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how to revert to yahoo mail classic?

how to revert to yahoo mail classic, i was told to look under optiont to do this but the entry to revert back to classic is not there

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello there,

    There are SEVERAL options available to you. There’s only TWO versions of Yahoo! Email left, Classic and the new Regular. Yahoo! has eliminated all other versions.

    #1) THREE links that worked today, September 11, 2011, (I have 3 more if these stop working) that’ll RETURN and launch your email back to the ORIGINAL Classic Mail, but you may need to continue clicking on the links each time you log in. Bookmark them, save to your favourites or email them to yourself.

    If you click on the links and it doesn’t automatically open to Classic mail, copy & paste the address from your browser into a new window, and press enter.

    If for some reason, these links do not work, please send me an email via the Yahoo! Answers secure email system, and I will send you a different link. (We don’t see each other’s email addresses.)

    A while back as I was checking to see if they were still functioning at a friend’s, one of those links above launched into a full page of advertising for the new mail, in the small print ¾ of the page down and to the right there was an option to click that said ‘Return to Classic’. Immediately took a screen shot and saved it as a picture, and I have had other friends do the same.

    This is what it LOOKS like: (Link takes you to a website I MADE to share with you so that you could see what the screen looks like). USA & Canadian friends logged in and expected ‘Click here to continue to Classic mail was NOT there. They clicked on everything except for going to the new, and found that clicking on HELP led them to pages that allowed to go to Classic again.

    The report from Yahoo! is that you will need to choose EVERY TIME you open your email to stay with Classic mail, and click on the proper link until September 19, 2011, but the date keeps changing over the last few weeks.

    #2 Numerous solutions for various browsers and different versions of Windows people use, this is the best solution. Link to: is

    The link is to an answer given by another person, Katie M, who posted a very good answer that addresses multiple browsers and Windows here on Yahoo! Answers to help you switch back.

    From what other Yahoo! users have said & from what I’ve read on some other Answers posts, disabling the scripting and lowering the resolution does NOT permanently work on a number of computer, primarily those running WINDOWS 7. You will need to either disable scripting or lower resolution EACH time you log in. For others it DOES continue to work, running Windows XP, VISTA, etc.

    #3 Let Yahoo! know that you would like the original Yahoo! Classic instead of the new. Email them daily. Link is below.

    #4 Should you choose to keep working with the new mail there are a number of things you can try to make it work better. Update your Adobe Flash Player, and Java script. Check for updates for your version of Windows. Check for updates for your browser (s) Internet Explorer (IE), Safari, Google Chrome, Modzilla Firefox etc. Clear out your cache, cookies, temporary files and browsing history. The easiest method to clean out those files is press simultaneously Ctrl, Shift and Delete keys while your browser window is still OPEN. This also deletes your passwords and banking information. View this page for information:'s-Cache

    #5 Consider trying an alternate browser.

    #6 I used to suggest purchasing a Yahoo! Plus account, because there USED TO BE an option to go back to Classic, but that option is NOT there anymore. I found that out as I was trying to answer a question for another Yahoo! user. After numerous attempts of trying to reach chat, I was finally able to get through. (More info on my profile page.)

    Asked during/while they switched it back for my reasons, and that I should provide a list right then & there. Have your list ready to copy and paste into the chat window. You’ll also need to give them answers to your security questions, DOB, alternate email address, cell phone, etc. to confirm you are who you are. I changed the answers to all my security questions since.

    Direct link to chat page, you will have to wait for it to load before the chat window shows up:

    All the best to you, and I hope that this helped you.


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    To Switch Back...

    click on this link for the switch You can put

    it into your favourites and click on it everytime

    you want to go to the classic mail page.


    Droping the screen resolution will do it

    Click on Start-control panel-appearance & theme-


    then slide the level indicator to its lowest and

    click on Yes.

    And then turn it back on,when your back to


    Then if you have Yahoo Mail Plus you have the option

    of switching back.At a cost $19-99 a year

    Have a great day,good luck.

    J R :)

  • 10 years ago

    That's cause Yahoo removed that option---they want to force you to use their new (messed up) system.


    You CAN switch back to Classic (which is STILL available).

    BUT NOT the "All New Mail" which was the one between Classic and the new Beta version. It no longer exists.

    Classic will remain an option for those of us currently using it AND who don't want to (or can't) use the Beta version---even tho Yahoo has removed the option to go back to it. (they want to force you to use it)

    Try this bit of trickery to (quickly and permanently) get back to Classic.

    Just lower the page "resolution" to the point where it won't support the Beta version. Go to>>your desktop and right click on it>>click on "properties">>click the "settings" tab>>and lower the resolutions>>click OK (and/or "apply").

    You "may" then be required to restart your computer.

    THEN-----Once you've gone back to your mail page ---you will be told that your resolution is too low and asked if you want to switch to Classic as the "default" or "permanently"---(DO NOT click the "one time only").

    AFTER changing your mail page back to Classic---- GO BACK and return the page resolution to normal, (so things will continue to work).


    In Classic you will STILL get the Prompts to upgrade (for a while)---but just click "No Thanks" OR "I want to stay on Classic" (teeny writing bottom of page). Eventually the prompts will stop (per Yahoo).

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i want to go back to the yahoomail classic. i am used to it and it is easier for me

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