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0-60 with torque vs 0-60 with horsepower?

0-60 with torque vs 0-60 with horsepower?

Ok. this is hard to explain but i will try my best.

A car driven to 60mph in two different ways. And driven from 60-80 lets say as well in two different ways. Im not very accurate with figures so bare with me here. Its just examples.

Say a car revs to 7000rpm, Top bhp is 250bhp at 7000rpm,

Top torque is around lets say 215ft/lb at 5500rpm and goes down to 190ft/lb at 7000rpm and anything below 5500rpm reduces as well, say 200ft/lb to 190 and so on

Bearing in mind that 5500rpm could yield around 200bhp. A lot less than the top 250bhp.

My question is using the above as an example. of bhp and torque curve is that

If sprinting to 60 (by redlining usually) is it better than using the torque band, reving to 5500 where top torque is.,now obviously you would have to rev slightly above it to keep the revs in the torque band , so reving to around 6000 before changing up. But also having lower bhp say around 220 instead of the 250bhp at 7000,. Would this be an advantage or disadvange to do this. Or would redlining to top bhp compensate/equilize the loss of torque at top revs so being the same in terms of acceleration .

What is the relationship between these to methods (redling and rev to top torque) in terms of acceleration. Which is better.

That example was from 0-60. Lets say using the same example but now form 60mph to 80mph. Id imagine that torque has a much bigger roll here. (does it?) as at higher gears more torque would be needed to accelerate the faster moving wheels and counteract wind resistance. Therefore would using the torque band here be more beneficial. Or just redling like before to get best bhp. Is top bhp better than top torque in terms of accelaration.

Again what is the relationship between these to methods for accelaration from 60mph to 80mph (redling and rev to top torque) in terms of acceleration. Which is better.

Hope I explained this ok .

3 Answers

  • Dan B
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My thoughts. Given two vehicles with the exact same engine, exact same transmission, but different rear axle ratios. The work is done at the rear wheels. Shifting during acceleration by the drivers considered the same to keep the engine in the maximum torque/horsepower curve. Understand that the transmission and rear axle amplifies engine torque.

    The car with the higher ratio rear axle will have a slower acceleration but higher top end speed - lower torque at the rear axle.

    The car with the lower ratio rear axle will have a faster acceleration but lower top end speed - higher torque at the rear axle.

    Transmission ratios during shifting can alter the outcome of the acceleration times.

    So, from 0-60 or 60-80, the results will be as follows: Faster acceleration from 60-80 with the higher torque arrangement or slower acceleration with the lower torque arrangement. A car with a lower HP engine can't deliver the same torque as a higher HP engine - obviously.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    a million. Torque is actual. 2. Horsepower is a made up style calculated from torque. It became initially designed as an promoting gimmick. circulate examine the wiki on it. There are additionally dozens of standard ordinary strategies to calculated it, so the type can variety wildly. it truly is pointless. 3. you're going approximately this completely the incorrect way. those vehicles do no longer weigh the comparable. they do no longer look to be geared the comparable. some are 2-wheel, some are all-wheel rigidity. it truly is truly not an equivalent assessment. think of of it like asserting that there are 3 adult males that each and all and sundry weigh 3 hundred lbs. One is organic muscle. One is organic fat, and one is a stability. they gained't run the comparable. because of fact they do no longer look to be the comparable style of guy or woman. it truly is the comparable ingredient you are attempting to do here. There are 1000's of issues that adjust the top results of acceleration, no longer basically power rankings. finally, a nil-60 time is relating to the main ineffective measurement you may arise with. What does 0-60 instruct? Wait, it truly is a extra useful question. enable's say one vehicle does 0-60 in 4 seconds, and one in 4.2. however the 1st vehicle takes a hundred ft to do it, and the 2d vehicle basically ninety. So which vehicle is quicker? And yeah, it could artwork like that. And no, handbook would not supply you extra rpm administration. ask your self this. Are you extra precise than a working laptop or computing gadget? Are you swifter than a working laptop or computing gadget? because of fact while you at the instant are not, then why might you anticipate which you would be able to shift extra useful than a working laptop or computing gadget can? heavily. circulate examine Jaguar's remark approximately their recent vehicles being automatics. They element out the reality that they have got yet to have a try motive force that could outshift the computerized transmission. it truly is purely satisfaction. you at the instant are not as solid as you think of you're. So there is not any element in finding out you'll have a handbook to be a speedy motive force. Edit: in case you do not have the time, then neither can we. we aren't here to babysit you. in case you opt for an in intensity answer, you are going to be able to desire to do learn so as which you would be able to easily comprehend the respond. once you're too lazy to try this, it is not significant what we enable you to already know, it won't do you any solid.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    its a balance of both, granted the only reason tq curvel like it does and meets the hp curve at 5250 rpm is because thats how hp is calculated,

    tq gets you off the line, hp takes over after that

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