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Stephen H asked in HealthMental Health · 10 years ago

There's something wrong?

On the basis of the above assumption:

If some people think it's about power and control over people,

... and some people go along with that

... and some people fight back

... and some people totally reject it and run away

... and some switch and use a combination of the above

And they all blame themselves or other people, as they go along.

And there's competition and always something to be fixed.

And the people who are self-empowered instead and don't need competition or to fix anyone else, (they just fix things for themselves if anything goes slightly off), are "mentally ill" and get "fixed" with drugs.

And the drugs have epigenetic effects on all future generations (they do!).

What's the end-game?

[Delete? lol]


Thinking aloud:

Hmm, they don't have to notice anything at all. They can just harm and kill people, including all future generations. But usually if there's any hint, they can just get the post deleted, so they don't get upset. The most extreme cases, who have no idea what or who they are at all, are so highly educated (to ignore anything real) that they'll order it, and the oher staff are trained to do what they say. Massive public education. The government, the police, the hopitals, families, the majority of the general public all favour and help the power and control and competition or turn a blind eye. And if the kids take a different view "Open your eyes, it's surpising what you'll see. The world is competition, live in the real world. .. Sit up attention. Write lots of "must" lines. On report, caning. "[Completely forget everything about who and what you are]. Education, education, ... You'll never get anywhere in life unless." Utter and total rubbish, and most of them swallow

Update 2:

... it whole, just little nice kids, who are rewarded or punished in accordance with the themes. To make them fit in. The cleverest ones, mostly, most easily subject to suggesteion and pliable at a young age. And can look down on the rest for not being so "succesful" and not achieving "status" and money and power and control. Clever and stupid then go hand in hand. Now if the kids do anything else, new "mental illnesses", start earlier with drugs. All generations to be skewed and destroyed, on the basis of arbitrary theory that bears no relationship to anything at all, except how clever it is to make up theory and find a way to make it seem like it's right.

If we're clever we know clever, and we have those to meet. If we have some other gift then it's meet that. Each own little special interests and lines of division, so the pivotal, power, status, and control theme remains untouched and noone notices it rising at all.

Instead, self-empowerement, empower others, be empowered by them

Update 3:

Instead, self-empowerement, empower others, be empowered by them, cooperation round and round and round. Self-empowerment pivot. What's best for the whole. Personal experience, no conditioning, no arbitrary theories at all. Look after yourselves in all that you are. (Care with boundaries, on "power" which isn't power at all. And never give in. Power to change life (lives) for the better, doesn't come from anywhere else. But through each one.)

At least 3-12 people a year to basically understand, especially young, they are empowered, spreading outwards and passing on. Needs jiggling and tweaking and common support system. Simple principles, no top of tree. Network, mutual support, bottom up., share, integrate ... still streaming and thinking ... need clarity. What's best for the one=what's best for the whole. Then all fits and integrates, one human race (environment then next, some will be oriented that way first anyway, really need closer and humanity first, but ?). Lot's of fears t

Update 4:

o be overcome, quicker than being realised. "Must this way/only this way/ close mind/doors" Elephant, mountain to climb. Camel through eye of needle. etc.

Update 5:

Natasha, Yes good points. The issue here, is that they are introducing epigentic illness and death. If they stopped right now. Disregarding immigration, 100% (rounded to the nearest whole number) of the population will be adversely affected by psychiatric drugs (alone) in four generations here in the UK.That's just from the current generation alone. (Similar in US I expect.) But here they are escalating (a "skills shortage" in psychiatry). It gets worse, because they understand less and less well what the patients are saying. The UK has long kept public health cost figures down by importing health workers, even from countries where the public culture is less favourable to the extremes exercised here. They can't recruit/educate/retain enough people cheap enough here to do the health work under conditions/salaries applied. Most nurses will do what they're old even if they don't agree, and they soon leave if they won't. So it's filtered to the extremes. Essentially, "do what the drugs sa

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you should ever feel inspired to explore the link that Sunman offered in one of your other may find some insight there.

    I am not in writing voice at this moment, but I would like to share a few clips from that book. Session 628 goes in in depth about a problem a man referred to as Augustus encountered, and Session 629 details some solutions to his dilemmas.

    A few quotes.... from that material:

    "There is no real adequate framework in your society in which people like Augustus can be treated with any effectiveness. An analyst might consider Augustus as schizophrenic and label him neatly, but such terms are basically meaningless. If the analyst, over a period of time, should convince Augustus that his condition in the present resulted from some specific inhibited event in the past, and if the analyst was an intuitive and understanding man, then Augustus might change his beliefs enough so that some kind of "cure" was worked."

    "Then there would be the matter of helping Augustus to face the implications of his other-self's behavior in such a way that he could accept it as a portion of his whole identity. When Augustus Two was in control of the body the chemical makeup varied considerably. It showed significant differences over Augustus's usual hormonal status. The chemical changes were caused by the transition in beliefs that operated, and not the other way around.

    If chemical alteration were made in Augustus Two he would return to the Augustus One personality, but the change would be artificial — not permanent, and possibly quite dangerous.The chemically inhibited tendencies would to some extent be forcefully blanketed through medication. The problem would remain, though, and it is quite possible that overt suicidal tendencies could result; or more result; or more insidious hidden suicidal inclinations, where vital organs would be attacked."

    I see that you are providing something of great significance within your line of questioning, and I hope you continue to do so.

    In closing......

    "Generally, people believe that ideas have little to do with the living flesh. The flesh seems physical and ideas do not. Those given to love of the intellect often make an unnecessary separation between the world of concepts and that of the flesh.While it is true that the body is the living materialization of idea, it is alsoo true that these ideas form an active, responsive, alive body. The body is not just a tool to be used. It is not just a vehicle for the spirit. It is the spirit in flesh. You impose your ideas upon it and largely affect its health and well-being through your conscious beliefs. But the body is composed of living, responding atoms and molecules. These have their own consciousnesses alive in matter, their drive to exist and be within the framework of their own nature."

    And so in my opinion is it also the ideas of the doctors who so often medicate before fully understanding either themselves or their patients....that could perhaps update their idea of who they are, who their patients are, and what really a human being consists of in it's totality.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Wrongs could be distinctive between cultures and would exchange over the years. some cultures have faith that express nutrition could be arranged in a definite way and that's inaccurate to do otherwise. that inaccurate my have developed earlier refrigeration became attainable and so would now no longer be perfect. on the different hand, there will be some who stick to the custom basically because of the fact it worked for earlier generations. for people who believed interior the will for racial purity some people it became incorrect to have integrated faculties, shared eating places and bogs. for people who believed in male superiority, it was once incorrect for women to assume equivalent pay. For populations that have been death because of the fact of disease or death in conflict and organic disaster, you are able to nevertheless think of that homosexuality became discouraged because of the fact it diverted sexual power from reproduction. i think that in case you examine the ten Commandments you will locate that each and each became defined to deter movements that tended to have undesirable outcomes for those societies at that factor and in all likelihood nevertheless does. in many cases, basically as you have defined and to the developed worldwide of the twenty first century, those undesirable outcomes look somewhat logical. In Biblical cases, purely some understood the logic or had the information. Moses became very sensible certainly and knew that the long suffering Tribes would by no ability have believed he would desire to individually have such information yet whilst he defined those because of the fact the words of God, properly . . . . . .

  • I think worrying about why most people are insane and why those who aren't coercive are thought to be insane has wasted a lot of my energy. I realized it so young that it made the world seem lackluster, their institutions seemed meaningless, their actions meant nothing or the opposite of what they insisted and I truly felt like a ghost among dead people...I had no intrinsic desire to achieve their standards.

    The funny thing is the more I learn about why people are the way they are the more I realize that it is possible to change the world, the world is changed constantly by human thought and action, but at the same time, I feel like a mother or something....they haven't been given the means, if I feel there are things that should be talked about and understood it is my responsibility to communicate that information in my small way. The internet is providing the needed infrastructure for the first time in human history and we are witnessing the birth spasms of this new human tool, the decentralization of human thought itself.

    What has always been lacking is self esteem as most of our current and recent philosophers, scientists and men of reason have been explaining for a very, very long time. Plain and simple, people are taught that what is in their minds is lesser than what is in the minds of their rulers, of their governments officials or their church leaders of their bosses. Most religions and most institutions had to create these kinds of paradigms to retain control and allow for the centralization of human resources, and one byproduct of this are sociological infrastructures. At first it was just pyramids and Colosseum's, but it has evolved into roads, schools, etc. I am happy and grateful for our nations today and they will never be perfect but it is required infrastructure for what we all enjoy--society.

    So as usual, what we need to "fight" against is what has made the current systems if we fight against it like I see most fighting it we tend to come up with solutions that actually destroy the infrastructure itself...

    The only thing that has ever been needed to offset the insanity that ensues when too many resources are concentrated under the power of one or a small group of people (which is an entirely natural behavior) is a world of people who believe that the society is as much their world as their rulers world, that they have as much intrinsic right to the sociological infrastructure as their "elites" and that it is their labor and their governments use of the resources created by their labor that creates our systems as we see them today. This is self esteem. This is the point Rand came to. This is what most men of reason understand...and yet....

    Even a philosophy such as Rand's has created an environment where there are some who are thought to have more intrinsic right to the resources than anyone else and because resources are needed to sustain life, this translates into not being worthy of life itself....self esteem degrading. There seems to have been a misconception created that all business men earn and create their wealth which is just not a reality today. I believe what is happening is we are on the threshold of a new paradigm. A paradigm starting to be seen in the middle east and in the revolts around the world of men standing up and claiming their right to what they earn and claiming their right to sociological infrastructures who reward both the creators and the facilitators of the resources on our planet. Now I just feel happy. I feel in awe of our species and I believe that we are on the right path.

    I don't sit around and fret anymore and I notice the things that are happening to help create this new paradigm and they are everywhere. The diversity in thought created by a resource like the internet is helping to bring about the next evolution of human sociology. I can't shake the looks on the faces of those at the state dept. after the revolutions in the Middle East began lol. There are new modes of thought and new modes of facilitating sociological behavior that are not dependent on those who run the current environments. It was shocking to them because it is something new on the human scene and none of us really know how it will play out.

    So instead of frustration I now feel happy, and I hope to become what is the hardest to become, someone who never degrades others and always remembers that they are as much a part of my reality as I am and that what they need and want is as important as what I need and want if I am to have a healthy environment in which to need and wants things lolz.

    As far as the prevalent use of prescription drugs to fix things that are not broken...simply the way information has been analyzed creates most mental problems in humans, I hope this is a trend that dies out soon. Whatever affects it may have on us now and in the future is a very interesting question.

  • 10 years ago

    I recommend Ivan Illich.


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