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Rocconisse asked in PetsHorses · 10 years ago

Slaughter versus Euthanasia?

I just saw a ton of comments in question about horse slaughter, where many people said that they'd rather see horses go to slaughter because "it's a quick death." (It's not really quick to be jammed on a trailer full of terrified horses and be shipped for days to an awful, stressful death in Mexico, but whatever.) I was pretty disturbed by that, so I have a question:

What about euthanasia as a quick death? Why would you NOT euthanize your old horse, who has given you many years of faithful service? Why not a more peaceful end?

Because despite being able to pay for a horse and its care in the first place, you're now too cheap or "broke" to give him a peaceful end, now that he's no longer useful to you?

Because you're so greedy, you want the $100 that the kill-buyer might give you?

Because you're so selfish, you'd send your horse to a horrible death at slaughter rather than go through the emotional pain of watching him be put to sleep?

And folks, we're NOT talking about starvation versus slaughter. Anyone who starves a horse is just an asshole, when that person could just shoot the horse, send him to a kill auction or pay for euthanasia. I'm not talking about backyard breeders either, who clearly have no morals already and will breed and sell anything.

I'm talking about typical horse people who know their options, and are not normally horse abusers but send their horse to slaughter anyway rather than euthanize.

What's the justification for that??

I'm looking at you, Izzie, Needle and Two to Tango! You're some of the people who talked about slaughter as a "quick death," as if there were no other options. Were you talking about how you will send YOUR horses to slaughter when they get old?

Bonus Question: I know some vet clinics and horse rescues host low-cost gelding and euthanasia clinics like this one: Please post if you know of one in your area!


@Luv My Nyx: Yes, euthanizing a horse is expensive. I don't CARE how expensive it is, or what excuses you have-- when you buy a horse, you take on the cost of caring for it AND the cost of taking care of its peaceful death. If you aren't prepared to pay for feeding, boarding, emergency vet bills AND euthanasia, don't get a horse.

As for your pro-slaughter argument: Of course euthanasia won't work for every horse right now. But that doesn't mean slaughter is the solution. It's our responsibility to clean up up the original PROBLEM of over-population via low-cost gelding clinics, education and stricter laws rather than deal with the symptoms of over-population by slaughtering the horses. This problem is OUR fault-- we need to fix it, not just keep throwing away the victims of the problem. And there is no way to regulate the slaughter industry to make it humane for horses, even in the USA. Doing so would either be impossible or so expensive that it wouldn't work. Slaughter is slaughter-

Update 2:

@Izzie: Yes, I have euthanized a horse. It was also emotionally hard, and expensive-- but when I became a horse owner, I accepted responsibility for ALL the costs of his care-- including his peaceful death. Obviously you did too-- and that's what I want everyone to do.

I agree there are people out there who aren't good horse owners, and some who don't have the money for euthanasia, and their horses would be better off with a bullet to the head. But arguing that slaughter is "necessary" because of these people is giving up on the problem. It's choosing a "lesser" evil when we don't have to choose any evil at all.

The problem of horse over-population can be solved: with education, low-cost gelding and euthanasia clinics, stricter laws-- and more people fighting to enforce what's RIGHT rather than what's easy and convenient.

P.S.: Here's a graph of what happened to the number of unwanted small animal euthanizations when the USA really started ramping up its low-cost spay and neuter

13 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    After reading all there comments, I guess there is a lot to think about. But I do have a comment about the price of euthanasia. Let's say that after all is said and done you spend $1000 to have your horse put down and the body cremated or buried. That sounds like a lot, but how much do you spend each month on its care? How much is board and vet and farrier? I pay about $600 a month, so that's less than two months worth of board, which I wouldn't be paying after the horse dies.

    If you look at how much we spend on our horses, $1000 is not much.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Of course I would euthanize my horse before I would ever even think about sending it to slaughter. Why wouldn't I? Just because I am reluctantly pro-slaughter doesn't mean that I think horses should be sent to a terrifying death. But if watched closely, if the horses are taken in humanely, killed humanely, then I can't be against it any more than I am against slaughtering cattle. And I never said there were no other options.

    Have you ever had to euthanize a horse? I have. Do you know how much it costs for the euthanization alone? It was $200 for my mare in October, and that was at a discount because our vet felt like he failed us. Do you know how much it costs to bury a horse? I do, because I had to do it. That was another $300. Do you know how much it costs to get people out to cart a 1,000 pound carcass of a two year old colt to the rendering plant? I do, that was $250. Don't you dare imply that I would ever send my horse to slaughter, you have no idea. No idea at all.

    I would love it if euthanasia was always an option. It would be wonderful, it would be a dream come true, it would make the world a damn near perfect place. But let's be honest here. There are a lot of irresponsible horse owners out there, there are a lot of people out there that can't afford $500 on a dead horse. I never said slaughter was the only option, I never said it was the only alternative to starvation. But sometimes it truly is. And in those cases, well, have you ever seen a horse dying of starvation? I've seen that too, and it just makes you want to get the rifle yourself and put the horse out of it's own personal hell. That's what I was talking about when I made that post.

  • 10 years ago

    At the barn where I board, there is an old, tired, lame horse who is the sweetest thing in the world, and is simply being allowed to live out his days. He can barely walk and when he has to stomp to get the flies off his legs sometimes he falls over.

    I would kill him humanely right away. It is no kindness to keep horses alive beyond the point where they can be happy and healthy--they do not understand what is wrong with them.

    I would never, however, sell a horse to a slaughterhouse in the United States. It means a long, traumatic journey and is not worth it. I am not morally opposed to the consumption of horse meat, but the way horses in this country are treated prior to slaughter is cruel, imo.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Actually slaughter is NOT a quick death.

    Many facilities use the Captive Bolt method, which is designed for and meant to be used on cattle. Because of the difference between a horse's facial anatomy and a cow's, captive bolts don't kill horses as quickly or as efficiently as they do cattle. It usually only stuns them, and many of them are still alive when they are hoisted by the legs above the killing floor to have their throats slit. So in all sense, the animal is awake and aware of everything that is going on (including other horses being killed around them) until it's having it's throat sliced open. By any and all accounts, it is NOT a nice way to go.

    Getting shot in the head with a rifle is a rather quick death, too, but you don't see terminally ill cancer patients lining up for that one. Euthanasia literally means "good death".

    So yes, horse slaughter is abysmally cruel, poorly controlled, and not a quick or painless death whatsoever. I believe anyone who cares about their animals should have a plan of action in place if their horse should die. It's not a fun errand or a fun thing to think about, but it is easier (and kinder) to give your horse a peaceful end than to be scrambling around desperately because you don't have the resources to make it happen when it needs to happen.

  • JSHalo
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I would sooner have my horse euth'd. Being shot by a captive bolt gun (most of the time, incorrectly) does not make for a quick and painless death, especially since they are then strung up and bled out.

    That being said, I'm pro slaughter - if it can be done in a managed way. There needs to be regulation. Slaughter houses as they were, were just one big clusterf* because no one regulated them.

    We don't have any euth clinics here. There's a large horse population, but most unwanted horses get shipped off to the next state to be sold at auction. Or dropped on Craigslist, especially now with the hay shortage. There's an endless number of horses needing new homes because owners can't find/afford hay. There are people asking $80-100 per round bale (what scum, taking advantage of people in a desperate situation...)

  • 10 years ago

    I mean, euthanasia is overall the best choice anyway. If you had your horse put down, you could sign it up to be a cadaver for a student in vet school, even if it's not very common with horse cadavers. If a horse would be cut up for illegal food and you could stomach that, then what's wrong with doing it for science? Either way, Euthanasia is the best thing to do. If ANYBODY thinks slaughter is better than euthanasia, they are cruel. To have such an animal that works with you (I'm not saying the meats you eat are from unfaithful animals, but you don't get attached to them) to go to waste for illegal meat just seems rude. It's like bringing your dog or bird to a slaughter house and be eaten.

    If you think slaughter houses are better than vet clinics to euthanize your horse, you are freakin cruel!

    Source(s): MYSELF DAMMIT!
  • gallop
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I don't think the average horse owner has to concern him or herself with environmental impact issues when making the decision to euthanize. The EPA is handling that issue. Using that argument is one heavy load of bull when it comes to the difference between sending your horse to slaughter and profiting from it versus providing a quiet and comfortable death at home, first tranquilized heavily, and then given the euthanizing drug. I've euthanized my share of horses over the years, and I've also had the unpleasant experience of visiting one of the major US slaughterhouses during operation before they were all closed down. I've also been more recently connected with the emergency rescue of horribly injured horses following the crash of an overloaded double-decker full of young and healthy industry castaway horses headed cross country to Canada for slaughter. Anyone who could even think of allowing any fraction of the horror of either the nightmarish transport or horrific processing at the slaughterhouse to happen to a horse they ever claimed to care about even slightly earns wholehearted contempt. I don't care what a person has to do to afford it, our horses should be euthanized at home (or vet clinic if already there) and then have the carcass removed by a renderer. No fear, no pain, and a dignified death.


    Add..................... If you are living so hand to mouth that you don't even have the savings set aside so that losing your job wouldn't allow you to come up with the cost of euthanasia and rendering, which is less than the cost of many common medical emergencies, then you really shouldn't own horses, especially if you have a family to think about.

    Source(s): Personal opinion 58 years with horses
  • 10 years ago

    i agree with just about everything you've said and anyone who buys a horse should be aware of ALL the costs of owning. to be honest, i think it's pretty stupid that anyone can try to argue that euthanasia is a form of slaughter because if you get off your 'high horse' and check the definition, (applied to humans; The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The practice is illegal in most countries.) then it's pretty obvious that a horse with something seriously wrong with it and it is in extreme pain/discomfort should be put out of it's misery! it's the same with any animal. they can't choose to end their life the way humans can, so we need to make the informed decision to put the animal out of pain! what is cruel about that?! jeeeesus, some people should not be let out of their home, never mind near an animal.

    Source(s): me.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I still call euthanasia "Slaughter" its still killing something

    But euthanasia is the way to go. Its less painful for the horse. I believe all animals should be comfortable before they go meet God.

    I hope you didn't think by "Slaughter" I meant slitting their throats? That makes me sick. "Humane slaughter" = euthanasia.

  • 10 years ago

    This seems to be more of a rant then a question.....

    Just because somebody believes in slaughter DOES NOT mean they would send there horses to slaughter. And I know people who have had terrible first had experience with the Euth. process....such as horses not dieing....or getting back up and them having to shoot them in the head. I have talked to VETS about this and I was amazed at how many had horror stories about the process going wrong. And its not a cheap deed to have done...and you have to go through the city or county most of the time to have your horse buried. Then their is the backhoe fee which ranges widely.

    So don't go around bashing other people for their own opinion, just like you have yours! And most of the time horses just being turned loose to fend for themselves. It's people like YOU that need to open your eyes that need to get a wiff of REALITY and realize the world isn't the "perfect" place you want it to be.

    Source(s): Train Barrel and Pole Horses And stands by horse slaughter! TD me ALL you want!
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