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Thomas D asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Why do people act like there is a true spending cut coming from the Federal Government?

There will be no spending cuts. What the politicians call cuts are not really cuts, it is just slowing the rise of spending.

You can think about it like this, if they spend a Trillion dollars this year and planned to spend 2 Trillion next year they would only raise spending by 800 Billion and call it a cut of 200 Billion. Now to any normal human this is an 80% spending raise but they refer to it as a cut.

Truth is spending will go up every year under almost every plan put forth by Democrats or Republicans.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Democrats and Republicans are the same.

    The Central Government, run by bureaucratic servants called Democrats and Republicans, know that there is a 11% approval rate of the government by the US citizens. This is unacceptable to the Dems and Reps. They need away to show there power. So creating a fear atmosphere, will get the citizens attention. This will also let them portray the illusion they are doing something for the citizens that cannot be done without the government. I't is a forced recognition of power in all its tyranny.

    One of the rules of war when facing a stronger enemy is to divide and conquer, rather then to attack your enemies force as a whole. Knowing that citizens and there constitutional freedoms/rights are a thee governments greatest enemy, creating a diversionary tactic such as Republican and Democrat would divide the governments enemies "citizens + constitutional freedoms/rights" Once divided, the enemy is far easier to conquer. In this case, when we are divided, the Central Government can take away freedoms/rights, and implement tyrannous laws a lot easier than if we were united.

    Vote for ANYONE else besides Democrats or Republicans. I't can be anyone ranging from a third party candidate to Mickey Mouse. Just don't vote for Democrats or Republicans. They were bought and paid for a long time ago by bureaucrats. When Dems or Reps are elected, they serve the interests of the transnational corporations that paid for them to get elected, not the citizens. I't is the greatest acting out of a "good cop bad cop" scenario in history. Just remember. The Tea Party is the Republican Party.

    "I'f your a multi-billion dollar transnational corporation and you pay for only, 1 President + 435 Congressmen + 100 Senators + 9 Supreme Court Justices, then you have complete and total power over 350,000,000+ citizens and all there resources." WTF!!!

  • bryan
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    We still have Democrats left and old time Republicans... The US currently have a budget deficet of 1.4 trillion per year. What we just fought tooth and nail over, is about 2.5 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.

    In 10 years, we will "save" 2.5 trillion, but increase the actual national debt by 14 trillion... so in the end we just spent 6 months debating whether we will spend 11.5 trillion dollars we dont have, or 14 trillion dollars we dont have.

    Give it another year. You will see the Tea Party win major amounts of seats in the house, senate, and a Republican will win Presidency. THEN we might possibly see some real reforms, if only because then the TP will have enough seats to over rule both the dems and the old time establishment republicans. In 2012 we will see a true 3rd party born.

  • 10 years ago

    The truth is Obama got what he wanted,this is all put on hold until after the election.We are no where near the end of this thing.The future looks bleak till then.But people do know what is going on and will remember at the next election.Its a shame we as a people have let it get this far and now little we can do about it.But the good thing is American people are fully awake now and engaged.We know what going on.

  • 10 years ago

    This is way too complicated for the average Joe Blow to understand. Why do you think politicians have been getting away with this swindle for years. That 14 Trillion debt did not just suddenly appear.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I believe some would like to blame "spending cuts" on the downturn that will happen shortly.

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