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Whereabouts of - Messrs Harinder, Sandeep Kumar, Pradeep and Mr/Mrs. Spoiled Brat?

The above four people misuse and abuse Yahoo Answers Policy by quoting filthy words of Hindi Language in English Spelling. It seems a planned movement against Yahoo Answers. Those who give the information of whereabouts of them would be rewarded. An investigation officer is deputed in CyberCell for such bad culture. Your reply may be through your Answers. Please extend sincere co-operation for taking action against such criminals.

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear Prof. M. Varma

    I noted you changed your name and details from yahoo and awaits for 30 days to fully withdraw your yahoo email and other obligations. Well !. As you are aware, Yahoo does a service to the world humanity, the world itself seems to be contained some rogues. It is pity that you resigned from Yahoo Groups against an insult of few anti-socials. However, as you are aware, Yahoo does not have direct involvement in selection of the answers. When a team of four or five people repeated copied the same answer as a part of their making fun, it could be excused. However, I HAVE POSTED YOUR complaint to the Cyber Cell and wait for the report to search and find out the said Harinder, Sandeep Kumar, Pradeep and the other. Meanwhile I have also spread a net all over the world to their PC and whereabouts. My report shall be sent to you soon. Please bear with me.

    I hope, Yahoo would take immediate measures to check every moment to make watch on such answers and verification because they have the facilities. Regards - Ajith

    Source(s): I would arrange to compensate to you for the carelessness of You may please open your contact details directly for Yahoo to answer to you.
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i do no longer think of Hollie is a spoilt brat and that i do no longer think of her mum exchange into pushy. even nonetheless, I nevertheless think of, if i exchange into her mom i could of taken her residing house. If she exchange into "conserving" then why is she letting her bypass by using this ordeal? i do no longer think of Hollie might desire to of have been given 2 possibilities. Why might desire to she be allowed 2 possibilities while, my own customary, Aiden did no longer get yet another probability? yet besides, returned to the factor. i do no longer think of Hollie is spoilt in a nasty way. She is spoilt in a sence that her Mum loves her very lots, only like me it truly is powerful. yet i won't be able of verify her in a unfavorable "spoilt" way. Her mom isn't pushy. If Hollie could have mentioned, like i could, i prefer to bypass residing house then her mom could have enable her. those are my factors. i assume we'd might desire to comply with disagree.

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