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krissylyn asked in TravelUnited StatesDetroit · 10 years ago

Unique Wedding Reception Location Needed?

I am looking for a unique wedding venue in the Farmington Hills area. Date is October 22 and will have about 75 people, food and drink. Would love to just do something different the second time around. Something unique, memorable, cool. I sure don't want the standard three meats/two pastas buffet kind of thing. Give me some ideas! Thanks!


Warner Mansion isn't big enough and no drinking ;( - Beautiful though.

Not really looking for something to WOW or impress anyone - I am just too long in the tooth, as they say to do the traditional thing.

Update 2:

Unique and different - like as in, "I know this guy who rents out his greenhouse" or "I know of a conference center that is pretty" or even "There's this little restuarant that my aunt owns"...........I can do a google search on reception venues.

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    St. Mary's in Orchard Lake is beautiful and would be even more beautiful in Oct. According to their website:

    "The Banquet Center on the second floor may be

    rented for special occasions, such as receptions,

    banquets, conferences, family reunions, etc.

    Please call Kris Daiek at 248-683-0520 about

    your next family party or business meeting."

    Banquet Center

    Capacity - 300 people

    Features Include:

    Dance Floor

    Public Address System

    Warming Kitchen

    Please call Kris Daiek at 248-683-0520

    for pricing information)

    Lakeside Reception Site

    Nestled between the soft pines and situated between the exquisite view of Orchard Lake and our fountain reflecting pool, your reception will be breathtaking. Astonish your guests with the exclusive site of our Lakeside reception site.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    So i'm assuming that "dream weddings" like Hawaii, Tahiti, Bahamas, etc could qualify as costing a besides, a pair of techniques sorta kinda particularly close to you: Sioux Falls, South Dakota: somewhat warmer, plus you have have been given lots of picturesque places alongside the water, the two indoors and out. Pella, Iowa: Definately off the crushed path, however the Dutch historical past of city will make for an extremely unique wedding ceremony area.

  • poodle
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    The Detroit Zoo does receptions

  • TJ516
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    What about the Governor Warner Museum?

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