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"Teething" like pain about a year after wisdom teeth are removed?

June of last year, I had ALL 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. I did get dry sockets in the two bottoms. Anyway, the past week or two, I've started to feel a sore pain in my gums where my wisdom teeth used to be. It feels similarly to how it did when my wisdom teeth were coming in. The gums are slightly swollen, more on the left side than the right. Both top and bottom are affected. It's gotten progressively worse.

What should I do to ease the pain until I can call my dentist in the morning, considering tylenol and ibuprofen give me ulcers? What could be happening?


The pain went away after the surgery. It's like it's come back.

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had pain in my gums several months after I got my wisdom teeth out. It turned out pieces of food were getting stuck under the gums. My dentist gave me a thin, curved syringe that I could use to rinse out my gums.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I had all 5 of mine removed 2 months ago. Luckily I received many diff types of pain meds. After they were gone I took Ibuprofen every 6 hours and Acetaminophen every 4. As far as eating goes; applesauce, soup, yogurt, Popsicles, mashed potatoes are the best. Stay away from things like rice and ANYTHING with seeds as this can get stuck in the wound. Hope this helps!

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