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Lv 4
Mike asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 10 years ago

Why not get Rid of the USMC to fix the financial problems?

They contribute the least of the 4 main branches.

What they do bring to the table can be done by the other branches. Ex: The Army did more island hopping in the Pacific than them and performed the histories largest Amphibious Assault.

They aren't the only ones that Guard US Embassaies....:

The Army has units capable of deploying in less time than the Marines.

Marines can deploy anywhere within 24 hrs.

The Army keeps a conventional brigade on standby 24/7 ready to have boots on ground anywhere in the world within 18hrs. Then the Army also has 90% of the Special Operations Community which can probably be there faster.

The only problem would really be having Army stationed on Navy ships to deploy from Sea... but that isn't necessary... You can airdrop tanks if needed as seen during the Gulf War.

The Army is usually the first to respond anyways...

-WW2 The Armys 25thID were among to first to engage the Japanese when they attaced Hawaii(they flew over the mountains located near Schofield Barracks in order to reach Pearl Harbor) Marines deployed 9 months later... The Army soon followed then fought in 2 Theatres of Operation.

-Vietnam: Army had advisors on ground long before Marines step foot there. Marines had the first actualy combat unit there, but Armys 1st Cav was the first US unit to engage the enemy.

-First into Afghanistan

-Led the way into Iraq... even during the 2nd taking of Fallujah(first was by the 82nd), it was an Army unit that became the Main effort. This 1st Marine Division picked a Marine regiment to lead the way. That Marine regiment picked an Army unit to be their main effort.

Heres a written account of how Fallujah happened by people who were there:

There's a LOT of the Army bailing the USMC out during that...

They're no longer needed.... Maybe keep One or two Divisions and one on reserve so that they can still be on ships... they no longer "defend" the navy ships.... The Navy has MA's for that. And what exactly would they be defending it from? If anyone was to attack they're gonna do so with missiles not SAF.

Just my .02 cents. if you have any comments please keep them factual based and not solely based off esprit de corps or USMC fanboyism...


I'm not trolling. What have I said that wasn't true?

To the other guy... thats just the fanboyism I was talking about... smh..

1. That's plain wrong. These recent conflicts the Army has done 12-18 month deployments. The Marines have done 6-9.

2. Just because they have the smallest doesn't mean it doesn't add up to a lot. It will fix the problem and they are not the best.

3. First off, the USMC spends the MOST out of ANY branch on their PR campaign.... so there goes your commercial comment... right out the window. As far as first to fight. When? Please provide some facts.

Like I said. They were first combat troops in Vietnam but the Army was the first combat troops to actually do any fighting there.

The Armys SF were the first in Afghanistan. First conventional troops were 10th mountain division.

Marines were first in Somalia... when the fighting started it was US Army troops there

Update 2:

R.... you must not realize that 11 times throughout history people who matter have discussed getting rid of the USMC. INCLUDING past Presidents.

The Navy needs their planes incase theres any naval warfare or to attack targets close to sea whereas the AF would have to come from a neighboring country. It's different.

Update 3:

Waylon... if a Navy ship was being attacked from land the Navy has cannons more than capable of elminating it... And I doubt they'd be close enough for pop shots coming from land to matter.... this isnt the 1700's... these aren't wooden boats with people at the top firing at others on different ships... What does 13wks matter? Its just BASIC training. Army infantrymen go through 14-17wks depending on the MOS they get. Still, just BASIC TRAINING. Your real training comes once you get to your unit. And the Armys infantrymen get more funding, therefore better training. And the Marines have supply and cooks just like any other branch. They aren't solely combat troops.

Update 4:

Marlin, they aren't worthless, they just aren't needed. As long as they exist they have a worth. But that worth can be fulfilled by others.

Update 5:

Joe- It is also cheaper to train marines than soldiers- True

they receive a lot more training,they do more with less- How so? How are they getting more done during their 6 month deployments compared to the Armys 12, sometimes 18 month deployments? Have you ever deployed? If so you'd know that theres a month of riping with the outgoing and incoming unit. And Marines take 2weeks of leave just like the Army.... so about 4 months of actual work... stop being a fanboy.

. So why not decrease the Army's size and increase the Marine Corps size- then the Marine Corps becomes an Army...

If the Marines were the Army's size, they would be spending less then the Army does now.- Also false. They're only efficient because they're small enough for the Navy to take care of all their logistic needs... If the USMC increased in size(they're mainly combat arms with a couple pogs) then you'd have to also increase the Navy to keep up with their needs...

Marines may cost less to train but they are stil

Update 6:

*still taking up a ton of money that could be used elsewhere. They aren't NECESSARY. The other branches ARE.

Update 7:

John Smith. I agree, get rid of most of the civilian contractors aswell. You are wrong on one thing. The Marine Corps does NOT have any Special Forces. The ONLY Spec Ops in the Marine Corps is MARSOC and they are only a couple years old and only created so the Marines would have someone in SOCOM. Americas ONLY Special Forces are in the US Army.

US Army:

75th Ranger Regiment

Special Forces


160th SOAR

PSO(i thin civil affairs changed their name to this)

Psy OPs

US Navy:

Navy Seals

Seal Team 6

They goat some Boat team people that they consider spec ops....



Force Recon isn't spec ops.

Update 8:

Lol that's funny Swanny!

1-Osama was taken out by Seal Team 6, not "regular" Seals. There were NO Marines on that mission. I'd be willing to bet that the US Army's 160th were there seeing as how they're claiming a new hi-tech bird was used for it.

2- During the surge of Iraq the US Army had 13 Brigade Combat Teams, the Marines had TWO, so how exactly do Marines "do the most damage on the battlefields. " if they only have a sliver of the battlefield? PLEASE stop the Marine nuthugging and bring some facts if you're going to disagree.

13 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm an Airmen, but are you crazy?

    That's like saying why is there a Navy Seals when we have the Navy.

    Marines fight the battle and the Army fights the war. They whoop their own butts for 13 weeks to become great Marines. Just because the Marines needed some help in one battle in Fallujah doesn't mean anything.

    These specially trained men and women have saved our butts on so many occasions. The Marines were on the first amphibious vehicle


    The Marines are the Navy's infantry. If a Navy ship was under attack my a land gunner, the Marines are out those boats in a hurry. They have their own air power, bombers, fighters and helicopters. There are no nurses, medics or doctors in the Marines like the Army. These people are built to fight and only fight.

    Now I'm not knocking down the Army, because I respect them A LOT, but you have to give it to the Marines for what they do. I know a Marine who is a monster with a sniper rifle. Can't just get rid of them. They are very important to our wars.

    Source(s): Airmen First Class
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Just like a republican to propose cutting the the one the receives the least funding and would also do the least to help the deficit. To help the deficit one of two things need to happen,first major cuts to defense(all branches, especially army and airforce since they make up the majority of the defense budget), cuts to medicare and medicaid and social security, or we could just raise taxes and make minor cuts. Which one seems more logical and plausible?

    It is also cheaper to train marines than soldiers around 20,000 less than any other service yet they receive a lot more training,they do more with less. So why not decrease the Army's size and increase the Marine Corps size, also stop promoting soldiers to E-8 in their first enlistment? If the Marines were the Army's size, they would be spending less then the Army does now. Quality over quantity

    You can call it whatever you want but MARSOC,Force Recon, Navy SEALS, Pararescue, Green Berets, Rangers,and everyone that i am forgetting, they all have just about the same basic spec ops training with some being a little more specialized in a certain field.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well she got free handouts until everyone realized she was a fame hungry moron. All of those free diapers/free baby food offers were rescinded. Her house was bought using money she got from all those Dr. Phil interviews. Once her "fame" dies out and people stop caring she is screwed. Her children will be removed (the are already investigating her to do so). Of course no foster family will be willing to take all 14 kids (or even 1/2) so they will all be split up and probably won't see each other again. While I have a feeling you are joking I thought I should give a serious answer just in case. Or in case someone else who's serious stumbles on here.

  • BigB
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I understand what your saying, but getting rid of the Marine Corps would cause other services to pick up that manpower shortage. The Marines do actually fill roles other services generally don't, not that they can't. They are the primary embassy guards and its nice to have expeditionary forces on carriers, its just another method of forward deployment.

    Also without the Marine Corps were would all the Marine poolies and wannabes do? they would take to Washington to complain and get their beloved "Core" back, without anything better to do.

    but really I may not be a Marine Corps specific fanboy, I am a fan of all servicemen and women, and do not ignore the sacrifices the Marines or any service make

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  • 6 years ago

    The USMC is the most cost effective of all four branches of the armed forces. It is a statistical fact that they do more with less than anyone else. Your question is ridiculous. You need to do some research.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Sure, why not get rid of all Naval aviators and replace them with Air Force guys, too?

    That way, we can consolidate all training in the same facilities without having to have Air Force training and then Navy training...

    Just put Air Force pilots on Navy ships and teach them how to land on carriers...or vice versa. Get rid of the Air Force and just use Navy planes.

    What you're proposing will never, ever happen.

    The only way the USMC will cease to exist is if the entire planet ceased all warfare. Then, not only would the USMC cease to exist, but all branches of the military.

  • 10 years ago

    Entity 2010 Budget request[9] Percentage of Total Notes

    Army $243.9 billion 31.8%

    Navy $149.9 billion 23.4% excluding Marine Corps

    Marine Corps $29.0 billion 4% Total Budget taken allotted from Department of Navy

    Air Force $170.6 billion 22%

    Defense Intelligence $50 billion 7% Because of classified nature, budget is an estimate and may not be the actual figure

    Defense Wide Joint Activities $118.7 billion 15.5%

    Programs spending more than $1.5 billion

    The Department of Defense's FY 2011 $137.5 billion procurement and $77.2 billion RDT&E budget requests included several programs with more than $1.5 billion.

    Program 2011 Budget request[10] Change, 2010 to 2011

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter $11.4 billion +2.1%

    Ballistic Missile Defense (Aegis, THAAD, PAC-3) $9.9 billion +7.3%

    Virginia class submarine $5.4 billion +28.0%

    Brigade Combat Team Modernization $3.2 billion +21.8%

    DDG 51 Aegis-class Destroyer $3.0 billion +19.6%

    P–8A Poseidon $2.9 billion −1.6%

    V-22 Osprey $2.8 billion −6.5%

    Carrier Replacement Program $2.7 billion +95.8%

    F/A-18E/F Hornet $2.0 billion +17.4%

    Predator and Reaper Unmanned Aerial System $1.9 billion +57.8%

    Littoral combat ship $1.8 billion +12.5%

    CVN Refueling and Complex Overhaul $1.7 billion −6.0%

    Chemical Demilitarization $1.6 billion −7.0%

    RQ-4 Global Hawk $1.5 billion +6.7%

    Space-Based Infrared System $1.5 billion +54.4%

    Notice how those programs, when combined, cost more than the entire Marine Corps. Why not cut some of those expensive weapons programs rather than destroy an entire service?


    You seem a little obsessed with trying to destroy the USMC -_-

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    1. The USMC does more than any branch, with less soldiers.

    2. The USMC has a smaller budget than any other branch, and getting rid of our best will not fix the financial problem. In fact, getting rid of the USMC wouldn't help the deficit at all.

    3. The USMC is the first to respond, and anyone to say the army is first, is wrong. Why don't you get rid of the Army. The army that spends millions on commercial advertising yearly, rather than ridding the branch that has used the same advertisement for 10 years.

    Source(s): The brain that you lack
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Are you trolling?

    You are an ignorant dumba$$. Did you have a bad run in with a Marine or something so this is the way you take out your anger? They use the least money and have hand-me downs from the Army and still do the most damage on the battlefields. Navy SEALs wouldn't have even existed if it wasn't for Marines. Look who took out Osama, SEALs and MARSOC. You deserve to be knocked the **** out

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Ditching the USMC would be just one option. Did you know each branch of the military also has its own Special Forces?

    One last thing, the USA has over 30,000 armed military contractors operating in Iraq, at a cost of up to 5 times that of an ordinary soldier. These contractors are less trained, suffer from poor discipline, and are problematic when it comes to observing chain of command because they are contracted from many levels of authority in the military, causing confusion.

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