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In the precession of the earth 26kyears, it would seem every13k years the seasons reverse. Is this right?

The tilt of the earth would be opposite the current tilt in 13k years. Therefore it seems spring would be fall, and fall spring.


This scientist says yes, summer and winter will reverse. All this stuff about climate change is a bunch of hogwash to collect carbon taxes. The climate is dependent on earths precession, sun activity, and much more. CO2 is a bunk argument

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends what you use as your basis for comparison. If you use the next sky for comparison then yes the seasons will be reversed. The calendar is more difficult - it _does_ drift but at a much slower rate - around one day every 3,000 years. Therefore, yes, in 13,000 years time it will be summer in the northern hemisphere in December, but in 1,000,000 years the drift will be enough to make things difficult to predict.

  • 10 years ago

    It's true that the Earth's axis is leaning the other way after 13,000 years. All it means is that summer stars become winter stars and vice versa. But our calendar is specifically designed to keep in step with the seasons. So the northern hemisphere summer will always be in June. But at night, it will be possible to see the constellation Orion (at least for those who are not too far north), which is currently best seen in December and January.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Your question is a reflection of the evolutionists fervent desire to bully innocent thinkers into thinking that the universe is an orderly gentle and gradual change that fits their wish to be a part of a reasonable system that they are sooooo comfortable with.

    It is both mystical and nonsensical.

    The evolutionists are too cowardly to allow themselves to believe that catastrophe is the ruler of the universe. The earth being a giant gyroscope that every body knows can not change its own spin. It takes a huge external force to make the change.

    The dainty evolutionists can literally stare catastrophe in the face and deny it.

    The FACT that the mammoths were FROZEN ALIVE and made extinct when mankind was on earth is not even possible to contemplate let alone recognize as being the result of a CATASTROPHIC event by the evolutionists is annoying and revealing of their stupidity.

    Actually, their denial of catastrophe fits best with the atheism and arrogance and feeds their feelings of control of their own lives and destiny. Anyone who attempts to reveal the catastrophic past of our supposedly stable platform(earth) is vilified in the same category as a Christian is vilified by the atheists.

    As for your question, No it is not right. The earth had to have had a near miss by a passing smaller planet about ten thousand years ago. The mammoths were frozen alive before they could even swallow the daisies they had just taken into their mouths. And now ten thousand years later, people are carving meat off the mammoths carcasses and feeding it to their sled dogs. They never even had a chance to rot.

    And just as the ocean tides are pulled up by the moon, the crust of the earth was pulled up into the two main mountain chains. And the garden of Eden, the land of milk and honey, was now a desert. The second pass ripped up the Alps-Himalayas, which is parallel to the equator but at a higher latitude creating the wobble as well as the seasons.

    The Greek myth of Persophone, the God of Spring was swallowed up into the earth and now was allowed to come to the surface only in the Spring to allow plants to grow. (Now different from the plants growing all year round prior to the event).

    Source(s): Facts before our own eyes. The Bible. Greek myths. Caves in France with drawings of men aiming spears at mammoths. Immanuel Velikovsky's Planets in Collision, The Earth in Upheaval. The babblinigs of atheists
  • 10 years ago

    Well, ..., yes that is correct. Ancient man recognized this and imposed an intercalary day (or days depending on calendar system) with in the solar calendar system. In the Gregorian system February 29th is our intercalary day. Every four years we insert a day (hence the term intercalary) into the calendar to make for the ~365.25 days that it takes to orbit the Sun. Using this method the seasons remain in sync with where we think they should be.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I dont think you understand what precession means.

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