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Today on this 10 year anniversary of 9/11, can we please move past the hatred and anger against Muslims?

Today we remember and honor the victims of 9/11. This country went through so much in its healing process. Yet still, people have such negative views against Muslims in general and it's saddening and frightening. I myself am Hindu not Muslim but I have black hair and brown skin, and I have felt the way people have looked at me sometimes and it hurts. I see the way some people treat Muslims, talk about them, speculate about them, and speak with hatred against them. My Muslim cousins were harassed and verbally abused because of their religion. My parents' friends no longer could wear their turbans or head scarves because they could be attacked. The very well-known Bollywood film star Shah Rukh Khan (he was in an amazing movie partly about this very subject called My Name Is Khan, highly recommended to those who haven't seen it) was stopped and heavily questioned and under suspicion in a U.S. airport and had what happens in the movie actually happen to him in real life - because his last name is Khan.

It's infuriating, despicable and disheartening. In my opinion, this belief that all Muslims are evil and a problem is, while on a lesser extent, still generally no different from what Osama bin Laden and other horrible people have tried to do to this world: destroy and bring apart nations. Racism is something that very much does that, too. It’s like in Freedom Writers (another movie I recommend), how the girl says she hates all white people because of what some white people did to her family. And maybe it seems weird to be this emotional about it now, ten years later, but today it's still so strong. I saw an article the other day and the Muslim author said just last month, how a man screamed at her and her husband to "go back to her f******* country you f******* terrorists."

People were rightfully full of anger after 9/11. But to categorize every Muslim as being an extremist hateful terrorist is just so ignorant and wrong. America stuck together and fought through the devastation, though in some ways they didn't completely unite as one and still won't. There are Muslims and Indian-Americans like me and so many others who are just as much of an American and have every single right that other people do.

Sorry this was so long, this is something that I really care about. A worldwide mission is that hopefully one day, love will always conquer hate. I hate Osama bin Laden, I hate extremists, but for one to hate all Muslims for what other people did is only tearing our world apart even more. Can we end the hatred?


"Why should I forgive the people who murdered 3000 innocent people and are still killing today because we don't believe like them"

"You can't just tell the over three thousand children who lost their parent that day that they should move on and get over it."

But that's just it, I'm NOT saying to move on and get over it. That's not something you ever will or should get over, and extremists should never been forgiven. What I'm saying is to stop the hatred against Muslims in general, who are innocent, regular people like you and me. Of course its fine to dislike what the religion of Islam preaches, but why are things such as "F*** the Muslims, they are all evil and should rot in hell" said? Should an elementary school-age boy in America be harassed or attacked because he's Muslim - it's almost entirely certain he's not a terrorist, yet because of his religion he automatically doesn't deserve compassion or respect or decency? How can anyone feel that's the right way to think? Everyone's

Update 2:

guard is up after 9/11 and probably always will be, but there's already so much negativity and hatred in the world, and this is adding to it. Much of it is ignorance that's to blame, since many people have limited knowledge of Muslims when they speak ill of them and make such vast generalizations. Now I agree with the point that more Muslims should speak out against terrorism. You see some who want to speak out against extremists and fight to restore the name of their people, but there definitely could and should be more. Both sides need to work together in order for change to be had.

Linda - my premise is NOT false. I wish it was but it isn't. Your ignorance is off the charts if you think hate crimes against Muslims didn't increase at all after 9/11. I see it, I read about it, I hear about, I watch it. It's there. And hopefully one day, I pray with all my heart, that it will go away.

38 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your words are heartfelt by me.

    The answer is so much more simple than most Politicians would lead you to believe.

    My husband and I discussed this very issue last night. We both concluded that if only...

    Muslims in this Country stood up in great numbers and stated that they dis-avow what the Terrorists stand for. Muslims need to be openly and strongly present in the public and state that their Religion does not support the acts of the Terrorists.

    In great numbers, I say. Muslims have not done this. All the sad fear and mistrust will continue until this is done. Why has it not been done...That makes us Worry! Why do Muslims not speak out against the crimes of the Terrorists?

    Perhaps it has been Ignorant for Muslims not to do so?

    Source(s): Your insults are irrelevant. I am far from ignorant. I forgive you for your blindness and disregard to even think of responding to the real solution I offered you. Muslims must stand up! They must say this was wrong! This will never eliminate all unfair treatment, however there would be a huge improvement! .My solution would re-gain Muslims a respect that they have not made any effort to redeem. I am sorry that you lack understanding a very basis and honest solution to making relations better. Perhaps you prefer to obsess with victimization than truly improve the lives of Muslims. Most people do not understand their Silence!
  • 10 years ago

    I can't believe most of the votes and opinions on here. There is so much prejudice in society today - its even on the increase. It is completely irrational and mean. It has no standing in reason or logic. It is a form of cruelty that often based on phobia, lack of sympathy, and mistaken unfair assumptions. People use hurtful language towards minorities they don't understand; the police harass them, even if they are innocent, and they have done inexcusable things to Muslims; the politicians talk and press about 'Muslims' and 'immigrants' in totally negative terms that attack the person merely for their identity. It is so important that politicians talk about 'radical terrorists', and stop using the word 'Muslims' instead. The fact that they just use the word 'Muslims' when they are talking about terrorism says everything about where their prejudices really are. And i can't believe that the press stir up such hatred towards minorities and as a result we haven't achieved an integrated society, but one that is increasingly unequal and oppressive.

    As for the arguments on here that the Muslims haven't show enough outrage about 9/11. Its simply a fact that their outrage (and in fact the general peacefulness and compassion of the Muslim community in the UK) just does not get any coverage by the press. Please, dig deeper and actually make friends with Muslims, listen to their radio stations, learn about their culture; if you are actually open minded and want to know what the right opinion is, and be able to recognise when the difference between 'evil' and 'legitimate cultural difference' then you won't just come to conclusions without having had any experience of what it is like for a Muslim to be a Muslim, or for an immigrant to be an immigrant, or for an elderly person to be elderly. That's why the best you can do, if you are open minded, is listen, and challenge yourself to think clearly about the issues, and separate the ideas of 'blame' and 'terrorist' from the word 'Muslim'.

  • 10 years ago

    I am sorry that people look at you with fear and distrust. People do stereotype and pre judge. It is shortcut in thinking that allows people to go through life without having to evaluate every little thing.

    One example is that I don't like mustard. Every time I have ever tried it I did not enjoy it. I have an assumption that I would not like the mustard that you have on my sandwich. Another example I think is OK is if I see a person coming towards with a weapon I don't think it is a friendly jest or feel that I need to be shot or stabbed before I judge the situation.

    The problem with this type of thinking comes in when people are wrong in their assumptions. It is going to happen. It is not just in the US. You cannot stop people from thinking something stupid. Don't be disheartened that someone is wrong. We cannot end the hatred any more than we can end love. We swing the balance in a small way with our own lives and our own actions.

    As a woman please look at the way women are treated in some muslim countries. Look at the lack of outrage from the muslim community. What you describe is not right, but it is not the worst thing going on just because you were directly effected by it.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You know, they had know love for the people of 9/11. It would probably be better if you move back to a Muslim country, instead of your people trying to dominate Europe and America with your twisted religion, you people have proved who you really are, and are still hiding terrorists. On 9/11 your people in Britain burned the American flag in protest of some stupid ****, and here you are asking for compassion?????

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  • JAS
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    have you seen the documentry named " Zeitgeist "

    its tell that the attack done on 9/11 was done by america itself . do watch and you will know the truth

    you know BUSH had relations with OSAMA's brother .

    and this was all done to start a attach on oil bearing countries and to get oil wells

    it was well planned demolition bu the use of thermite . you may seen molten steel in pics even after six days of attack

    and you those building were so desined that they could withstand such an attach

    we all know that two planes stuck in world trade center 1 and 2 . but what about the world trade center 7 . why that building came down

    you need to see the things the different way ..go deep into histroy . and you will know everything was done for money

  • 10 years ago

    Muslims and terrorists are different. Terrorists, whether they are Chechen, Irish, or Arabs, are all evil. They kill innocents, which is unforgivable.

    I don't hate Muslims. I have Muslim friends. But, one of those friends is as big a patriot as I am, and hate terrorists just as much as I do.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't really even know what a muslim is. But if I did see somebody from the middle east or derkastan I do feel a little uneasy. Also I personally am quicker to judge them and hate them easier, but then again I do that with every immigrant who tries to bring their country to the united states.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    If a moderate muslim exist i have not seen them.

    You need to see the real threat. Islam's goal is to turn the world to Islam. By the word or sword it does not matter,only the goal and achieving it.

    19 murderous muslims attacked us on 9-11 but this was not the first attack.

    USS Cole

    Kobar Towers

    USMC Barracks Lebanon

    US Embassies in Africa -2

    truck bombing of the World trade Center

    Under wear Bomber

    Shoe bomber

    Times Square bomber

    US Embassy in Iran

    All of these direct attacks on the USA or it sovereign lands by MUSLIMS in the names of Allah.

    I will give the muslims as much compassion as they gave to the people killed during the attacks. I dance in the streets every time they blow each other up. Rejoice as they kill each other in the name of their faith. Just as they did on 9-11 in Jordan, Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights, Egypt, Syria, and every where else.

    Islam is my enemy because they say they are, and by action has proven it to be true.

    Source(s): Whiskey
  • Tim
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    You know, I keep hearing about all the fear that muslims will be killed en masse because of islamophobia brought on by a few psychotics claiming to follow the religion of peace. However, it turns out this is largely unfounded. For the most part, there is not hatred of muslims leading to lynchings, mass persecution, and so forth.

    According to the FBI, in 2009 there were a total of 1,575 victims of religious based hate crimes. They are broken down as follows:

    ■71.9 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.

    ■8.4 percent were victims because of an anti-Islamic bias.

    ■3.7 percent were victims because of an anti-Catholic bias.

    ■2.7 percent were victims because of an anti-Protestant bias.

    ■0.7 percent were victims because of an anti-Atheist/Agnostic bias.

    ■8.3 percent were victims because of a bias against other religions (anti-other religion).

    ■4.3 percent were victims because of a bias against groups of individuals of varying religions (anti-multiple religions, group).

    Therefore, I think your concern is misplaced.

    I will say this, however; if muslims want people to believe that they are in fact a religion of peace, then they need to purge the nutjobs from their religion. Christians do on a regular basis, as do many other groups who act contrary to their expoused beliefs. The non-radical muslims need to step up and rat out those who seek to cause mayhem. They are hindered in that by traditions that forbide them from handing over muslims to non-muslims. Until they do, until they start aggressively condemning terrorism, people will always have a little bit of fear about them. In other words, the 10% will keep giving the 90% a bad name.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Christians have no quarrel with those of differing faiths. The West will not tolerate attacks against it by terrorist groups whatever their religious background. God and Allah do not feature in the scenario.

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