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If I want an iPod touch, should I get an 8 GB, 32 GB, or 64 GB?

What is the difference between them? Besides the obvious price increase? The ones with larger GB amounts would have more storage space, right? But is there really a difference? Can one do more than the other ones? I'm kind of lost with this, so any advice is good advice, and many thanks to all in advance.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I bought ipod touch 64GB to replace my original IPod Touch in order to get more memory and the cameras. My wife is still using the old one. My son also has the new model and the Facetime facility is a terrific facility. My experience using IPod Touches has led me to now owning an IMac. it has 512MB of memory, vibration, 5 MP quality camera + flash (iPhone apps now support using LED flash as a flashlight, like Android does), magnetometer (compass), and the GPS. I'd happily trade the thinness of the latest iPod touch to have the GPS. WiFi based location is often inaccurate, and the GPS doesn't need a WiFi or cellular connection, it just needs to see the satellites in the sky.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes, the more GB, the more stuff that you can store on it. There isn't any difference in the software as far as i know, though.

    You should get one depending on what you wanna store on it. For example, if you want to only store a bit of music on it, get the 8 GB, but if you want to store music, movies and games on it, I suggest that you get the bigger ones such as 32 and 64 GB.

    I have the 8 GB, but I still manage to store some games, movies and music on it.

    Hope this helps - Chris

  • 10 years ago

    u would want either a 32gb or 64gb. it depends on if u wanna spend an extra 100 for the 64 but 32gbs are great. my friend has had hers for 3 years and its not even half way full and she puts songs on there everyday. dont get a 8 gb. they fill up to fast.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Only size differences. If you like watching shows and movies, then get the 32gb or 64gb version.

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