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Deniers of Evolution. How do you refute this evidence?

There are rudimentary pelvic bones found in many species of Whales. They have also found Femur (thigh) bones in many specimens of Blue and Sperm Whales.

Now as we know, Whales obviously do not walk, so an Intelligently designed Animal would have no need for these bones. The Evolutionary point of view is that Whales are Mammals that returned to the Ocean and lost their legs, now millions of years later, modern Whales show only the rudimentary bones left behind. Here is a website with more info:

Thanks. No Bible passages please.

I am an Atheist and fully subscribe to Evolution.


Problem - Some Christian guy got all funny about what I wrote about not answering with Bible passages and reported me. Quite ironic really.

Update 2:

Frizby - Utterly ridiculous point. Read the question again: Whales have small rudimentary Femur bones at the pelvis, they don't control the Whales fins in any way. Is that seriously your argument? And you wonder why Creationists get abused on here for their utterly farcical arguments? I also love how you wrote "Look at it this way" No, I'm going to look at it the Scientific way thank you.

11 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are not an Archaeologist. We have found a full skeleton with the legs. They are closely related to hippos and elephants. No matter what you believe. The scientific proof is documented. So we just took it beyond what you knew.

    Source(s): Scientific Archaeology.
  • 10 years ago

    How come there are fossils all over the earth, several in Texes, with man's and dinosaur's footprints together from the same time?! Most likely the same day or the drying out would have been too wet or too dry. Where rivers use to be, up to 200 feet long? Look at them on the Internet!

    How come your "theory" of whale bones is only a "theory"? How come the "theory" big bang has Never been proved possible? Do you know where the first atom ever came from that split into two, then four, then eight,... into your big bang "theory",... into all the stars, moons, planets,... into our earth with everything from water to rocks, metals to gems, fish to bugs, birds to eggs (which came first), into your whales, lions, foxes,... into us with all we can do from music to computers to LOVE? Where did that first atom come from?

    How came ALL the history in the Old Testament has been found carved in stones confirming ALL of the Bible and much more...?

    Source(s): bible, history, science
  • 10 years ago

    The fact that I do not fully understand something does not prove it does not make sense. We share a majority of our DNA with a flat worm. Life has many common threads. Listen to Walter Veith, who taught evolutionism on a PHd level for years before realizing that the explanation didn't really work.

  • Frizby
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    So according to evolution whales can make the return trip on land in a few million years, right?..

    look at it this way: Whales have fins and so do fish, the fins are their limbs, now when one has limbs one also has bones to control those limbs, whales just have thigh bones and so do seals, it doesn't mean they used to walk..

    Edit: You obviously would look at it the scientific way, that's your belief system, you cant grasp anything else than what science "claims"..

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  • 10 years ago

    One of the non-evolutionary points of view is that a divine creator fashioned all things. In this view, a single creator is evidenced in the similarity within animal classes

  • St N
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I'm with you but before someone else quotes Robert A Heinlein, God made it that way in order to confuse humans.

    Source(s): The quote may not be exact but it is from Job, his shot across the bows of fundamentalism.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    i think religion is all the work of man, but i'm not gonna say god is out of the question, but i don't believe yoda's up there controlling everything, or the god of the bible, that's dumb. and yeah, evolution has a lot of proof. certainly more than religion.

  • 10 years ago

    What happened to the bat question?

    all the questions I answer seem to evaporate. Too bad

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Uhm, a TRUE Christian wouldn't LEARN about that which he KNOWS is false.

    It is their ignorance that prevents them from being 'deceived'.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You subscribe to Evolution magazine?

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