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Arranged Marriages omg but im just 16!?

Hi, my name is Lena,I'm 16 years old and a few nights ago my parents woke me up, telling me to hurry up and pack everything I could in my suitcase because we had to leave right away. I was so scared because I didn't know what was going on, I looked around the house, everything seemed to be in good shape. No fire, no break ins, no kidnaps, no murders, so I didn't understand why we were suddenly leaving our home in the middle of the night! I asked all the questions i could but neither one of them answered back! An hour pasted and we were now at the airport. "What the heck was going on?" was the question that wouldn't leave my head. One thing about airports is that the peoples that check you sure can make you feel violated--Especially when they smile while touching you-_- ( Fast forwarding to my arrival). " Wake up Lena, we're here" nudged my mom. I looked out the window and from above everything looked so beautiful! Gosh where the heck am I I thought! " Okay now that we're here I can tell you that your in HAWAII!" mom singed. Wait, say what now!? How the heck could they afford to come here!? and most importantly why did this have to be a surprise? They could have least told me a month in advance now I'm stuck in my dumb pajama pants and this dumb tee shirt looking like a bum! :( After we left the airport it took 30 something minutes to get to the Hapuna beach. This is the worst. I'm hungry, I'm tired and I still don't know why the heck we're here, I guess i should be happy but, whats with all the hush hush? When we pulled up at the beach we had to walk the rest of the way. I saw this old wrinkled up old lady laid out on the beach in a bikini that was so x rated and uncalled for, ugh, " Hey nana!" yell my dad. Oh NO don't tell me we came all this freakin way to see an old woman in a swimsuit!? She raised up and slid off her sunglasses and immediately ran over to us. " Hey I'm glad you all could make it!" then she looked over at me " OH MY GOSH! this must be my grandbaby you probably don't remember me but anyway your such a beautiful young lady, so much potential! but these clothes will not do and this hair, what, did you just roll out a bed or something?!" "uh, actually yes -_-.." " oh :p" said nana. (from this point I can remember us taking a trip to some clothing store and some place to get my hair done only my nana know where this place is, but i don't remember i know it was far very far. By the time my nana was done with me i looked so fancy. I asked her what was this about but she told me there awaits a surprise back at home. we finally made it back to nana's place, her home looked amazing mom and dad was sitting on the porch until they spotted me and nana " hurry and come in" i walked in first then they followed. " what's going on here? who are these guys? i asked looking at all four of them, these are the four men we selected for you to marry, its up to you who you choose we figured since your gonna be 17 next month its about time we introduce you guys. O_O

So much has happen, i have to sit in the closet to get some privacy.... i just had to come on here and ask is this right is this legal?! Don't get me wrong they are fine as ever :3 hehe, but anyway still, i feel like this is some type of game. Oh and guess what I had to pick who i wanted to room with. I think my parents have lost their mind completely, what are they trying to get me knocked up lol? Its raining and I cannot sleep at all, so if anyone have any information, ideas, anything please do tell!

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was almost forced into an arranged marriage. It's not the route you want to go. This is hard for you because you are only 16. This is not right. You have every right to make your own decision. It is illegal since you are a minor to be forced into a marriage. You have to call the law and seek your options if you have phone access. If possible, run to the nearest phone and call the law and tell them everything you just wrote.

    Unless you are all for this (which is sounds like you're not) I wouldn't go through with it. And I wouldn't try to argue with your folks because they'll know you are not agreeable with the situation and make you choose faster.

    Please...for the sake of the rest of your life, call the law. I know you may love your parents but their decision and ideas are wrong. They are basically sending you to prison by forcing you into marriage.

    If you accept these terms, you'll look at your life 10 years from now with a couple of kids and wonder where your life went.

    Take action now. Unless, you are settled with this decision.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well back in biblical days this was a natural thing(i still is in some countries). I think it is sort of a good idea, you are a virgin and you will be married as one that is a holy thing. If you would like to be in heaven with Jesus when you pass do this: put your faith in Jesus and ask him to forgive you for sinning(breaking the 10 commandments) now pray this prayer: Jesus I believe you are God and that you died for my sins and was resurected on the third day. God I am a sinner. Please come into my heart and be my lord and savior.

    If your prayed this prayer and believed you are saved. Repent(ask for forgiveness) every day, and pray to your father. Read your bibe.

  • Candy
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Be lucky. You have a guarantee of someone, you don't have to worry about finding one.

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