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Looking for cheap funeral in the UK?

Local to oxfordshire please. have been quoted £2,500. Can't afford this.

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Have you tried other funeral directors? Most will understand the money aspect, and will try to help you.

    Cremation does help, although you still have fees to pay. Having a lightweight eco card coffin will also bring the cost down.

    If you have the service at the crematorium, this will also bring fees down as you won't have church fees.

    Also, you do realise, that generally speaking, the money comes out of the person's estate!? A funeral director will usually ask for a deposit, but the rest of the money is paid afterwards.

    Unless your relative had no assets or cash in the bank? If this is the case, were they on benefits? Sometimes the benefit office can help, or if a close relative has been on benefits, they can apply for help. (I did when my mum died)

    There is only so cheap you can go, and generally a funeral still costs around £1,000 but that misses out a vast amount of things like cars etc

    You really should get some quotes from other directors and ask about eco coffins. The local council should also have information on financial help and funeral costs.

    If you cannot afford the funeral, and the deceased's estate cannot pay for it, the state will pay for a basic funeral, but you need to call them to speak about this.

    Sorry for your loss.

    Taken from leaflet below:

    Funeral Payments from the Social Fund

    If you or your partner are on a low income

    and have to arrange a funeral, you may get

    some help with the costs.

    This is a one-off, tax-free payment to help

    cover the necessary costs of a funeral.

    The Social Fund can help to pay for a

    simple, respectful, low-cost funeral. This


    • the necessary costs of burial or

    cremation fees

    • a new burial plot (if a burial is chosen)

    • certain other expenses, and

    • up to £700 for any other funeral

    expenses like funeral director’s fees, a

    coffin or flowers.

    You must claim within 3 months of the date

    of the funeral.

    You or your partner must get one of the

    following benefits.

    • Income Support

    • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance

    • Income-related Employment and

    Support Allowance

    • Pension Credit

    • Working Tax Credit which includes a

    disability or severe disability element 36

    • Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the

    family element

    • Housing Benefit

    • Council Tax Benefit

    It must also be reasonable for you or your

    partner to pay for the funeral.

    We may need to consider the

    circumstances of other relatives of the

    person who has died.

    Normally the person needs to have been

    living in the UK when they died and the

    funeral usually needs to be held in the UK.

    If you get a Funeral Payment, you will have

    to pay this back from any estate of the

    person who died. Their estate includes

    money, property and other things that they

    owned. (Any home that is still lived in by a

    surviving partner or personal things left to

    relatives do not form part of the estate.)

    To find out more about getting a Funeral

    Payment, contact Jobcentre Plus by

    visiting or you

    can find our address and numbers in your

    local phone book

    Source(s): Leaflet explaining what happens and there is a page 22 that deals with funerals. It says you don't have to use a funeral directors if you don't wish to, so this will reduce costs as well. Also look at pages 31 and 35 which tells you about how to pay for funerals.
  • TSK
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Any funeral IS expensive. I recently had to arrange my father's. Money was not the biggest issue but because he had died away from where he had lived many years it was very low key. Only the hurse was needed, priest's fee and cremation costs. The Coop did me a deal which they called a municipal funeral. Went so well. Cost me £1,600. Now have the ashes and will cost more to have them in one of the memorial forests near here.

    Otherwise the "basic funeral" was about £2,500. They would have had to charge us that if we had not mentioned the M word. Coop are excellent if have near you!!!

    Keith has obviously NEVER had to do one!!!!!

  • 4 years ago

    My view on it particularly is which you pay a month-to-month sum for years and years. You pay far extra interior the long-term than any funeral expenses. I buried my Mum for merely over 1000 kilos 2 years in the past as she wanted a straight forward funeral. i could stuff a pair of thousand in a financial business enterprise account, or under the mattress merely for use on your loss of life. uk EDIT: It became not referred to as any sort of funeral. I merely went into an Undertakers in Plymouth, chosen a casket, they booked the crematorium, I chosen the hymns and that became that. I paid for the flowers myself and we used our own vehicles. you do not decide on a kit.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    u can take cremated the body is cheaper then funeral

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