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I am considering buying a guitar.?

I have a bit more time now, need something to relax with. I know a bit about music, since I used to play trumpet, but I've forgotten a lot of it. I know nothing of guitars. What should I buy as a starter? What about lessons? Any comments?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    for guitars and instruments in general ive always purchased the beginner packs they sell. that come with an amp, guitar, and everything you need etc. ive owned a yamaha electric guitar a yamaha bassa and a washburn bass.

    i suck, and ive never owned acoustic, but i would still go for a brand but the low end model. thats just my can get a nice epiphone or yamaha for pretty cheap. has something called the epiphone dr-90t acoustic guitar pack for $150

    there's an epiphone on there for $99 as well.

    as for lessons, an instructor is always nice and will get you learning at least till the point where you are competent and can start improving and learning and moving on to harder stuff.

    i would also like to suggest jamorama, its like an online course that includes almost 250+ pages of material, pics of chords, about 150 vids and tracks you can jam to. it has lessons for 8 styles of guitar, as well as giving you access to a forum where loads of other people who bought jamorama as well as instructors have discussions and talk and stuff

    chekc it out in my source

  • Trix
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Funny you should ask, Was just sitting here and my friend was reminding me about the guitar I had gotten for christmas, a few years back, he got one also from his mom and pops, The guitar is put out by Esteban spell check, it comes with a small amp and a grip of lessons on cds, I had started getting into it and had to put it up for a bit, but really looking forward to getting back in that mind set.You can look up Esteban online and I'm sure get many results, I was told, that the whole set up was a rediculously affordable deal, You can also see the different choices online, very extensive I'm told. My friends is a realy cool blue and white and Mine is well, you know, the best in town ; ) any questionsz, feel free to ask... I'm sure I can put the two together and send you a pic, if you felt like seeing them :) Good Luck, Fly man... Nothing like having the time and desire to Play the ole Git fiddle...

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    ive played guitar for about a year now, you dont exactly need lessons but they help a lot, no matter what youve heard no musician anywhere is self taught - they may look things up on the interet or even listen to songs and play until it sounds right, i got lessons for about 3 months before i left school, i now teach myself songs through tab because quite frankly, i cant read music for ****

    depending on what type of guitar you wanna get depends on what youll need, acoustic is supposed to be easier to learn but i never bothered because i play heavy metal and well you aint gonna find many acoustic metal songs, youll need an electric tuner either way (its not essential but trust me its so damn useful) a chromatic one would be better but you can also get analog (ive only used a chromatic one and so far it works well) you may consider buying plectrums (thicker gauge for picking and thinner for strumming or just go with whatever youre comfortable with) but theyre not exactly essential, you can play with your fingers but theyre dirt cheap, if youre buying electric you may want to consider getting a cheap amp and cable (for distortion if needed)

    if youre gonna be carrying your guitar around get a hard case for an acoustic, its not so urgent with an electric but if you knock it youll know when you come to playing

    a strap isnt really necessary, i mean i didnt have one until about 2 months ago it just means you can stand and play

    if youre buying second hand dont buy an acoustic from the internet, maybe from an actual shop online but i really wouldnt recommend something like ebay because even the smallest cracks can screw it up, obviously any good music shop will let you test it out first and have a little play and this is a great way to get to know which guitar you want

    obviously buying second hand there will be some cosmetic wear and tear but check for cracks, namely where the neck connects to the headstock and the main body in electric but seriously, ll over on acoustic because it can effect it greatly

    seriously hope this helps, im not exactly a pro but this is what ive got :)

    as for makes im not too sure which ones are better than others so im sorry about that

  • 10 years ago

    like he said a knock off brand is usually good to start. my personal favorite is squire by fender. You could probably get a squire strat for around 100 even less used and this is a solid reliable guitar. As fa r as lessons go i find its better to learn on your own by just playing tabs for a while. then if you want you can try lessons go for it but this way you can get a feel for the instrument so you're not going in with nothing plus if you decide you cant stand it then you dont waste extra money on lessons.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hi there,

    Hi, I've followed many online guitar courses. Without a shadow of doubt the best online training course (for all levels: beginners/intermediates/advanced) is this one It's by far the most complete online course available on earth.

    For more information click here:


  • 10 years ago

    A good starter guitar would be either a first act or a knock off name brand usually you can usually get them for under 150

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