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To Protestant Christians, What Is Your Opinion Of Catholic Martyrs?

Before getting started, I respectfully ask that all comments remain to the point and free from insults, ranting or deriding others. I don't think that's much to ask.

This question is aimed, respectfully, at those who adhere to the reformer's doctrine of Sola Fide. That is, Faith Alone.

What is you opinion of the fate of those Catholics who died in defence of their Catholics faith?

So often I have heard Catholics be criticised for not following the doctrine, Sola Fide, of your reformers, but I have never heard anything that speaks highly of their faith. You may disagree with their beliefs, but don't you think that such faith is a good thing? Especially in the eyes of God whom they believed in wanted to remain faithful too.

What of the faith of those who gave up everything for it. For example, the many thousands in Ireland and England who were slaughtered by English Protestants. A fine example would have to be St. Thomas More, who was the second most powerful man in England, who had it all and lost it all without regret, for the sake of his faith.

I must confess, I am curious. What is your opinion of them?

"I die the king's faithful servant, but God's first." St. Thomas More


To "Bobby Jim," while I will admit I haven't read all of Foxe's Book of Martyrs, I know enough about history from other sources. The common opinion of the book by historians is that is has all the historic accuracy of a roll of toilet paper.

Update 2:

To "Steiner," great men have died for lesser freedoms and they are regarded as heroes. That is because it is *their* sacrifice for *their* ideals and *their* freedom to think and believe as they wish

Suicide bombers are not making a sacrifice because they are doing it to attack others who do not share their views as an attempt to earn something for themselves.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I should also mention that it was the Catholic Christians who were being feed to the Lions during the Roman persecution of Christianity. And our first Pope St. Peter was crucified upside down on a cross.

    Did you know that Japanese Catholic Christians were crucified because of their belief in Christ. How many Protestants were crucified for Christ? Zero. Your words mean nothing without deeds.

    James 2:17

    So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

  • 10 years ago

    I am a Christian. Nobody could read about it and not be touched. The torture deaths of of The North American Martyrs. It was required study when I was in school. You must also take into consideration the deaths of St Thomas More and St John Fisher. along with many thousands of others in England. Their method of death proved civilized man was as cruel as the so called savages at that time. The many priests murdered in Mexico, Spain and Russia along with other Catholics. Ireland was a blood bath when Cromwell made his infamous tour.

    Saints Thomas More and and John Fisher are not listed in Foxes book of Martyrs.

    BTW 16 of my ancestors were victims of Cromwell They were burned at the stake. They were priests.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    1) To Protestant Christians, What Is Your Opinion Of Catholic Martyrs?

    First: I would say that many of them (particularly the earliest ones) are not strictly "Catholic" - though I realize that Roman Catholics believe them to be.

    Second: Protestants - being focused more on Scripture than are Roman Catholics - *generally* don't dwell on the admirable deeds of past followers of God apart from Biblical persons. There are certainly exceptions to this - particularly in the larger and older Protestant sects like Lutheranism and Anglicanism. However, in my admittedly limited experience Protestants are far more interested in the Biblical martyrs than in any post-Biblical martyr.

    Third: I apologize for answering before reading the entire question. You addressed this to "faith alone" Protestants and - of course - very many Protestants do not really believe in "faith alone" (in my experience: none do, and it is a catch-phrase that is popularly employed rather than an actual doctrine with them).

    2) What of the faith of those who gave up everything for it. For example, the many thousands in Ireland and England who were slaughtered by English Protestants.

    Interesting. My personal viewpoint: I think of those people as victims, not as martyrs! I realize (now that you mention it) that they *are* martyrs, but I have not thought of them - or of the Protestants who died at the hand of Roman Catholics - as anything other than "victims".

    I guess until I think about this at length, I can honestly answer that I think of them exactly as I do the Protestant "martyrs" - they are equally Christian victims of Christian religious persecutions and by our modern standards none of them deserved death.

    - Jim,

  • 10 years ago

    The problem is that the Catholic religion is full of lies and wrong beliefs.

    Rabbi Jesus says in Matthew 5:17-20 that he is NOT here to start a new religion, but to fix the Jewish one and requires us to remember ALL of the 613 Commandments that God gave to Moses. In Acts the Christians met in the Synagogues in the evenings and in homes.

    In 305/6 A.D. 29 men that did not like all the effort it takes to obey ALL that is requires of us, decided to start their own, new church and named it Catholic. So it is a lot younger than it even admits to. Records of this is everywhere except in the Catholic church which hid this. Not long after that there were people that believed that the sun was a god and they were having fun murdering the Christians. To stop this the Roman ruler Constantine ordered the Sabbath changed to Sundays. And all that are worshiping on Sundays today are still obeying that order. Constantine also ordered some of the fake sun gods beliefs added to the Catholic church. If you have seen the old roman Catholic church then you have seen it with the sun on its walls and it dose carry some of the fake beliefs...

    When the Printing Press was invented and people found out what the Bible really said/says they saw truth was far from what was taught Catholic. That is why the Catholic church would not let anyone other than their priest read the Bible. Not even nuns were permitted to read the Bible.

    Any one that murders is killing and against God. Disobeying Jesus lessons. Yet if you opened your mind to all history, not just a small area/time you pick out; you would find the Catholic church is well known for starting and controlling wars and much more.

    The Bible says that anyone that hates is a follower of the devil. IF you hate anyone for their answer to your question; it will show the devil has his hate in you.

    Source(s): Bible, history
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Are you sure you do not mean Christian Martyrs? A martyr who's belief was somewhat different than what the Catholics taught who were called heretics because of their differences.? There were few Catholic martyrs compared to the thousands killed for being labeled an heretic. I believe some of Gods truth was slain right along with many of these unfortunate so called "heretics". Faith is an individual emotion out of the personal belief of every person, and not some Doctrine (church rule), that establishes "truth"as the Church sees it. Jesus scorned the Sadducee's and Pharisees for this very same reason. Unfortunately this same pattern still exists today.

  • 10 years ago

    Only God knows a person's true faith, and in whom it lays.

    If one is a martyr for His faith in Jesus Christ, then it matters not whether he is Catholic or Protestant.

    You may wish to read" Fox's Book of Martyrs" and gain insight into the other side of the equation:

    Thousands of Bible believing Christians were martyred by the Roman Catholic Church.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    some catholics may have a proper understanding of the bible, some may not.

    just like some christians have a proper understanding of the bible, and some do not(Harold Camping as an example)

    enough with the labels, instead look at the renewed followers of Jesus. God knows everyone's hearts and loves everyone more than i could, and i know he'll judge appropriately.

    Source(s): i agree with bobby jim and meduh
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well, first of all I think you have missed the mark on the idea of sola fide. Sola fide (faith alone) speaks of faith in Christ only when concerning salvation. There are many people who die for their faith in other religions (Muslims, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs), but they are not in Heaven for Christ has said "No one comes to the Father but by me." Only Jesus can save. So, that in essence is what sola fide is about.

  • cork
    Lv 7
    10 years ago




  • 10 years ago

    One can admire their loyalty but it does not make what they take a stand in right. It is like the muslims that blow themselves up thinking they are doing it for allah.

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