arbob, I think it will be something like 20$/month but I'm not sure.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    While I really want One Life to Live and All My Children to succeed, I don't think these shows will last very long on the internet. Not everyone has the internet or is internet savvy, especially the older audience.

    I think these shows will definitely loose viewers if it becomes a show people have to pay for.

    And what about the actors who have already left these shows, and the actors who have already found other acting gigs? There is going to be multiple main characters and fan favorites (Gigi) who are no longer going to be there. They can try and recast some of the characters and write some ridiculous story to bring them back, but it's not going to be the same shows fans have grown to love.

    The best bet would be to have these shows move to NBC, CBS or even FOX. These are free stations that anyone can watch even if they don't have cable.

    I want these shows to work, especially OLTL, but I'm not holding my breath.

    P.S. has anyone from ABC or any credible person from either of these shows actually confirmed this?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Being cancelled by ABC got them huge attention. No one will forget that whatever happens to these soaps is ABC, Brian Frons, and Anne Sweeney's fault. I don't see them lasting long online either, especially when they're not free. The better solution would have been to keep on SoapNet and air them on there. ABC will never get their good reputation back with soap fans unless the soap fans are that gullible.

  • 10 years ago

    I love OLTL but I wouldn't pay to watch it. This is the first I've heard of this. I wil really, really miss it though! It's such a part of my daily routine! As for AMC, I'm actually kind of relieved that it's going off the air. I keep watching it simply because I have always watched it, but for the past year or so, it really hasn't held my attention the way it use to. I think you're right about them getting canceled all over again. Very few ppl will pay to watch, and all of the actors will be searching for better roles. When they leave, the few ppl who were paying will no longer want to do so. I have accepted it and I have been looking forward to a really spectacular ending.

    It wouldn't be available on NetFlix, would it?

  • Ar
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Lets not jump to conclusions, ok? This could work. Depends on the fans. They've gotten the situation this far, so maybe, just maybe, it will work. I for one have watched AMC since day one, and I will continue to watch it on the internet. I know it will not be free tho. Does anyone have any idea about what it might cost? Just curious. I will pay it tho, because I'm such an AMC fan.


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  • 10 years ago

    Well, it doesn't depend on the fans. Most of those are already gone anyway, that's why the show is being pulled off the network. It depends on the writers and producers. The show could maintain a few long time viewers that are net savvy (like myself) and could possibly attract some new fans. But not with the slip-shod crummy writing that has been sending it down the drain for years now.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I say give it a chance. Remember, soaps first started out on radio and then they moved to this new medium called television and people thought that would fail. Online tv shows are actually the wave of the future. As to cost, I know some people who pay $8.00-$10.00 a month for online TV sites and they get a ton of shows, some of these people have actually gotten rid of their cable service.

  • 10 years ago

    I personally don't watch shows many shows on tv unless it was DVR'd or On Demand. I mainly watch shows online. And mostly younger people watch shows online. So, I think this could open the shows up to a new audience as well as isolate older audience members. I think if more peopl know how to use the internet to watch tv I think it can be very successful. But, we have to wait and see when that time comes.

  • I don't want them to fail, but I don't see them doing too well on the internet and I don't think I'll be sitting in front of my computer or paying to watch them.

    Soapnet will go off the air in 2012. The station will be Disney Jr., completely devoted to preschool programing. So even moving it to Soapnet would have just been a temporary fix.

  • 10 years ago

    Today online is the way to go. You can get a cord to show the program online on your tv. It is a chance for the soaps to be saved. We can keep fighting to get our soaps back on tv. Call sponsors,mail in the coupon. Support our soaps. All things are new once.

  • Raatz
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Agreed. My 60 year old mother sure as hell isn't going to be watching AMC on the internet. It's dead.

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